The Energy of Space Seeing does not mean just watching
Seeing does not mean just watching, it means staying at rest, merged with the surroundings.
To understand sounds does not mean just listening, it means being silent and hollow.
Keeping to temperance does not mean to limit oneself like a miser, but to implement it gradually, as if a secret from oneself. Those who practice the three rules never exhaust them until the end, but by combining them together, can achieve the Oneness.
Dao De Jing, Verse fourteen

It has long been observed that people feel differently depending on environmental factors that may include temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure and geographic location. There are some places where you sleep like a baby, have wonderful dreams and wake up full of energy. But there are others where sleeping is disrupted, fatigue is frequent and there is increased susceptibility to illness. Western science has no explanation for this other than it represents a confluence of geomagnetic influences, subterranean anomalies, hollows, water streams, natural and industrial atmospheric gases; gases, electromagnetic fields, and especially solar and cosmic emanations. It has been practically impossible to distinguish between all these factors or to determine what each contributes, so our ability to measure the cumulative effect at any particular place can best be described as primitive and rudimentary.
In all ancient civilizations there were people who could feel the energy of space. They were sorcerers, shamans, priests well aware that society and the state can be strong and successfully resist all attacks only if people are united by a spiritual idea. The highest form of spiritual ideas is religion. As Karl Marx said, “Religion is the opium of the people, but without religion people have no soul”.
The most cruel wars and cases of violence, the worst confrontations took place on religious grounds. Neither wealth, nor striving for a better life motivated people, but abstract spiritual incentives. These incentives allowed the invaders for thousands of years on all continents to raise millions of their compatriots and lead them to distant lands, some to the victory but the majority to the grave.
But to maintain and develop the spiritual incentives of the nations collective rites and ceremonies are required. In the early stages of development of human society people began to search for those special places, began to create in these places special facilities, more and more complicated as the development of civilization went on. Stone circles and spirals, vertically standing blocks – mengirs, burial places of complex arrangements, temples, pyramids. In each case for such a facility people looked for Places of Power.
Now we call these places sacred. The most beautiful places were always chosen for them: the top of a hill, the bank of a river, a cave, a sacred grove, lush vegetation. People usually call such places “God‘s places”, “sacred”, “gracious”. In such places in former times sanctuaries, temples, churches and monasteries were built. It is important that these places since ancient times have been considered sacred, healing, people came there to feel the grace, gain strength, to recover from heavy fights and work. When people visit such places they feel euphoria, inspiration, excitement, enthusiasm; they want to return there again.
Naturally, such places are located all over the globe. Local people tell legends and stories about them; the church erects temples in these places. Here are some of them in Russia: Valaam, a small island on Lake Ladoga, Kizhi Island in the White Sea; Olkhon Island (“the heart of Lake Baikal”), one of the most beautiful places on Lake Baikal, the gathering place of Baikal shamans. The sacred Valley Kyren in the south-west of Buryatia, 170 km from Irkutsk. Numerous lakes: Linevo, a healing lake in the north of Omsk area; Plesheevo located near the town of Pereslavl in the south of Yaroslavl area; Svetloyar (the Shambhala of Russia), a legendary body of water located in Nizhny Novgorod area; Svyatozero, the lake in the south- west of Petrozavodsk. We could name a lot more such places in Russia.
Sometime their classification will be made.
But along with the “blessed” places there are the “wretched” ones.
They, too, are told about in legends, but these legends are scary and bleak. In these places there live only witches, sorcerers and cannibals. As soon as one gets there, death is inevitable, there are few who managed to get out alive and unharmed. And even if they get out they will get sick, will wither and grow old prematurely. This may be accompanied by loss of memory, or a hundred years’ sleep that seems like one night. In short, it is better not to go there and keep away.
In our times the inquisitive and curious actively engage in search of adventure to their misfortune. Some climb a mountain where there is “nothing, neither gold nor ore”, some dig up grenades in swamps, some poke about in anomalous zones. Often this has no good ending, in full accordance with the old predictions. (The author himself refers to this category of “naturalists”, so he had an opportunity to experience the effects of the adventures on his own broken bones.)
Finally, some indications of anomalous zones have been formulated:
• “attraction” of view; inadvertently the gaze clings to a certain area; • inadequate behavior of animals;
• the lack of animals, even birds are not heard;
• “strange” vegetation, somewhat different from plants in the neighboring areas;
• the presence of strange objects;
• various sounds; phenomena not amenable to logical explanation; • unusual sensations;
• visions and pictures.
There are several opinions about the nature of anomalous zones.
Natural geopathic zones are geophysical anomalies associated usuall with breaking of the Earth’s crust, underground cavities, old burials, etc., where there is an impact on people, flora and fauna.
Geopathic zones of artificial origin are caused by various anthropogenic factors, such as, electrical and television networks, heat and water supply and sewage systems, as well as technical facilities of all kinds. All this has given rise to a large number of energetically active sites, stray electric currents of different fields interacting with natural electromagnetic fields.
Seeing does not mean just watching
These phenomena are particularly common in the cities. Cosmo-physical situation also has its effects: distribution of air flows, clouds, background radiation. Since very few people have been purposefully engaged in research of anomalous zones, there are no unambiguous representations of their origin and properties. However, scientists have begun to seriously address this issue.
Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, the principal researcher of the Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology, Professor Vyacheslav A. Rudnick, the author of more than 300 scientific publications including 20 monographs, back in the eighties began to research the industrial and the anthropogenic impact on the environment, and in 1990-s shifted his interests to the issue of the impact of geo- active zones of the Earth’s crust on human health and the objects of the biosphere and the Earth techno-sphere. Professor V.A. Rudnik pays his major attention to studies of his hometown St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg is unique for the only reason of its location. It rises above the underground intersection of the four systems of transcontinental breaks of the Earth crust at the junction of the Baltic Shield and Russian Plate. The four gigantic scars, mutilated body of the Earth over 600 million years ago and invisibly intersected under the feet of citizens of St. Petersburg. It turned out that this intersection gave our city the zones hazardous to man’s health and living. Within the zones of breaks of crust constant geological processes are taking place, in which physical, chemical and energy fields and radiation occur. Malicious zones are also underground streams and ancient, now buried riverbeds, tunnels, mineral deposits. Of course, the proximity to the area of break or the paleo-riverbed of an ancient river is not the only cause of cancer and other ailments. But the fact that it actively promotes the incidence is now beyond doubt.
In the study of geopathic zones scientists found that in these areas the sick rate of coronary heart disease exceeds the norm 2 times, essential hypertension 1.5 times, the sick rate of leukemia 3.5 times; death rate is 2.5 times higher than the average. Adults 2.3 times more are likely to apply to hospitals. The overall sick rate is 2 times higher than average.
a unique in its kind map of St. Petersburg, spotted with a spider web of invisible cleavages and cracks. The intersection of the four major breaks looks on the map of the city as a network of small faults that define the coastline of the bay, the channels of modern and ancient rivers. Defective are Vasilevsky Island and areas along the banks of the Neva. In different districts 5 to 15% of the population lives and works directly above the geo-active zones.
In Kalinisky district of St. Petersburg 3.5 thousand traffic accidents were analyzed. The schedule made in the result left no doubt: over the break zones and over the underground watercourses the number of accidents increases dramatically. This dramatic increase is from 50 to 1000%! The researchers together with the traffic police analyzed the accidents on the highway Petersburg-Murmansk. The picture is the same. It has been assumed that the cause is in involuntary reductions in the muscles of drivers and, as a consequence, uncontrolled actions that appear over the geo-active zones.
Researchers recommend placing the road signs on highways with warnings about an increased risk in such sections. There is no need to say how important is to remove the control towers of airports, runways, command posts, rocket launch sites, chemical and biological production, nuclear power plants from the scope of such a psychogenic effects.
Thus, the problem of geopathic zones is quite urgent not only for research but also for practical life. Crucial for the serious study of this problem is the development of specialized instruments for measuring the activity of these zones.
The adverse effects of “godforsaken places”, the areas of natural biological discomfort, have been known since ancient times. In the old days, before starting construction of houses, and churches in particular, people addressed the people with hyper sensitiveness, well- known throughout the county looking for their advice. The animals’ flair to places unfavorable for living was also used: you may build a house where the sheep lay and dig a well where a magpie sat.
In recent years the study of geo-active zones have been included in the new scientific field, Geoecology, an interdisciplinary scientific field that combines studies of composition, structure, properties, processes,
Group of scientists headed by Professor Evgeny Melnikov compiled 89 physical and geochemical fields of the geo-spheres of Earth as a habitat for humans and other organisms. In the specialty code it is written: “The main task of Geoecology is to study changes of life-sustaining resources, geo-sphere shells under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors, and their protection, rational use and control in order to preserve for the present and future generations the productive environment”. A large part of this science is the concept of biosphere.
In his writings famous Russian scientist professor Vladimir Vernadsky pointed out that science does not pay attention to the organism’s interaction with the Earth’s crust and the biosphere. Revealing the essence of his teachings in numerous works on the biosphere, he wrote:
“The clue of life can not be obtained only by studying the living organism. To solve it one should apply to its original source, to the earth’s crust. In science there is no clear understanding yet that the phenomena of life and the phenomena of inanimate nature, combined with the geological, i.e., planetary point of view, are manifestations of a single process”. In particular, referring to biologists, he said, “Biologists have forgotten that the studied organism is an inseparable part of the earth’s crust, a mechanism for amending it, and can be separated from it only in our abstraction”.
Nevertheless, it is the scientists of XIX and XX centuries, Louis Pasteur, Pierre Curie, Alexander Gurvich, and Vladimir Vernadsky who developed the fundamental basis of the relationship of the human organism with its environment. One of the key provisions is the following:
- between the spatial structure of molecules and their properties there is a connection manifesting in the left or right optical activity;
- the phenomenon of dissymmetry is the difference between the leftand right forms of the molecules of matter or energy;
- living cells possess the right or left optical activity and have the energy cellular field of non-electromagnetic nature around them, also based on spatial structure of the cell (geometry of shape), and all its structural elements. Summation of fields of cells is abiological field of the whole organism;
- life on the planet is a direct continuation of cosmo-geological processes and is closely linked with the state of the near-Earth 10 space, the biosphere, and is subjected to the phenomenon of dissymmetry;
- biosphere has dissymmetry;
- the phenomenon of dissymmetry in the world is manifested by the impact of the forces of the cosmos.
There is widespread acknowledgment that environmental conditions can affect health, especially changes in weather. The foehn is a dry southerly wind that blows from the Alps across Switzerland and southern Germany that is associated with a statistically significant increase in accidents, emergency room admissions for heart attacks, asthma and respiratory problems, as well as a spike in suicides. Some hospitals routinely postpone elective surgery until these “winds of depression” subside. Similar responses may accompany the Sirocco in Italy, the Mistral in southern France and the Middle East’s Sharav, which the Arabs call Hamsin (the fifty days wind). Western Canada and the U.S, have the Chinook, a foehn-like wind that raised the temperature in one Montana town by 96 degrees in less than 24 hours (-48°F to 48°F). The strong, dry Santa Ana winds of California, called “The Bitter Winds” in Indian lore, have also been blamed for an increase in suicides and homicides. Some studies suggest that these effects may be due to electrical changes in the air that increase positive ions or decrease negative ions. GDV technology has the potential to confirm these observations.
All the energy on earth is derived from the sun, which continually emits a stream of charged particles. The ability of solar magnetic storms to cause mental aberrations was noted by Alexander Chizhevsky almost 100 years ago and subsequent researchers have confirmed this and other effects on health. The earth itself is a giant magnet that is constantly in motion. Since life evolved under these influences, it should not be surprising that biological systems have developed to take advantage of electromagnetic forces, or that they can significantly influence physiology and behavior. This can be vividly demonstrated in lower forms of life like bacteria and planaria, but is also evident in homing pigeons and birds that use geomagnetic information to guide curious migrational habits that have persisted for centuries.
Seeing does not mean just watching
The Chinese used certain animals to predict earthquakes over 6,000 years ago and there is abundant evidence that all animals can anticipate other natural disasters like storms, hurricanes and volcanic eruptions. Flamingos, elephants, wild boars, snakes, reptiles and other animals all fled their usual habitats shortly before the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami hit. Sharks, dolphins and, fish can also sense an approaching earthquake or hurricane well in advance. Domesticated pets may retain this ability since it has been observed that advertisements for missing cats and dogs consistently increased in volume a few days before an earthquake struck.
Some individuals also seem to be unusually sensitive to natural as well as man made electromagnetic influences. In addition, there is increasing evidence that living things emit their own energy fields or signals that interact with these environmental forces, as well as with other forms of life. Verifying this has been difficult, because skeptics correctly demand objective proof rather than anecdotal reports.
Attempts to provide this by electrographic visualization of energy fields date back to 1777. Significant progress was made in the last century due to the efforts of the Kirlians and others, but techniques varied, results could not be consistently reproduced nor were mechanisms of action delineated. The advent of GDV technology and its sophisticated software, has now removed these impediments, and will withstand scientific scrutiny.
Geo-active zones are usually associated with some special regions of the Earth, so it is, and we will dwell on it later, but such zone can be right in your home.
A search for geo-active zones by bio-location (dowsing) using wooden or metal frames and pendulums has been practiced for centuries. Special measurements showed that the movement of the frame is an indicator of unconscious muscle contractions, i.e., people’s reaction to the impact of natural fields. Naturally, a person must be trained in a special way to respond to an impartial outside influence, rather than his own imagination.
It is believed that on the Earth’s surface there are energy networks whose cells are separated by lines of high tension. These networks have different cell sizes, from 20×20 cm to 5-6 m. Geopathic zones have field nature, which is expressed in the form of lines, planes and energy nodes. Typically, a healthy person does not react to changes of electromagnetic, gravitational and other background in the lines and nodes of these networks, although there is ample evidence that they can influence health status.
In the same apartment there can be several different zones having different impact on health. It is especially strongly manifested during sleep. If the bed is located in the area of geo-active zones sleep will be restless, the man wakes up exhausted, his efficiency decreases, hence the inevitable disease. Can you handle it? Without doubt! It is necessary only to put the bed into another room, sometimes simply move to another corner, and it can drastically change the situation. There is no need to say about a country house that should be built taking into consideration the location of geo-active zones around the construction site.
Seeing does not mean just watching
The worse was still to come. Now the most important thing for us was total calm. There was no rush. The wind was gone, the visibility good. It was as smooth as silk. I could see the ditch where Slimy had kicked off. There was something colored in it –– maybe his clothes. He was a lousy guy, God rest his soul. Greedy, stupid, and dirty. Just the type to get mixed up with Buzzard Burbridge. Buzzard sees them coming a mile away and gets his claws into them. In general, the Zone doesn’t ask who the good guys are and who the bad ones are. So thanks to you, Slimy. You were a damned fool, and no one remembers your real name, but at least you showed the smart people where not to step3⁄4. Of course, our best bet would have been to get onto the asphalt. The asphalt is smooth and you can see what’s on it, and I know that crack well. I just didn’t like the looks of those two hillocks! A straight line to the asphalt led right between them. There they were, smirking and waiting. Nope, I won’t go between them. A stalker commandment states that there should be at least a hundred feet of clear space either on your left or your right. So, we can go over the left hillock. Of course, I didn’t know what was on the other side. There didn’t seem to be anything on the map, but who trusts maps?
Arkadiy and Boris Strugatsky. “Roadside Picnic” (1972)
Seeing does not mean just watching
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