The science of healing
Dr Thornton Streeter
for Spring Energy Event NY 2019

- The Science of Healing Spring Energy Event 2019 Thornton Streeter DSc Centre for Biofield Sciences
2. The journey to safe preventative screening
3. The three traditions
4. Body Biofield
5. Living systems emit bio-photons BIOPHOTONS “we are light beings” Einstein, Gurvich, Fritz Albert Popp. Ultra weak photon emissions emitted by all living systems Biophotonic emissions from the hand Choi et al 2004
6. Biowell image of a person before and after treatment
7. 3D Biofield Viewer Imaging
8. 3D Biofield
9. Chakra Viewer
10. Live healing session with Biofield Viewer
11. Acuvision-04
12. Primo Vascular – Intravascular Lee BC, Baik KY, Johng HM, Nam T J, Lee J, Sung B, Choi C, Park WH, Park ES, Park DH, Yoon YS, Soh KS. 2004a. Acridine orange staining method to reveal the characteristic features of an intravascular threadlike structure. Anat Rec 278B:27-30
13. Primo Vascular – Surface of Organs • Lee BC, Park ES, Nam TJ, Johng HM, Baik KY, Sung B, Yoon YS, Soh KS. 2004b. Bonghan ducts on the surface of rat internal organs. J Int Soc Life Info Sci. 22:455-459. • Lee KJ, Kim S, Jung TE, Jin D, Kim DH, Kim HW. 2004. Unique duct system and the sorpuscle-like structures found on the surface of the liver. J Int Soc Life Info Sci. 22:460-462. • Shin HS, Johng HM, Lee BC, Cho S Soh KS, Baik KY, Yoo JS, Soh KS. 2005. Feulgen reaction study of novel thread-like structures (Bonghan ducts) on the surface of mammalian organs. Anat Rec. 284B:35-40.
14. Primo Vascular – electron microscope Scanning Electron Microscope SEM
15. Primo Vascular Intravascular
16. Light sonopuncture 250 msec 7 sec 0.250 sec 0.000007 sec Vision points bladder meridian Professor Joie Jones University of California Irvine Sonopuncture is indistinguishable from needling. Two orders of magnitude faster than any known biological process.
17. Valerie Hunt UCLA 1970’s
18. Data collection
19. Chakra data collection
20. Kundalini activated
21. Biofield Viewer
22. Biofield viewer images matched to show anterior and posterior montage in Chakra Viewer mode. Notice the pooling of sluggish energy seen in dark pink and reds Chakra Viewer
23. Anterior Profile Waistband to a few inches above the head Click “Chakra” to switch modes and press Spacebar to save
24. Biofield brightness
25. Transformation with healing
26. Transformation with healing
27. Image analysis with Image J
28. Medical Thermal Imaging Safe, preventative Screening
29. Inflammation of Carotid Artery Excess cholesterol and toxins absorb into blood vessel walls then oxidize (decay). The immune system responds and as a result create the side effects of heat, redness, and swelling.
30. Heart Dis-ease In a state of stress, the arteries constrict and redirect blood from the skin, abdominal organs, and the kidneys. A cooling pattern appears on the skin and an adaptive thickening of the skin (insulation) in that area occurs as with myocardial infarction. A cooler asymmetry may also be observed on the back of the heart. Images courtesy of Dr. Carol Chandler of My Life Imaging
31. Estimation based on 30 doublings at a 90-100 day doubling time, or approximately 8 years. 90 days 2 cells 1 year 6 cells 2 years 256 cells 3 years 4,896 cells 4 years 65,536 cells 5 years 1,048,576 cells 6 years 16, 777,216 cells 7 years 268,435,456 cells 8 years 4,294,967,296 cells “Clinical detection currently occurs at most only the last 25% of the growth history of a tumor” Reference: Cancer Growth: Implications for Medicine and Malpractice. Michael Retsky, Ph.D. Thermography Mammography 6 years
32. Angiogenesis When the tumor grows larger than a few cubic millimeters, it outstrips the host blood supply and must induce the formation of new vessels . Reference: Jain, RK. Barriers to drug delivery in solid tumors. Sci Am. 1994; 271:58-65 Image courtesy of Dr. Carol Chandler of My Life Imaging
33. Hypothermic/Cold Areas “The advancing periphery of the tumor tends to be hypervascular (hyperthermic), whereas the tumor center is hypovascular (hypothermic) and often necrotic.” Non-cancerous mass Reference: Cancer Growth: Implications for Medicine and Malpractice. Michael Retsky, Ph.D. IRIS Infrared camera Image courtesy of Dr. Carol Chandler of My Life Imaging
34. Monitor Changes Over Time Initial Visit Six Months Later Notice: Neovascularity and reduction in size of the right breast. Images courtesy of Dr. Carol Chandler of My Life Imaging
35. Diabetes Early stages of diabetes is associated with nerve inflammation and vascular dysfunction in the extremities. The “red glove” is an early indicator for diabetes. Later stages are seen as a “blue glove” from the resulting nerve damage. Image courtesy of Dr. Carol Chandler of My Life Imaging
36. Moxibustion of Stomach Meridian Moxibustion = applying heat to the acupuncture points Reference: Klaus-Peter Schlebusch, Walburg Maric-Oehler, Fritz-Albert Popp. Biophotonics in the infrared spectral range reveal acupuncture meridian structure of the body. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Feb 2005, 11(1): 171-173, dol:10. 1069/acm.2005.11.171
37. Moxibustion of Bladder Meridian We now have the possibility of mapping the acupuncture meridians!
38. Reference: Amalu, W. Clinical Earthing Application in 20 Case Studies. International Society for Medical Thermography. 2005.
39. Biofield viewer case: lack of grounding Waistband to feet Click “Chakra” to switch modes and press Spacebar to save
40. Multiscan Pro ● Multiscan Pro is a non-invasive full body functional analysis device which will record the Heart Rate Variability, Sudomotor function, Galvanic skin response, Digital wave pulse analysis, Bioimpedance and total body composition. ● The wellness score, vascular age and the phase angle are the parameters considered for this study. ● Wellness score is a composite score derived from the arterial assessment, autonomic nervous system(ANS) assessment and Lifestyle assessment scores which includes Lifestyle and Body composition score. Vascular age is the measure of apparent age of the arteries when compared to healthy people. Phase angle is the value proportional to the cellular health.
41. ● Arterial Atheroma ● LDL Cholesterol ● LV Hypertrophy ● Inflammatory Process Cardiovascular risk assessment
42. Diabetes Risk Screening ● Metabolic syndrome ● Insulin resistance ● Beta Cell Function Decreased ● Impaired Glucose Tolerance ● Capillary endothelial cell function
43. PSA Risk Analysis PSA: Our bio impedance method can improve PSA findings by combining with our test. It cannot detect cancer as not enough sensitivity, but has enough specificity to detect healthy subjects. The goal of the system is to reassure doctor of necessity of a biopsy when PSAs from labs are higher than 4. PSA has good sensitivity but bad specificity. We provide very good specificity. (TX Notes from a practitioner: Zinc supplement reduces risk of prostate cancer (tissue of prostate cancer is low in zinc) High PSA from blood tests 3-4 weeks on resveratrol, vitamin D and green tea extract, then retest)
44. Cerebral Neuro-transmitter & Thyroid Two parameters: conductance between two electrodes and dispersion, the absorption of electricity by the cells. This parameter correlates with the morphology of the interstitial fluid-space between cells (in animal studies of ISF). Gives us how well does a person responds to SSRI tx. Very high specificity and sensitivity indicating that if you have a score of > 0.692, there is a response to treatment. If <0.692, you need to adjust your treatment.
45. Med Fit –Paradigm Shifter
46. Spirits and entities
47. Newest Collaboration,
48. The future of preventative healthcare is supported by non- invasive screening: Biofield Viewer, Multiscan Pro, Thermal Imaging
49. 1st Dimension • Element Earth • Geometry Point • Chakra Base • Anger/fear • Flight, Fight or freeze • Unconscious • The Potential world GROUNDING
50. 2nd Dimension • Element Water • Geometry the line • Chakra Naval, Hara • Pleasure, sexual energy • Relationships • Subconscious • The Emerging world
51. 3rd dimension • Element Fire • Space • Solar Plexus • Willpower • Self awareness • Pre-conscious • The Material World
52. 4th dimension • Air • Time • Heart • Love • Sharing • Conscious • The Magical World
53. 5th Dimension • Aether • Space/Time • Throat • Truth • Tendency communication • Super Conscious • The Miraculous World
54. 6th Dimension • Element Chi/Prana • Geometry Space/Time • Chakra Brow • Insight • Intuition • Hyper Conscious • The Psychic World
55. 7th Dimension • Element Vacuum/Void • Geometry Cosmic • Chakra Crown • Ecstacy • Atonement • Christ Conscious • The Divine World
56. Thank you
The science of healing
The science of healing, Dr Thornton Streeter for Spring Energy Event NY 2019