Gagua PO, Gedevanishvili EG, Georgobiani LG, Kapanadze A., Korotkov KG, Korotkina SA, Achmeteli GG, Kriganivski EV.
Objectives. To explore the potentials of the GDV Technologies as applicable to the oncology practice. The aim of the work was twofold: to find out the prognostic potential of the GDV and to see how it may reflect the monitoring of patient’s state in the process of complex oncology treatment.
Design. All subjects were diagnosed with cancer with conventional means including biopsy; GDV measures were taken from 10 fingers of both hands before any oncology treatment and 2 and 6 weeks after complex treatment including surgery, chemotherapy and irradiation. Blind study design.
Settings/Location. Data collection: National Oncology Center of Georgia, Tbilisi; data processing: St. Petersburg Technical University ITMO, Russia; duration: 1999-2003.
Subjects. For the statistical analysis the following subjects diagnosed with III stage of cancer were selected: 109 subjects of both genders with lung cancer and 140 women with breast cancer; control group: 44 practically healthy people and 54 women with different non-oncological conditions.
Interventions. Surgery, chemotherapy, irradiation.
Results. Statistically significant difference between GDV parameters of oncology patients and non-oncology groups was found for all studied cases. After treatment statistical trend of GDV parameters towards healthy population parameters was revealed.
Conclusions. GDV Technique presents objective measures for evaluation of cancer state and monitoring of the patient’s condition after treatment. Method is easy for application, non-invasive, objective and cheap. From several years of experience a good potential for the development of method of early evaluation of the probability of potential cancer is clearly seen. This approach should be based on computer datamining multiparametric comparison with Database of nosological cases.
Full text PDF: 2004-Experimental-Study-Oncology

GDV Technologies as applicable to the oncology practice. Prognostic potential of the GDV and monitoring of patient’s state in the process of treatment