The Theory of Light…

The Theory of Light Energy, Alpha-Omega & Pi, and how to stop the rise in autism, anxiety, sensory and social disorders

By: Lori Morris, MDIV, MATS, BBA, EC

IUMAB Prize 2019 participant


Nothing is New and Nothing is Old
Nothing is Born and Nothing is Dead
Nothing Begins and Nothing Ends
Nothing Means Nothing
We Are Eternally Wed

Lori J. Morris

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 The Human Conduit 4-7

Chapter 2 Concepts & Theories 8-16

Chapter 3 6 Key Contributors to Autism, Anxiety, Sensory Sensitivity, Depression, & Other Developmental

Concerns, & Potential Solutions 17-38

Chapter 4 Biology, Light Energy, & The Affect of Color 39-51

Chapter 5 Release Inhibitions & Let The Light Shine Through 52-53

Chapter 6 Light Energy – The Eternal, Infinite, Source of All Movement 54-63

Chapter 7 Invisible Forces Which Prompt 64-68

Chapter 8 Light Energy = Life Force 69-73

Chapter 9 The Theory of Light, Alpha-Omega, and Pi

Putting It All Together, Narrative and Theory 74-77

Appendix A Einstein, Newton, Physics of Light & Color 78-84

The Theory of Light
The Theory of Light

Chapter 1


of All Things Seen & Unseen

Energy – the source of power for all continuous movement and temporary
mass collections that are both seen and unseen; felt, and undetected.
Energy has always been and always will be. It is constant, flowing, fluid,
opposing, refining, and prompting. Variations, alterations and results of
frequencies, wavelengths, magnetisms, collisions, and the relative
interactions of such among collections of temporary mass configurations is
what we attempt to pre-diagnose, diagnose, prevent, identify, understand,
label, post-conclude, and categorize in order to bring a sense of peace and
intellectual congruence to our limited faculties, searching nature, and
human egos.

When we un-segregate and combine discipline fields of study, acquired
knowledge suggests that all things are impacted by an infinite number of
unrecognizable forces. What we see, feel, and attempt to understand both
purposefully and innately though intellectual reasoning, intuitive telepathic receiving, and open discussion is to say at the very least, heart-
and-mind boggling. The variations and compositions are infinite and constantly changing.

When placed in this context, the ability to sustain the fragile life form of a
human body, or any body of matter, for any extent of time, in a somewhat
normalized and comparable form with others of a similar likeness, is
nothing other than extraordinary. Humans are 99% alike and for the most
part, follow the same DNA blueprint or ladder.

Therefore, on a purely rational basis, to limit our genius solely within this
present state of a known temporary mass-configuration becomes irrational.

Especially when we are able to witness and question a beyond-ness to this
state. If we dare to relate our polarized, magnetically held together state of
earthly existence to the vastness of what we are a part of, which is also of
similar compositions and structures, our human flesh becomes …

Matter is held together by magnetism and is relative to the continuous
energy forces and levels of push/pull as well as relative to the makeup and
sustainability of the core of the magnetized form. This is true whether we
are discussing a single atom, a single cell, a body of life, the earth, the
universe, or the cosmos. Energy comes in the form of light. Energy affects.
Light is an electromagnetic wave which therefore contains the ability to
affect. Conclusively, then, light alters.

I do not agree with the conclusion that the neutron is ‘neutral’ I hypothesis
that the neutrons ability has much to do with the longevity and
sustainability of the atom and is the piece which holds the glue together. If
the neutron, or core, is affected through light, telepathy, or a higher power,
it affects the atoms ability to maintain its’ electrons. I conclude that the
nucleus is the heart of the atom and once the neutrons are affected, the
atom’s ability to sustain itself or break apart becomes relative to its own
composition, purpose, origin, and state of existence. The neutrons may
also act as a sort of homing device to a higher source of power. In this
sense, the atom acts like a cell. It receives information from light energy
and follows suit. Much like a homing device is placed in a missile and
directed by humankind, the homing device of an atom is the neutron/
nucleus makeup and is directed wirelessly, telepathically, by another source of energy. The individual cells are secondary, the body organism is tertiary.

It is the neutron that we are to be studying.

As one can imagine, since our bodies are composed of atoms, this can
create all sorts of implications that affect either the alignment or misalignment throughout the connections, connectivity, conductivity, and
peaceful state of a living organism to work together or against itself. If not
all are working in concert, we feel and often witness the manifestations.
Collisions from other atoms who lose and gain particles, much like the
collision performed in the Higgs boson/God particle experiment in
Geneva, Switzerland, are occurring within and around us at subatomic
firing levels. The results of this are similar to what was recorded in
Geneva, a full-out blast causing waves of new conditions.

This creates a situation where time becomes meaningless. It is plausible
that we are held together for a planck, then onto something else since there
is no other known energy that moves as fast as the speed of light and light
is what we are; all else merely surrounds this light temporarily and for an
extremely short moment.

We are masses that have no definite boundary or shape. We are
transparent. Free radicals, dark matter, toxins, electron exchanges
producing results, etc. move in and out of us through the air we breathe,
the water we take in, the close proximity we have to other humans and
mass forms, and through the food that we eat. What appears to us to be
mass per the vastly limited recognition of the two-eye system of human
beings is not as it is. All mass is constantly shifting, changing, and has no
perfectly solid boundary or color. These are illusion to the naked eye.
What we think we see is actually a conglomerate of moving and
exchanging electrons/atoms. It is my belief that we see and feel more with
our eyes closed and our eyes are a distraction to what is real.

The nucleus of our own human body, the heart, is dependent upon the
makeup and push/pull of multitude opposing and assisting levels of that
which we cannot see, but we can feel through waves. This is because light
defies currently known physics properties and it does affect matter; light
also acts like a wave, and waves are sensations that are felt by receptors.

What this means is everything that is unseen is more important than what
is seen and we need to focus our attention on this. What is seen is merely
the after-effect, the ‘it is too late to figure out’ and the manifestation of what occurred behind visual aptitude. Plato was right when he wrote about the shadows on the cave wall in ‘The Allegory of the Cave’; we often see on a secondary level and draw conclusions based upon this. Relative to this
concept, we do not see what is actually causing what we see, and yet we
talk endlessly about such in confidence. We must dig deeper, go beyond
what is seen, close our eyes, and discuss with one another through a
collective state of consciousness.

The Theory of Light
The Theory of Light

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