The 120th anniversary of Semyon Kirlian
February 20-22, 2018, Krasnodar, Russia
February 20-22, 2018 in Krasnodar will be held
International scientific-practical conference dedicated to the
The 120th anniversary of the birth of the honored inventor
The RSFSR Semyon Davidovich Kirlian.
Main objectives of the conference:
1. Development kirlianografy.
2. Exchange of experience and cooperation between
researchers of gas-discharge photography.
3. Popularization of the discovery of the Kirlian couple.
Conference Organizers:
FGBOU VO “Kuban State University”
International Center of Kirlianography
Southern Branch of the Russian Research Institute of Cultural and Natural Sciences
Heritage of. D.S. Likhachev
Biotechprogress LLC
Department of Culture of the Municipal Administration of the Dinsk District
BUK MO Dinskaya district “Historical and local history museum”
Research-and-production society “Inforay Co., LTD”
Krasnodar regional department of the Russian Geographical
Conference events:
February 20 – Kuban State University, Krasnodar.
Plenary session “International significance of the opening
Kirlian. Development kirlianografii in Russia and abroad.
February 21 – Kuban State University, Krasnodar
Plenary session “Study, perspective directions
and methods of practical implementation of the Kirlian method. ”
February 22 – Historical and Local History Museum, village of Dinskaya
Krasnodar Territory. “Preservation of cultural and scientific
heritage of the Kirlian couple “. Visit to the memorial
an exposition dedicated to the life and work of Kirlian.
Subjects of reports and reports
1. History of gas-discharge photography. Historical and scientific significance
the opening of the Kirlian couple.
2. Life and work of Kirlian Semyon Davidovich and Valentina
3. Development of Kirlianografy in Russia and abroad.
4. Devices for research by the Kirlian method.
5. New promising areas of application of the Kirlian method.

One of the speakers at the conference was the President of the International Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography, member of the editorial board of scientific journals in the USA, India and Russia, professor and author of many books Konstantin Korotkov.