Russian books about Bioelectrography

1899 Dr. Mes. Pogorelsky. Elektrofosfeny energografiya and as proof of the existence of polar physiological energy or the so-called animal magnetism in their significance for medicine and science.
With 48 photographs and photo type 2 in the annex portraits and facsimiles of the author. St. Petersburg, Type. V.Demakova. The new lane. 7. 1899. 105c.
1907 V. Bitner In the mysterious region. Scientific excursion into the mysteries of human nature. St. Petersburg. 1907 318s.
1960 Lysikov VN The method of photographing biological objects. Using the methods of biophysics in breeding and genetic research. Chisinau. 1960 186s.
1964 SD. Kirlian VH In a world of wonderful places. M. 3nanie. 1964. 40c. +
1968 VM Inyushin VS Gritsenko Vorobyov NA Shuya Fedorov N. Gibadullin F. On biological essence Kirlian effect (concept of biological plasma). Publishing house of the Kazakh State University. Alma-Ata. 1968. 45c.
1969 Aronov MA Kolechitsky ES, Larionov VP, VF Minein Sergeev YG Electrical discharges in the
air at a high frequency voltage. Energy. M. 1969. 176s.
1972 PLastinin VV Introduction to the physics of the gas discharge. Irkutsk. ISU. 1972 218c.
1981 Alexander V. Eletskii. Gas discharge. Popular scientific literature. M. knowledge. 1981. 63c.
(New in Life, Science and Technology. Series “Physics” №6).
1987 Raiser Yu The physics of the gas discharge. M. Science. 1987 592s. +
1993 Proceedings of the universities. Instrument Series. Special Issue: Research
bioenergoinformatsionnykh processes. 1993. t.36. №6.
2009 Raiser YP Physics of gas discharge. 2009 736s. ISBN 978-5-91559-019-8.1987 EP Velikhov Kovalev AS AT Rakhimov Physical phenomena in gas-discharge plasma. M.
Science. 1987 160s. +
1986 Kozharina B.B. Zacepin H.H. Domorod H.E. Electric-imaging technique. Minsk. Science and Technology. 1986 134c.
1988 Gribkovskii VP Gaponenko OA Kiselev VN Professor Electrography and magnetism: Jakub Narkevitch-Yodko. Science and Technology. M. 1988. №5. 187s.
1991 SF novels Black ZD Non-destructive testing of materials by the method of Kirlian. Dnepropetrovsk. Ed. DSU. 1991 144c. +
1999 Shustov MA Protasiewicz ET Photo electrical discharge. Tomsk. TPU. 1999 241s. +
2001 Shustov MA Protasiewicz ET Theory and practice of photography gas discharge. Tomsk TPU. 252s. +
2001 Shadura MI Biogolografiya. New of the living. Teamwork diagnostic center «AURA MA-GI» Ltd. M. Aslan. 112c. ++
2003 Shadura MI Chichinadze GK Information and Biogolografiya body. 2003 48c.
2003 AP Boychenko Shustov MA Theory and practice of photography gas discharge. Coll. scientific papers. Krasnodar. KSU. 2003 150c.
2003 SD Kirlian Kirlian VH High-frequency discharges in the electric field of the capacitor:
photographing high-frequency, high-frequency electron-ion optics. In a world of wonderful places. Ed
AP Boychenko. 2nd ed. Krasnodar. Education-South. 2003 200c.
2003 AP Boychenko Shustov MA Basics of a discharge photos. Tomsk: Publishing house «STT».316s.
2004 AP Boychenko Shustov MA Basics of a discharge photos. Tomsk. Publishing house «STT».312c.
2008 EV Kryzhanovsky Crownscopy: new life “Kirlian effect”. St. Petersburg. “Ma’am.” 2008. 92c.
2008 Kirlian effect. Collection of articles. Dnipropetrovsk, “lithographer”. 2008. 124 p.
2009 Tokarev AV Corona discharge and its application. 2009 138c. +
2009 SD Kirlian Kirlian VH In a world of wonderful places. Comp. Lototskaya VA 3rd ed. Krasnodar.
Education-South. 2009 145c.
2009 Ivanov IG Gas discharge and its application in photonics. 2009. 96p. +
2009 Korotkov KG Muromtsev DI Babitsky MA Borisov MV Yanovska EE Chapin A. Isayev EV Practical basis of gas discharge visualization. St. Petersburg. SPbGUITMO. 2009 132c. ++
2010 EE Semenihin Kirlian effect. Collection of articles. Cultural Institute of Donetsk National Technical University. Donetsk. 2010. 64c. +
2012 Form C can not be seen. The book-album of Kirlian photographs. St. Petersburg. Vector. 160s.
2012 Yakovleva EG GDV-bioelectrography medicine. M. Publishing House “Manager of Health.” 132c. ++
2010 LA Pesotskaya Kirlian photography for everyone. Dnepropetrovsk. 2010. 74c. ++
2010 LA Pesotskaya Evdokimenko NM Boatswain EI Secrets of water flora and Kirlian effect. Dnepropetrovsk. 2010. 66c. ++
2011 LA Pesotskaya Secrets of minerals and Kirlian effect. Dnepropetrovsk. 2011. 74c. ++
2014 LA Pesotskaya Kirlianography in medicine. Dnepropetrovsk. 2014 108c. ++
2014 MV Couric Pesotskaya LA Kirlian photography living and inert bodies. Dnepropetrovsk. 124c. ++
2014 Pesotskaya LA. Know yourself and be healthy (or the stars, and Kirlian effect). Dnepropetrovsk.