Analysis of the reproducibility of the Bio-Well measurement results
Korotkov Konstantin
With the use of multiple Bio-Well devices 10 consecutive measurements of parameters of 11 people was held. Everyone was measured in one day, with an interval between measurements from 5 to 15 minutes. Subjects age from 24 to 64 years old (38.9 +/- 15.1), 6 males and 5 females. The data obtained are presented in the tables.
The analysis shows that the variability of the data throughout the day on the basic parameters was not higher than 10%. The level of stress for 7 people was less than 10%, and for 4 people at the level of 10-17%.
These indicators reflect the individual human variability. For example, Fig. 1 shows the curves of the level of stress (emotional pressure) for two people. In the first case the variation was at the level 3%, in the second 17%. As we can see, in the second case the stress level decreases during the measurements.
The variability of parameters in consecutive measurements of the test object is 1-3%.