The Dark Side of the Brain: Major Discoveries in the Use of Kirlian Photography and Electrocrystal Therapy
by Harry Oldfield, Roger Coghill

Written by a Cambridge trained biologist recognised globally for his decades of research into the health effects of cellphones and powerlines, this groundbreaking work examines how nature has developed invisible electromagnetic means of communication between and within organisms (including human beings) to develop and evolve the planet’s species much faster than Darwin proposed.
It solves mysteries in biology not explained by the concept that chemical and physical connection is necessary for communication, growth regulation, and procreation.
It explains how honeybees are being fogged by manmade radiations from cellphones and their masts, how insects can detect a mate two miles downwind, a distance when pheromones are no longer detectable, and how human bodies emanate meaningful radiations detectable with instruments, and how plants remember and converse between themselves just like people..