Use of Kirlian photography in fatigue assessment

Use of Kirlian photography in fatigue assessment


Use of kirlian photography in fatigue assessment
Use of kirlian photography in fatigue assessment
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Kirlian Photography and Kirlian Effect

Kirlian Photography is a process that uses pulsed high voltage frequencies & electron cascades to take pictures of usually invisible, radiating energy fields that surround us all. Photo techniques.

Kirlian Photography is a high voltage, contact print photography

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Kirlian effect is a visible electro-photonic glow of an object in response to pulsed electrical field excitation. Semyon Kirlian and his wife who first recorded and studied it in detail since 1930s.

Kirlian Photography process is simple. Sheet film is placed on top of a metal plate, called the discharge or film plate. The object to photograph is placed on top of the film. High voltage is applied to the plate momentarily to make an exposure. The corona discharge between the object and discharge plate passes through and is recorded onto the film. When the film is developed you have a Kirlian photograph of the object.

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