Advances in Diagnosis and Monitoring of the human quantum informational field with GDV technique.
Konstantin G. Korotkov, Ph.D., Prof.
Technical University SPIFMO, St-Petersburg
Recent applications of the GDV Technique – Evoked Bioelectrography Responses of biological subjects – is under consideration. Overview of the results in the following areas are presented: examination of the bronchial patients of various course of disease; estimation of readiness for the competitive activity among elite athletes; Frontier Science Study; study of water and liquids. The data presented demonstrate high sensitivity of the GDV technique for the evaluation of different states of consciousness, follow-up of individual person’s reaction to different treatment modalities and influences, detection of small impurities in water. Description of the new GDV programs and devices are discussed as well.
1. Introduction
Complimentary, energy, vibration medicine, various forms of healing are inevitably be- coming one of our life issues. Serious debates on the efficiency of the given “non-chemical” methods of the influence on the organism are gradually coming down due to the statistically valid clinical data, conceptual approaches and practical applications of acupuncture, home- opathy and low-energy treatments. It would be expedient to put forward a term, integrating all the above-mentioned methods of treatment: “Informational Medicine”.
One of the principle factors of the Informational Medicine promotion is the development of simple holistic methods of the human state examination, cheap and easy in application, as well as the methods of monitoring of the individual reaction on the informational influences.
2. Methods
The principle of the Gas Discharge Visualisation (GDV)
technique device construction is demonstrated on the figure 1. The
object analyzed (a finger, a plant leaf and etc.) is positioned on the
surface of the optical glass 3.5 mm thick. On the back side of the
glass the electroconductive micro-grid is plotted by the method of
vacuum photogalvanoplastics. The impulses of the generator volt-
age are applied to the grid. The glow turning up around the object
is fixed by the CCD camera and the picture goes to a computer for
the processing and analysis. Purposeful investigations allowed to
find the parameters, optimal from the point of obtaining the infor-
mation on the biological object state with the minimum of invasiv-
ity. These findings are described in more than 50 research works by Dr. Korotkov in the Rus- sian scientific literature, 12 patents, 4 books in Russian, English, Italian [1,2].
In general, the principle of obtaining the information, using the developed approach, can be presented as follows. Electric impulse stimulates the response of the subject in form of electron and photon emission. Simultaneously, at the expense of superficial and volume het- erogeneity of the object, space-time modulation of the applied electromagnetic field (EMF)
Fig.1. Principle of the GDV technique.
takes place. Weak emission and photon radiation of the object increases at the expense of the gas discharge, generating in EMF. The glow of this discharge is transformed by the optical and CCD system into a computer file. On the basis of the calculated parameters and diagnos- tic hypothesis a certain conclusion or diagnosis is made. The picture, formed after processing and transformations, reveals as a two-dimensional amplitude-modulated fractal image. To study this image the methods of fractal, matrix and probability analysis, realised in form of the original program complex on the basis of Windows are used. The technique is named as “Biological Emission and Optical Radiation Stimulated by Electromagnetic Field Amplified by Gaseous Discharge with Visualisation by Computer Processing”. In short BEO GDV Technique and images after processing are named as BEO-grams or GDV-grams.
To analyse the human psycho-physiological condition two main analytical approaches are applied: parametric and sector. The parametric approach is based on the calculation of the BEO-grams parameters (today the GDV Software calculates more than 30 parameters), factor and correlation analysis on the basis of GDV parameters and data of the other measurements (psychological, physiological, bioelectrographic). The following main groups of parameters are considered: geometrical, brightness, density, fractal, probability, entropy.
The sector diagnosis is based on the diagnostic table, connecting the glow characteris- tics of separate zones of fingers with the functional state of the body zones. The diagnostic ta- ble is based on the concepts of traditional Chinese medicine, micro-acupuncture systems and empirical experience. The analysis suggests using the notion on Chakras and Ayurvedic medicine. Basing on the BEO-grams from 10 fingers and the diagnostic table in the GDV programs the model of the field distribution round the human body is built (fig.2). Independ- ent clinical observations in different countries revealed the diagnostic validity of the GDV- technique and, in particular, the model of the field distribution – Aura. Special technique have been developed for the study of GDV characteristics of water, biological liquids and different subjects.

Full text: Korotkov_GDV_survey_2000
Monitoring of the human quantum informational field
Key words: Consciousness, Frontier Science, Sport, GDV, Kirlian effect, structured water