Measurements of the Human Body Parameters Made with the GDV Camera and the SCIO Device to the Influence of Colloidal Silver Solution
CURTA Ioan1,a, ROSCA Ileana-Constanta2,b, Marosy Z Mohirta I5,e
1-2Product design Department, Mecatronics and environment, Transilvania University, Brasov, Romania
3Ecologic University of Bucharest, Romania
4University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila, Bucharest, Romania
5Romanian Association of Transpersonal Psychology, Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: GDV camera, SCIO, electro-colloidal silver (ECS), bio-energy field, Chakras.
Abstract. The experiments conducted and presented in this article are meant to determine the changes in the parameters characteristic of the human body which can be shown by means of two state-of-the-art biomedical devices. The comparative study has been conducted by using a SCIO bio-resonance device and a GDV (gas discharge visualization) Camera.
The study’s protocol includes the ingestion of a small quantity of electro-colloidal silver solution (ECS). Both devices were strictly used for measuring and the method used was thep Test-ReTest method. The experiment was conducted on only 3 subjects and was meant to be a pilot study that would
determine the parameters for a future measurement session with these two devices on a statistically relevant group of subjects. The final study is meant to determine that ECS is more than a mere antiseptic solution.
Measurements of the Human Body Parameters Made with the GDV Camera
Quantum mechanics, and, later on, relativistic quantum medicine of radiation (quantum electrodynamics) with its hard to understand principles and the elementary logic of common sense have gradually become part of our day to day lives through the intermediate of biomedical devices
and apparatuses. Once the results of these devices are disseminated, our knowledge about the environment, about the structure and functions of the human body quickly change and often exceed the framework of anatomy. Clarifying the phenomena leads to an avalanche of new devices with
new results, functions and correlations. This fast rhythm, which was unimaginable a few decades ago, is only meant to prepare us for the close future that will take us closer to the stars [1]. The experiments presented herein are only meant to be part of this trend [2].
The objectives of this test:
The objective measurements consisted of observing and interpreting changes in the human energy informational matrix under the influence of the ingestion of a colloidal silver solution and the measurement of the changes in the parameters that can be measured with the GDV Camera [3,4]
and a SCIO device [11].
We aimed to find possible correlations between the thus obtained parameters.
Presentation of the devices used: GDV Camera and the SCIO device GDV (gas discharge visualization)
The GDV method and device were developed in 1995 in Russia by a team that was coordinated by Prof. Konstantin Korotkov and today it is being used in over 60 countries by hundreds of researchers and doctors ( , ). After 20 years of using the term
GDV, another term started being used, i.e. electro-photonic capture (EPC), because it is thought to define the entire technique in a more precise manner. The GDV/EPC method is a remarkable extension of the Kirlian effect, of the images of the photonic emissions resulted through stimulation
in the electromagnetic field, followed by computer processing with dedicated software using nonlinear fractal analysis. By using the measurements made on the fingers of both hands and by
using the complex software, an image is created that shows the distribution of the human energy field. The principle is based on the connexion of different parts of the fingers with different organs
and systems of the body through the energy meridians described by the Oriental medicine [5,6].
This idea was first suggested by Dr. Voll in Germany. Later on, it was developed by Dr. Mandel in Germany and in the end it was verified clinically and revised by a team that was coordinated by Dr.
Korotkov in Russia. The images taken with the GDV Camera without a filter – referred to as GDVgrams (beograms) – represent the objectivation of the sympathetic nervous system, whereas those taken with a filter represent the objectivation of the parasympathetic nervous system. The filter is a thin sheet of polymer whose role is to eliminate the influence of all the processes that have a direct connection to the surface of the skin, i.e. sweat [3] p. 35. GDV is an authorized medical device in Russia and Europe and it is about to be authorized in the USA as well.
The following parameters can be obtained/analysed/monitored using the GDV camera:
– Average Area – scale 0-16210 pixels on the PC screen – Joules/cm2;
– Average Form Coefficient (FC) (scale 0 to 63.2);
– Stress Index (T) – (scale from 0.3 to 7.37);
– Average Js – (normal values -0.6/ +1.0) (the person’s health index);
– Average RMS (root mean square) – standard deviation of intensity, is a statistical measure
with positive values;
– Average entropy – scale (0-4);
– value of the chakras – the average of the whole GDV area of right and left hand;
– asymmetry of the chakras – deviation of the positions of the chakras from the vertical axis.
The SCIO device
SCIO (Scientific Consciousness Interface Operation) is a universal electrophysiological biofeedback system. It is a computed device that, by measuring a physiological response and retransmitting it
back to the body, may determine the modification of the physiological activity for the purpose of
improving health [11].
The theoretical foundations were presented by Dr Nelson in an ample 900-page treatise that was published in 1982 in the USA under the name of “Quantum Biology” and republished in 1996 by
Academy Press Budapest under the name of “Promorfeus”. The system has been developed since 1975 by the American professor W. Nelson and it consists (in simplified description) of the emission of electromagnetic signals/impulses to the human body, similar to the ultrasound device,
the reception of the body’s response to the signals, followed by the comparison between this response and the information existing in the database and the processing thereof with a special software. The information is collected by the electrodes placed on the head and on the limbs.
These are some of the SCIO parameters (200 in total), as they have been defined by their creator, Dr
1) Volt: reflects adrenal function and will power;
2) Ampere: reflects brain function serotonin, and life force, willpower;
3) Resistance: reflects ease of energy flow through the body;
4) Hydration: reflects ease of water flow and water amount, thirst;
5) Oxidation: reflects ease of oxygen flow and oxygenation. Markers on oxygenation are
generally reflective of how much oxygen crosses into the bloodstream;
6) Proton press(ure): acidity or alkalinity, an electrical measurement and pH;
7) Electron press(ure): is the measurement of the free electrons that are important for body
electricity operation. The two parameters, Electron Pressure and Proton Pressure, indicate the
electric balance between the protons and the electrons;
8) Major resonant frequency shows how intense the activity of the nervous system is. It can be
influenced in different ways; therefore it may vary considerably over an entire day;
9) Cellular vitality index: reflects oxygen, Essential Fatty Acids (EFA), Conjugated Linoleic
Acid(CLA), B-12 w/ folic acid, Vitamin C, Minerals, Calcium & Magnesium;
10) Reactance: The body’s ability to react to medication testing and to pathogens;
11) Impedance: The energy blockages preventing energy from naturally flowing throughout the
12) Phase response: Systems synchrony, organs, nerves co-operation/ working together;
13) Phase angle: an overview of the body. Cell response, the regeneration capacity of the body, or ability to replace or renew its cells. It is based on total body resistance and reactance and it
is independent of height, weight and fat. Lower phase angles appear to be consistent with cell death. Higher phase angles are consistent with large quantities of intact cell membranes and body cell mass.
Both techniques have been used in the biofield for over 20 years. They have become well known in alternative medicine and in scientific applications due to the amazing capacity of interdisciplinary
study, i.e. the investigation on the different effects of homeopathic remedies [3], [5], or the study of the effects of different remedies or food supplements.
The advantages of using the GDV/EPI and SCIO techniques are various, e.g. non-invasive, simple, safe, sterile techniques that do not require special operating conditions or high qualification from the part of the human operator.
Electro colloidal silver (ECS)
The electro-colloidal silver solution (ECS) used in the experiments is a liquid mineral food supplement with concentrations of 5, 10, 20 and 25 ppm. It is legally authorized in Romania. It has a slightly bitter taste and it is made up of only 2 elements, i.e. distilled and structured water and silver particles of nanometric dimensions with high purity: 99.99%. Sub-microscopic silver particles are sized 0.5 to 4.5 nm and they can only be viewed under an TEM microscope that can achieve magnifications of 175,000 x. It is very important to note that ECS neutralizes most pathogens and
helps neutralize or prevent infections [7], [8], [9], but it is not a medicine.
Doctors W. von Holst and W. Kuni remarked, in their “Koloidale silber als medecine” book, the fact that silver, especially in its colloidal form, neutralizes the pathogenic agents, but this refers only
to a small part of its action spectrum and does not explain, for example, its capacity to close wounds faster, the capacity to ameliorate pain or its antidepressive effect.
We pursued to comply with two main conditions of Dr. Korotkov’s protocol [3]:
– All the consecutive GDV-gram images of the same patient should be taken at the same time, by
the same operator, in the same room with constant temperature, moisture content and air quality;
– The measurements will be made before taking any medication, or at least three hours after any ingested food.
-3 measurements were made with the GDV device and only 2 with the SCIO device in the following order: GDV (M0) Pre-Test -> SCIO (M0) Pre-Test -> ECS ingestion -> GDV(M1)
Test -> SCIO(M1) Test –> GDV(M2) ReTest.
The times between the GDV camera measurements were 3-5 minutes after the ingestion, then 120 minutes (2 hours) after the ingestion, and the times between the two measurements made with the SCIO device were also approximately 120 min (2 hours). The measurements were made in the same room, by specialized operators for each device. The measuring devices were located far enough from each other to prevent interference. As an additional measure of the study protocol, the devices were not used at the same time, but alternatively.
The three subjects, two males aged 37 (S1) and 50 (S3) and a female aged 74 (S2), were selected following the participation in a previous GDV camera measurement session, during which the 37year old subject (S1) had presented the greatest asymmetry in a group of 32 persons (the anamnesis made showed that S1 had multiple relational problems with his family members) and the female subject had had a frail constitution. The third subject was selected owing to the fact that he wore an energy balancing hologram bracelet. In Table 1, below presents the values of the S1’s physical parameters (measured using a filter) and the emotional parameters (measured without using a filter) during the M0 Pre-Tests, the M1 Test and the M2 Re-Test.
Measurements of the Human Body

Measurements of the Human Body Parameters Made with the GDV Camera
Measurements of the Human Body Parameters Made with the GDV Camera