Glen Rein, Kathy Kretchmar and George Cioca
Estee Lauder Companies, New Venture Technology, Melville, NY
The first utilization of gemstones as a biomedical treatment modality dates back to approximately 5000 BC, when Ayurvedic physicians realized their healing properties.
Although gemstones and gem elixers (aqueous extracts of gemstones) were continually used to treat a variety of physical, mental and emotional imbalances over the next 7000 years, there is a surprising scarcity of scientific research in this area. Nonetheless it is known that individual mineral elements (eg. Cu, Zn, Fe, Cr) leached from a gemstone have biological effects (Hambidge, 2003). Although these minerals would be predicted to occur at extremely low concentrations, biological effects are nonetheless observed when ground gemstones are topically applied to the skin of animals (Scholey, 1995) and humans (Yoo, 2002).
Other scientific studies, however, have placed a physical barrier between the gemstone and the biological system and have still observed effects both in vitro using blood cells (Niwa, 1993) and clinically (Shealy, 1993). These results suggest a non-chemical transfer of information from the gemstone to the biological system. These results may be explained in terms of the known magnetic and optical properties of certain gemstones resulting in the emission of weak electromagnetic (EMF) fields.
Although these fields are indeed weak, ultra-low intensity (pT) EM fields have previously been shown to produce biological effects (Blackman, 1998). In light of recent experiments demonstrating information associated with EM fields can stored in water for surprisingly long periods of time (Ayrapetyan, 1994), it is interesting to speculate that such ultra-weak EM fields radiating from gemstones might also transfer information into a gemstone elixer. The purpose of this study was to determine whether GDV electrography can measure this information.
Aqueous gemstone elixers were prepared by crushing gemstones into a fine
powder and dissolving them in DI water (0.5% w/v). After 10 minutes of stirring at room temperature with a magnetic stirring bar, the elixer suspension was filtered through coarse P8 filter paper (Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA) to remove gemstones from the elixer. In the citrine control, the citrine gemstone suspension was placed on the magnetic stirrer without a stirring bar. This experiment was designed to test the effect of stirring in
the presence of a magnetic field which was measured to be 250 T. In some cases the gemstones were left undisturbed in the elixer suspension for 1-7 days at room temperature. Immediately before electro-chemical and GDV measures all elixer suspensions were filtered through a 0.2 m Millipore filter. In some cases the elixers were mechanically agitated or succussed immediately before the second filtration.
Succussion was accomplished by manually shaking and banging the elixer on a hard surface three times.
Conductivity and pH measurements were obtained using a Fisher Accumet AR20 Meter (Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA). Static GDV photographs were taken by placing the aqueous elixer samples in a 1.0 ml plastic syringe (Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA) placed in a specially designed holder which suspends the drop several millimeters above the surface of the electrode. In order to avoid repeated exposure of each aliquot to the strong electric field generated by the GDV camera, fresh aliquots were used for each photograph. This single exposure method has also been previously
used in measuring GDV of dilute salt solutions (Korotkov, 2002).
GDV elecrrography was performed using the camera supplied by Kirlioniks
Technologies International (Russia). GDV images were analyzed by the GDV Processor software supplied by the manufacturer which calculates the area and fractality of each image. Fractality is measured as the form coefficient obtained from the deviation of the calculated external luminosity contour lines (Korotkov, 2001). All GDV area and fractality measures are the average of 6-8 separate aliquots. Conductivity measures are expressed as S/cm. Rose quartz gemstones are labeled as quartz. Standard t-tests were used for statistical analysis to obtain “p” values.
An initial study was conducted to compare the electro-chemical and energetic properties of three different gemstone elixers using the standard measures of pH and conductivity for comparison with GDV measures. The results presented in Table 1 indicate that when the samples are arranged in increasing pH and conductivity, there is no correlation between standard electro-chemical measures and GDV measures of area or fractality.
The results also demonstrate increases in pH, conductivity and GDV area for all elixers when compared to the solvent control. These results are consistent with the conclusion that minerals are leached from the gemstones and solubilized in the aqueous elixers. Therefore the mineral content of the elixers contributes to the GDV area measures. Since all electro-chemical and energetic measures are similar in stirred and non-stirred citrine elixers, it appears that stirring in the presence of a weak magnetic field does not significantly enhance the solubilization of minerals.
The relative order of activity of the various elixers is different when GDV area and fractality measures are used. Since area measures showed larger differences compared with the solvent control, this parameter was utilized in all subsequent studies.
Full text PDF: 2004 GEM ELIXERS
Beauty and Shungite
Physical Health and Beauty
Shungite stone is widely applied to improve health. Blocking all external negative influence, including EMF, shungite activate your immune system that becomes capable of combating any disease. Having shungite stone pyramid or sphere at home or wearing shungite jewelry in a daily basis you may improve blood circulation, normalize pressure, and improve metabolism.
The easiest way to apply shungite stone healing properties is to make shungite water. While internal usage of shungite water will treat concrete
diseases ranging from common colds to gastritis, washing with shungite water will help you to relax, restore pH balance of your skin and help to cure inflammations, acnes and some other skin related diseases.
Furthermore, shungite stones, pencils and sticks are widely used for massage. Such therapy includes placing flat heated or chilled stones at different body parts, like the neck, spine, chest and stomach. Massage with hot shungite stones helps to treat arthritis and reduce stress; and massage with cold shungite stones also helps to relax and relieve tensions from muscles.
Moreover, shungite is a component of various healing balms and gels which help to improve blood circulation, strengthen the blood vessels, encourage hematoma resorption and, eventually, accelerate the metabolic processes.
Other shungite balms are used for the treatment of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthrosis and arthritis; as this mineral provides a strong anti-inflammatory effect, reduces aches in joints and muscles.
But Karelian magical shungite stone isn’t beneficial just for you health; actually, it is good for your looks as well. Shungite is widely used for the production of cosmetics as it provides anti-allergic and antioxidant effect; what makes this mineral a perfect solution to skin related problems.