GDVCAMERA has been developed by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, Alexander Laptev, Dr. Alexander Kuznetsov and Olga Belobaba in 1995 and brings the powerful technology known as Gas Discharge Visualization technique to market in a more accessible way than ever before. The product consists of a desktop camera and accompanying software, which allows a user to quickly and easily conduct human energy scans. Accessory attachments are also available for purchase to conduct environment and object scans.
GDV Technique is the computer registration and analysis of electro-photonic emissions of biological objects (specifically the human fingers) resulting from placing the object in the high-intensity electromagnetic field on the device lens.
When a scan is conducted, a weak electrical current is applied to the fingertips for less than a millisecond. The object’s response to this stimulus is the formation of a variation of an “electron cloud” composed of light energy photons. The electronic “glow” of this discharge, which is invisible to the human eye, is captured by the camera system and then translated and transmitted back in graphical representations to show energy, stress and vitality evaluations.
Bio-Well is a revolutionary tool based on Gas Discharge Visualization technique (Kirlian effect, Electro-Photonic Imaging, etc) made specially for express-assessment of the functional or energetic state of a person. Interpretation of the scans is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayurveda and many scientific and clinical researches made throughout 20 years. It allows to foresee the functional disorders and to take preventive actions before the illness takes place. It is fast, visual and easy to use.
Bio-Well has been developed by an international team led by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov and brings the powerful technology known as Gas Discharge Visualization technique to market in a more accessible way than ever before. The product consists of a desktop camera and accompanying software. Accessory attachments are also available for purchase, GDV Sputnik to conduct Environment and BioClip scans.
The foundation of TRANSLIGHTERS theory is the Theory of Physical Structures and Synergy of Informational Processes. The Theory of Physical Structures is developed by Russian scientist Yuri Kulakov. This theory presents absolutely new view to our reality as the presentation of other reality, the reality of physical structures.
We can see some analogy of it looking into children’s toy kaleidoscope where we can actually see mirrors and structures that are small pieces of multi-coloured glass as a system of complex representation. The structures themselves are constant, but they interact with each other, rotating and moving into different positions. Their interaction is reflected in mirrors creating fancy ornaments and pictures. The same happens in reality, where the majestic diversity of nature is created through interaction of structures that can not be observed, but they influence everything. We have studied the structural interactions for a long time, and have developed methods of making structures with some pre-set properties.
Our research shows that these methods have extremely good perspectives. In TRANSLIGHTERS there are no moving parts or any sources of energy, there are only representations of structures. But these devices work! We are surprised by ourselves with results that we’ve obtained. The devices look like pieces of plastic, which can be put into a bracelet, sleeping mask, clothes, etc. After some time they start helping their users to keep up Biointernet connections.
The main measurable effect of use of TRANSLIGHTERS is normalization of functions and systems of human body. This means, if some parameter of system is below norm it can be increased with use of Translighter, if it is above normal level – it becomes lower. The fixed quality of normalization of BIO-systems proves that Translighters are absolutely harmless and cannot damage any organism. Thereby it increases quality and quantity of BIO-light, transparency of BIO-crystals grow, man gradually acquires the characteristics of BIO-laser.
Equipment for Yoga, Lucid Dreaming, Remote Viewing, Intuitive Information Sight, Meditation, Telepathy, Materialization and for other The Biointernet Practices
The Mask – a way to create a new “Me”, going beyond the limits of everydayness and “outside view” to organize and correct the Future.
Every day we use different masks. One mask for work, the other for the house, the third – only like a fan, the fourth – when something is forgotten or lost, the sixth – when they are satisfied with the result, the seventh – for parents, the eighth – for unfamiliar people, and so on.
Conscious use of masks creates a common reality and shapes the future.
THE BIOINTERNET MASK is a sleeping mask with systemic adapters, which stimulate, through quantum physics, the parts of the brain, responsible for vision, intuition and creativity.
Files with Functions – Artificial Intelligence for Tomorrow
Files with Functions – contemporary technologies by Dr. Boris Zolotov, Dr. Sergey Avdeev, Dr. Andrei Patrushev, Dr. Alexander Kozhemyakin, Oleg Bazhenov, Kirill Korotkov, Anton Fedorenko and other inventors and researchers.
Translighters Digital, Informational Medicine, Digital Structured Photography, Dynamic Vision Board, Digital Medicine, Binaural Beats, Digital Drugs and other technologies on Download Low and Superlow Files with Functions