He showed, in a public presentation, a luminous halo around human body and another objects while exposed to a strong electromagnetic field with high A.C. voltage and high frequency. But he considered this subject only as a scientific curiosity that received the general name of “Corona Effect”.
In the Nineteenth century enigmas of electricity were opening to people. One of the great inventors was Nikola Tesla, from whom we now have lamps and television sets. He invented the generator of alternating current. However, if it had not been him, somebody else would have done it. Inventions come to life when a social need for them appears. Then different people simultaneously and independently start arriving at the same ideas. This is connected with the fact that the ideas have their logic of development, and the developers shall only intuitively feel this logic.
After raising good money with his patents, Nikola Tesla began the mysterious experiments on energy transfer without wires. He did not finish his developments and died in destitution, but up to now enthusiasts have been trying to investigate his ideas. We get used to our technical progress and reap its fruits with pleasure, but is it the only possible way of development? At the peak of his career Tesla liked to give public lectures and impress the audience with the following experience. The light was turned off in the room, Tesla turned on the generator of his own design, stood on the platform-electrode, and his body got wrapped in the glow. The hair stood on end, glowing rays of light radiated in the space.
The experiment was very effective, though not all those who wished managed to repeat it: as a matter of fact, their glow was much less and for some people even missing. Not in vain was it said that Nikola Tesla had special energy state.

Further research did not go much beyond investigations of the glow of fingers, sometimes ears, nose and other prominent parts of the body. Is it possible to reproduce Tesla’s experiments and make all the body glow? Yes, it is. But is it necessary? Powerful equipment, which is not safe if not handled properly, is required for such an experiment. Moreover, the stronger electrical glow, the more ozone is generated in the air. A high concentration of ozone is far from being healthy.
The Nikola Tesla Institute, Brasil
Founded in 2012 in Brasília, Brasil
The Institute houses a functioning, fully automated laboratory, built to carry on research in Tesla technologies, with the goal of development of new energy technologies, wireless energy transmission and research and development of human energy (bio-resonance) technologies.
The Nikola Tesla Institute, website http://www.institutotesla.org/
ニコラ・テスラ(セルビア語: Никола Тесла, セルビア語ラテン翻字: Nikola Tesla, 1856年7月10日 – 1943年1月7日)は、19世紀中期から20世紀中期の電気技師、発明家である。交流電気方式、無線操縦、蛍光灯、空中放電実験で有名なテスラコイルなど多数の発明や、「世界システム」なる全地球的送電システムなど壮大な提唱もあり、磁束密度の単位「テスラ」にその名を残している。

He was a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurist who is best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current electricity supply system.
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