Yogic Perspective on Cancer
Pradeep B. Deshpande1,* and James P. Kowall2 List of Collaborators
Dharamveer Jain3, Vibha Jain4, Mahendra Patel5, Uday M. Kayarker6, Mahesh Agarwal7, Abraham Joseph8, Geetha Joseph9 Rukmaiah Bhupalan10, Leela Bhupalan11 Babu Sharma12, Anand Gupta13, Atefeh Gupta14, Chitra Ram15
1Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering, University of Louisville, & Six Sigma and Advanced Controls, Louisville, KY 40241 USA; *Author for correspondence.
2MD Neurology, Internal Medicine, PhD Theoretical Physics, Independent Researcher, Suburban Eugene, Oregon, USA.
3MD Oncology, Breast Health), University Medical Associates. Louisville, Kentucky. 4MD Pathology, First Urology, Louisville, Kentucky.
5MD Nephrology, Elizabethtown, Kentucky.
6MD Anesthesiology, Please provide work affiliation.
7MD Anesthesiology, Retired, Louisville, Kentucky 8MD Cardiology, Louisville, Kentucky.
9MD Oncology, Louisville, Kentucky.
10MD Neurology, Louisville, Kentucky.
11MD Oncology, Louisville, Kentucky.
12MD FRCS England, Louisville, Kentucky. 13MD Gastroenterology, Louisville, Kentucky. 14MD Radiology, Louisville, Kentucky.
15MD Radiology, Louisville, Kentucky.
A yogic perspective on cancer is presented. The yogic perspective explains that we are all vibrational creatures and that the vibrational characteristics are the primary human attribute that determines our physiological and psychoemotional state. A scientific device based on the Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) principle described allows us to estimate our vibrational characteristics, dubbed as our photonic signature. The process of meditation is suggested to be effective at improving our vibrational characteristics. The before-and-after GDV measurements of the first coauthor pursuant to a meditation session is presented that offers corroborative evidence of the benefits of meditation in improving our vibrational characteristics. The explanation of the yogic perspective, measurement of our vibrational characteristics, and the process of meditation to restore them are suggested to have a potential in the prevention and cure of cancer. It is hoped that the paper will serve as an impetus for further research in this area.
American Medical Association says that the root cause of eighty percent of all diseases is stress but the yogi says, the root cause of all diseases is stress. Negative emotions (anger, hatred, hostility, resentment, frustration, fear, guilt, sorrow, etc.) lead to stress but positive emotions (unconditional love, kindness, empathy, compassion) do not. Dramatic illustrations of the impact of positive and negative emotions may be found in the video clips in References [1, 2].
To further explain, human beings have trillions of cells which have a nucleus, a cytoplasm, and a cell wall. In the nucleus, there are forty-six chromosomes. We inherit these chromosomes from our parents: 23x,x from our mother and 23x,y from our father. They in turn inherit their chromosomes from their parents, who inherit them from their parents, and so on. Thus, there is a clear link of ourselves to our ancestors. We already know that some of our physiological traits are inherited from ancestors but we may also inherit some of the psychoemotional traits. Where do the negative emotions come from? The yogi says, what happens in this life is dependent on our past lives (interpret this to mean what we inherit from our ancestors through the chromosomes; need not subscribe to reincarnation) and by our own willful actions from the time we were in our mother’s womb to adolescence when we had little or no control, to our current age. In Sanskrit, the inherited and self-generated negative emotions go by the name Sanchet Karmas. Sanchet karmas are purported to be lodged in the first four of five energy sheaths: (1) The physical body, (2) Life-force sheath, (3) Mind sheath, (4) Causal Sheath, and (5) Blissful Sheath. Disturbances in any of these four energy sheaths lead not only to diseases but also to a host of other problems in life. There are only two ways to rid ourselves of Sanchet Karmas, either to suffer from them, a process which goes by the name Prarabddha Karma in Sanskrit, or to eliminate them and replace them with positive emotions. The latter is a hypothesis that can be tested. Finish medical researchers have shown how deeply the emotions are embedded in our consciousness. For their study, they recruited 700 volunteers, roughly half of them from Eastern cultures and the rest from the West and were given a blank silhouette (labeled Neutral in Figure 1) to color specific emotions. The researchers discovered to their amazement that definite patterns of colors emerged for different emotions as depicted in Figure 1. Their study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences-US [3].
The Sanchet karmas are related to our vibrational characteristics which in turn has a bearing on health. To explain, if we breakdown our cells further into even smaller parts, we will find that they are made up of atoms. Scientists suggest that only 0.0001% of the body volume is required to house for all the atoms in the human body. So, what is in this empty space? And, what is the purpose of the empty space? One plausible answer appears to be vibrations, and the characteristics of these vibrations is what determine our health and wellness. To elaborate, atoms are not solid objects. They have protons and neutrons in their nuclei and electrons orbiting them. So, a question arises: what characteristic of an atom gives the specific character to matter? For example, why is Gold, Gold? Or, why is Iron, Iron? The answer is, vibrational characteristics of the specific atomic configuration (number of protons and neutrons in their nuclei and electrons orbiting them). Similarly, since the cells are made up of atoms, the vibrational characteristics of the specific cellular configuration is what determines the cellular structure, which in turn determines if a cell is normal or not. The specific vibrational characteristics of the cells determine our physiological and psychoemotional state. Now, vibrations can be thought of as light, not necessarily visible light, with unknown frequencies along the entire electromagnetic spectrum and hence the name, light-energy. Thus, the vibrational characteristics, or light-energy, can be thought of as photonic signature and it is unique for every human being. This is the rationale for the observation, we all are vibrational creatures and the foregoing discussion explains the link of our vibrational characteristics to Sanchet Karmas.
Modern Physics Perspective [4]. The basis for atomic and molecular vibrational modes is the standard model of particle physics, which is based on quantum field theory, specifically, non-abelian gauge theories, which with the Kaluza-Klein unification mechanism of extra compacted dimensions of space are unified with Einstein’s field equations for the space-time metric, and so these atomic and molecular vibrational modes correspond to the vibrational aspects of the geometry of space-time. The holographic principle teaches that these geometrical space-time vibrational modes reduce down to fundamental bits of information encoded on a bounding surface of space, which is an event horizon that is ultimately a cosmic horizon which arises with the expenditure of dark energy or the exponential expansion of space, and this in modern cosmology, is understood as the causal factor for the big bang creation event. So, it would seem that the origin of the vibrational modes within each of us individual creatures originates from the creation of the universe itself. Additional details may be found in Reference [4].
Unbeknownst to us, we are constantly producing vibrations that are reflective of our physiological and psychoemotional state. If we can only find a way to amplify, capture, and analyze these vibrations, perhaps we can estimate emotions and that will allow us to look for a process to empower us with positive emotions at the exclusion of negative emotions and that in turn will rectify our vibrational characteristics and the photonic signature relieving us of our Sanchet Karmas and the diseases. With funding from the National Science Foundation and the US Airforce with additional support from major US corporations [5, 6], Computer Science and Electrical Engineering researchers at MIT developed a wireless device which goes by the name EQ Radio to capture and analyze these vibrations. The wireless device sends RF signals to the subject and captures and analyzes the reflected signals (see Figure 2(a)) with a machine-learning algorithm to determine the heart rate, heart rate variability (HRV), and respiration rate from which the subject’s emotions are estimated, the researchers say at an accuracy of 87%. These findings are supportive of the earlier work of other researchers who had found a link between emotions and heart rate variability as depicted in Figure 2(b)[7].
Figure 2(b) Influence of Emotions on Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability. (Courtesy, Dr. Rollin McCraty, Institute for HeartMath, Boulder Creek, CA)
If the vibrational characteristics of the cells (our photonic signature) are the basic attribute of human beings, then, autonomic functions such as heart rate, HRV, respiration rates, etc., must be its subsets. Therefore, it is more appropriate to find a way to measure the photonic signature, light-energy. The light- energy cannot be measured directly. It must be inferred from secondary measurements. Over fifteen years ago, a Russian scientist developed a device to estimate the photonic signature of humans using the principle of gas discharge visualization (GDV) [8]. Here, instead of RF signals as in MIT research, a harmless electrical input is applied to all ten fingers (one at a time), placed on the glass electrode of the GDV device connected to a digital computer with a USB cable as shown in Figure 3. The finger’s response to this stimulus is a burst of photons that are captured by the software. The light-energy characteristics of the photonic discharge (pixels – intensity, area) so captured are compared with the data for tens of thousands of subjects in the database to estimate the physiological and psychoemotional state of the subject at a high confidence level. The measurement is painless, noninvasive, and takes only a couple of minutes to complete. Suffices to say, the inferential measurement of photonic signature is correlational in nature and therefore, unlike an MRI or a CT scan, the possibility of outliers cannot be ruled out. The GDV device was approved by the Russian Health Ministry for use as a routine medical diagnostic device in Russian hospitals and doctor’s offices over fifteen years ago [9].
The GDV device estimates the overall energy of the subject, emotional stress, health status, energy reserve, Yin Yang, and the state of chakras from the ancient Indian system of Ayurveda all in terms of energy in Joules. In yogic parlance, there are seven energy centers which go by the name chakras whose energy levels in Joules as indicated by their sizes together with their dis-alignment from the central vertical line as a percentage, determine their strength. The software specifies the target values for the chakra energies in terms of size and alignment (5 Joules and 100%, respectively). The state of these chakras determines the state of the energy sheaths mentioned earlier which in turn determines our Sanchet Karmas and the vibrational characteristics. From ancient times, the chakras are associated with specific colors: Starting from the bottom, Muladhar (Red; lowest vibrational frequency), Swadishthan (Orange), Manipur (Yellow), Anahat (Green), Vishuddhi (Blue), Ajna (Indigo), Sahasrar (Purple/Violet; highest vibrational frequency).
The farther away the energy parameters are from their targets, the more problematic is the physiological and psychoemotional state is. Fortunately, physiological changes occur rather slowly while psychoemotional changes manifest themselves quickly and this allows for the assessment of the efficacy of whatever we are doing to rectify our vibrational characteristics and the energy field. Figure 4(a) – (c) depict the energy diagrams of a yogi and two subjects suffering from stomach cancer and prostate cancer, respectively.
(b) Stomach Cancer Patient (Courtesy, Konstantin Korotkov)
(c) Prostate Cancer Patient (Courtesy, Konstantin Korotkov)
Figure 4. Energy Diagrams of a Yogi and Cancer patients
Our light-energy characteristics are the first to be affected well before the symptoms of the disease ever appear in the physical body. Thus, if the health status diagram appears problematic but the individual feels apparently healthy at the moment, it may be signaling of future health problems. Therefore, the light-energy measurements may offer prospects for predictive diagnosis [10]. As examples, Figures 5(a) and (b) depict the energy diagrams of an Oncologist and a Nephrologist. Both are apparently healthy individuals active in their respective practices. Notice that the energy field is broken and the chakras are smaller than their targets and quite dis-aligned. Such a state calls for intervention discussed in the ensuing paragraphs.
Full text: 2017 Yogic Perspective on Cancer