Radionics is a non-invasive method of treatment at a distance accomplished by transmitting digital information through the medium of an instrument to a witness (a photograph for example, of the patient).
For diagnosis, the dowsing faculty is used. All objects emit polarised waves which have a digital equivalent. The digital rate for a healthy organ is used to remind the patient what his organ should actually emanate. In case of infection or other disturbances from the normal state, a therapeutic rate is used that brings back the organ to its normal state. These instruments are of various types and can be either passive or active (active using electrical energy or light rays etc.). In all cases, the rates (usually consisting of 6-9 digits) are transmitted through the instrument. The theory of torsion fields developed by A.A. Akimov explains this phenomena [1].
In this Century, many experts like Dr. Albert Abrams, Turenne, Ruth Drown, George de la Warr, David Tansley, Malcom Rae etc. have contributed to the development of the subject [2,3,4]. The main problem has been to establish correct rates. Two sets of numbers having different digits can give almost similar results as far as the dowsing faculty is concerned. However, only the correct set of digits can effect the cure in a very short period of time and permanently.
Recently I have found out that rates have to be made from neutral samples (neutral – means free from electro-magnetic influences) – most important of which are those at 1680 Mega Hertz i.e. the OH radical transition frequency. As almost all objects contain some small traces of water, it is most important to correct them to be neutral. The fact that the digital rate of a sample, is increased by positive radiation (right polarized) or decreased by negative radiation(left polarized) has not been recognised in the past to the best of my knowledge.
Diverters or more properly neutralizers R.H.S (Right Hand Polarized) and L.H.S (Left Hand Polarized) have been developed. A further development has been the oxygenator which improves the quality of water as several tests on plant growth have shown. They are basically passive, highly tuned, lens, antennas that pick up cosmic radiation of the opposite frequency to that being corrected. Photographs taken on a grape exposed to these diverters one after the other show clearly the effect of these diverters on the aura and validate the assumption of 1680 MHZ as the rate that is important.
The G.D.V. Technique is used for monitoring the improvements as a result of treating patients using radionics. G.D.V.- grams photos of some persons treated using radionics have shown that the energy distribution in the aura has been normalised due to the treatment.
The treatments included are: (a) Correction of Lymph (b) Correction of DNA and Non-DNA miasms present in the major Chakras (c) Correction of diseases in the Mental Body and (d) Correction of DNA and Non-DNA miasms in the minor Chakras in the Etheric Body.
The use of the G.D.V. technique enables non dowsers or healers to use radionic instruments and rates successfully.
The steps followed in the treatment and the G.D.V.- grams photos before and after treatment are discussed in detail in the paper presented.
Even for a common body fluid like blood, there is a wide variation of rates De.La.Warr 409, Vernon D. Weathered 4434, Yvon Combe 156982, Rao 611666166.
A method that can be used to determine the correct value of the blood rate is to dowse using a witness of urea to obtain an individual’s blood urea value. The value can be checked in a Laboratory. Such a test repeated by several dowsers gives you a rate which is more accurate. Validation of this rate for blood can be observed from the following GDV photographs taken of a witness treated radionically using this rate for blood on the Pegotty Instrument and subjected to potency of a medicine like Pycnogenol. The instrument used is a simple one called a Pegotty Board (invented by Mr. Butcher, an Aircraft Engineer for Boeing Company 1950s in the US).
Pegotty Board:
Pegotty Board has equally spaced holes which actually represent numbers from 0 to 11. The middle hole for number 5 is skipped. The black pegs are placed from left to right – for example, the rate of blood is 611666166.
The Pegotty Card is a representation of the Pegotty Board and similarly, numbers are marked on the card. The card is kept in the slot and the photograph of the patient is kept at the bottom. A bottle of potensized medicine is also kept on the board. With this simple machine, the treatment of the patient’s blood is done through the patient’s aura from the photograph.
The rate for blood is shown on the instrument. This instrument can also be used with a pulsating field. Various treatments have been done and the GDV – grams show the influence of the radionic treatment for various items described. The pegotty board is used in the following manner:
- The rate for the organ is set on the board.
- The photograph or a witness of the person being treated is placed at the bottom.
- The rate of the location of the organ (Physical Etheric Body) is marked on to the Pegotty Card and inserted in the Pegotty Board slot. The potensized medicine is put in a bottle after the card.
The rates of organ and medicines can be obtained from suitable samples and can be optimised after several trials by getting dowsing rates (using them radionically) and testing in a Laboratory patient’s reaction. However, there is no way of verifying the rates for Chakras in the Etheric Body and rates for other bodies except through the GDV apparatus. One obtains rates by dowsing and radionic treatment is carried out on several patients using the various rates obtained by the same dowser or different dowsers. The rate which gives the best improvement in the shortest possible time is closer to the absolute one (if it is possible?).
This technology is now being tried out in two Hospitals in Vijayawada, AP for the treatment of Type II Diabetes and Asthmatics (not due to allergens). Preliminary results are very encouraging and I hope that in the next conference one of the Doctors will be able to present data on a large number of patients and case histories.
- Akimov A.E., Shipov G.I. 1998 – Experimental Manifestations of the Torsion Fields and Torsion Model of Consciousness – Consciousness and physical reality Vol.1, N.1, P.42-63.
- The Practice of Medical Radiesthesia – Vernon D Wethered.
- Dimensions of Radionics – David V.Tansley.
- Report on Radionics – Edward W. Russel.