Bio-Well 人体能量场分析仪
Bio-Well 人体能量场分析仪
Translighters Games
Science, Magic, Technologies
Online Interactive, the Biointernet Show
With Sergey Avdeev and Kirill Korotkov
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Human potential movement games
Monday, 21.00 GMT+2, Prague’s Time
Translighters Online Games with Dr. Sergey Avdeev, Galina Gajova and Kirill Korotkov
Working with Translighters Equipment, talking with inventor and developers of the Biointernet project, Questions and Answers, Experiments, Translighters Digital, Translighters Transfer, Ideas Exchange, Dice, Brain Storm, Expert-Operator, Leader Follow, MiniMax technology, Matrix of Development, new devices and more
El gran libro de los chacras
El gran libro de los chacras Conocimiento y tecnicas para despertar la energia interior GDVCAMERA has been developed by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, Alexander Laptev, Dr. Alexander Kuznetsov and Olga Belobaba in 1995 and brings the powerful technology known as Gas Discharge Visualization technique to market in a more accessible way than ever before. The product consists of a desktop … Read more
The Influence of Consciousness on Matter
The Influence of Consciousness on Matter
The question of whether the
human mind can directly,
without some intermediate
elements, influence the world
around us has troubled
mankind since ancient times.
This effect is described in countless myths,
legends and fairy tales of all peoples. In XX
century this question arose on the new
plane when the concept of the “observer” on
whose conscious actions the outcome of
subatomic events depended was introduced
in quantum mechanics. Such interpretation
is not universally accepted by physicists but
it provides a theoretical foundation for study
of these phenomena.
It is interesting to note that in techniques,
especially in computer sciences, there is a
c o m m o n o p i n i o n t h a t t h e r e a r e
experimenters in whose hands any
instrument works, and there are people
negatively affecting the equipment. The first
were Lord Kelvin, Thomas Edison and
Nikola Tesla. The latter are usually theorists.
A famous physicist George Gamow
humorously describes the so-called “Pauli
“It is well known that theoretical physicists
are very awkward in handling experimental
apparatus; and furthermore, the level of
physicist – theorist can be assessed by his
ability to break a delicate instrument byt
simply touching it. According to this criterion,
Wolfgang Pauli was an outstanding
theoretician; the equipment broke, fell,
blocked or burned as soon as he entered
the lab”.
Naturally, this is a joke, and such
influence is not exerted by all theorists,
but as with every joke, there is a large
element of truth there.
BioGeometry BioGeometry is an environmental science that uses the energy principles of shape to introduce equilibrium into the fundamental energy harmonics of biological systems, within the overall framework of environmental energy interactions. The BioGeometry effect is a relationship between the BioGeometry energy-quality balanced environment and the biological systems within it, and one of our main … Read more