Korotkov’s images – BEO gram, GDV images, EPI images, Bio-Well images, etc
Korotkov’s images – Kirlian images downloaded and processed on GDV Software

Digital Kirlian Photography
Korotkov image is a complex 2-D figure with each pixel characterized by its brightness coded by integer in the range of 0 (“black”) to 255 (“white”). Geometrical parameters of GDV-images (e.g., the area defined as a sum of pixels exceeding the specified brightness threshold; fractality coefficient defined as relation of the length of the image perimeter to its average radius multiplied by 2Pi, the breadth of streamers) contain the information about the object’s characteristics. For example, with an increase of ion concentration in liquid the glow increases while the streamer breadth decreases. To include such data into the structure of a complex biophysical experiment quantitative processing of the obtained images is required.
GDV chart
GDV Diagnosis Chart, GDV Maps, GDV Tables

Emotional detailed chart
Every organ is connected to our brain, any information that comes from individual organs has a meaning on an emotional level
Left brain hemisphere, CONSCIOUS PART, shows the following messages:
Mammary lymph nodes, rectum, Kidneys and neck area in Hyperfunction.
Right hemisphere, the UNCONSCIOUS SIDE, manifested the following signals:
Kidneys, liver, gallbladder, sacred, hypothalamus and Appendix in Hyperfunction.

Physical Chart
Organs on the left side Liver, Mammary, pituitary glands, ganglia urino genital, sacred in Hyperfunction. Emotional stress was registered by the Department which for not getting sick is producing more power.
Organs right side Kidneys, sacred, urino genital, cervical, bladder, Hyperfunction. Emotional stress was registered by the Department which for not getting sick is producing more power.
When we speak of Hyperfunction emotionally we mean that emotionally, we are experiencing a stressful situation that needs attention, each organ is related to a specific emotional meaning. If not resolved, by switching to Hyperfunction or hypofunction emotional lives a high stress, difficult to manage.
If this stress is not handled by EMOTIONAL changes to physical being (first PHYSICAL then Hyperfunction hypofunction) and once in hypofunction organ called upon you “sick” in a more or less serious depending on the type of stress, this is to notify the person who must resolve immediately what creates discomfort.

Analyzing Human Energy Fields
The Energy Field program is designed to process GDV images and to build a model of the human energy field using the information obtained from 10 GDV images of human fingers. The creation of the energy field is based on a diagnostic map. The Energy Field shows the human energy field as an image around the human contour and represents it in tables and diagrams in numeric form.

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