Support For Dr. Stanley Krippner
From Bioelectrography and IUMAB History:
Shortly after the announcement of its foundation, support came from scientists of diverse countries and professional backgrounds. Among them well known researchers from the pioneering times of bioelectrography, such as physicist Viktor Adamenko (formerly USSR, now Greece), psychologist Stanley Krippner (USA), psychiatrist Vittoria Manganas (Greece), Ion Florin Dumitrescu (formerly Rumania, presently in France), and Peter Mandel (Germany), developer of the most successful method of interpreting bioelectrographic images so far. Six months later, the IUMAB organized the first International Seminar and Workshop on this subject in India.
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As some of you may know, Saybrook University, where Stanley has served for more than four decades, is moving from the Bay Area to Southern California. Rather than find a way to accommodate Stanley into Saybrook’s future, Saybrook is terminating its relationship with him. This means that as of this month, Stanley loses his office, his administrative assistant, research funding, and his job.
These are crushing blows. Stanley has not accumulated the nest egg that you might expect for one of his stature. He has never taken the most lucrative positions his intellectual prowess would allow, instead pioneering fields such as parapsychology, shamanic studies, and dream work, often at his own expense and primarily within non-conventional institutions. Still, at 86, he is determined to continue contributing in ways that make this a smarter and more compassionate society. But at this juncture, he is in a time of substantial financial straits at both the personal and professional levels.
As two of the many people who love Stanley – but two of the very few who have this intimate glimpse into his predicaments – we wish we had the means to make a decisive difference. But we don’t. So we are initiating a GoFundMe campaign to help him. We had to work very hard to get Stanley to agree to it, but desperation won out. Sidian Jones has created and will be managing the GoFundMe page.
Meanwhile, Drs. Bob and Zohara Hieronimus are setting up a page on their AUM-Center website which can receive tax-deductible donations. The GoFundMe allows contributions that are not taxed for the receiver, but they are not tax-deductible for the donor. AUM makes your donation tax-deductible, but the receiver pays taxes on them. Whichever makes more sense for your situation, 100% will all go to support Stanley and his work.
We know few people who have been more kind, more generous, and more effective in enhancing the lives of so many others than Stanley Krippner. Now is the time for that kindness to come back to him.
Stanley has touched us both in profound ways (we are a couple who have known him for forty-one years). We hope that everyone else who has been touched or helped or moved by witnessing this beautiful man’s life will step up in the ways you can, large or small (preferably large if you can find a way).
Also, please forward this link to anyone you can think of who might help. Stanley’s twilight years should be cradled in the knowledge that those he has touched are reaching back with an embrace of love, peace, and comfort as well as encouragement to continue to be creative and effective in the wisdom that age has brought him. Stanley continues to be a precious resource. Let’s meet him there.
Thank you,
Donna Eden
David Feinstein
Sidian Jones
P.S. You may not know the extent of Stanley’s contributions. When he received the American Psychological Association’s coveted “Distinguished Contribution to the International Advancement of Psychology” Award in 2002, the APA published an article describing the substantial impact he had already made by that point.