Souse: http://www.eclipse-2008.ru/eclipse.php
Sun Eclipse 1 August 2008 has N 126 in accordance with clasification. First Sun Eclipse of this series was in 1179, but only from 1882 a series of full sun eclipses began1882, 1900, 1918, 1936, 1954, 1972, 1990, 2008, 2026, 2044. Series ends in 2459. The Map of Sun Eclipse 01 August 2008

EPC/GDV Camera with battery power supply. Computer with any type of power supply. Sensor – antenna.
Air fan – home appliance or computer.
Protocol of measurements:
1. Metal cylinder – test-object is positioned on the electrode. The wire is fixed with a tape – any movement of the test-object will distort results. Fan is placed nearby the Camera for constant ventilation.
- Instrument warming up. Test-object is connected with grounding jack of the Camera. Regime 1, series of images, 3 s interval, during 1 hour.
- Test-object wire is connected with Antenna.
- Background measurement. Regime 1, series of images, 3 s interval, during 1 hour.
- Measurement during and after solar eclipse in the same regime during 1 hour or more.
Processing: “GDV SciLab” program.
In the process 6 EPC/GDV Cameras have been used. Positions:
- Novosibirsk Academic City – Hypo-magnet Camera.
- Novosibirsk Academic City – placebo of the Hypo-magnet Camera (camera without permalloy layer).
- Novosibirsk – countryside.
- Berdsk
- Irkutsk
- Novosibirsk city center.
Overall organization: Dr. K. Korotkov and Dr. Oleg Sorokin