Entropyn TV – first experimental videos using Entropyn technology
@GDVPLANET YouTube channel

Korotkov.TV Live – First Healing Bio TV Online
Korotkov.TV online – practical TV
Interactive Home TV channel and Folk Science Healthy Community
On Time – timetable Korotkov.TV online
Korotkov.TV online Q/A – technical questions, Zoom, YouTube, Bio-Net, etc
April 2020 Bio-Net
YouTube, Facebook, Zoom, Instagram, Twitch, HLS 4.0 and more
Lectures, Workshops, Seminars, Games, Home Workout, Conferences, Talk Show, Yoga lessons, Fighting, New Devices and more at Korotkov.TV online
It is a nice time, to be at Home
Korotkov.TV Studio – experimental multimedia production
Korotkov.TV online Soon available
Intuition, The Biointernet, Remote Viewing, Human Light System, Lucid Dreaming, Intuitive Information Sight, Love, Expedition, Game, Play, Feel, Sense, History, Stock, Human Resources, Experiment, Bioelectrography, Gas Discharge Visualisation, Electrophotonics Imaging, Kirlian Effect, GDVCAMERA, GDV Sputnik, Prognosis, Clairvoyance, Bio-Well, Casino, Science, Quality of Life, Meditation, Market Cap, My Hourglass Collection, Charts, Satoshi Cycle, Research, Precognition, Reiki, Cosmos, BEZ, Meta-modeling, Human Resources, Metabolism, Time and Space, Art, Museums, Practical Philosophy, Translighters, Telepathy, Teleportation, Intuition Development, Beauty, Water and more. Subscribe for the Future here:
What will be available at Korotkov.TV online
Lectures, Workshops, Seminars, Games, Home Workout, Conferences, Talk Show, Yoga lessons, Fighting and more. See the Schedule here.
Human Light System Course
Experimental 5 years online course about Human Energy Field. More about HLS Course here
Bio-Well training and Bio-Well foundation, GDV Diagnostics. Training and practice with GDV Camera by Dr. Korotkov. Working with BioCor, GDV Sputnik, GDV Water Sensor, GDV Laboratory and GDV Software
Lectures, Workshops, Experiments and more
Translighters Games
These Games in Time, with Time and Timeless. Science, Magic, Technologies. Online Interactive, the Biointernet Show with Sergey Avdeev and Kirill Korotkov
Human Potential Movement Games
Welcome to Translighters Games website!
Translighters Games on YouTube
Intuitive Information Sight Training
Ability to see without using eyes and more Biointernet modes with Galina Gajova and other Teachers from the Biointernet School
The Biointernet Modes:
- Intuitive Information Sight
- Mini Max
- Expert Operator System
- Dynamic Vision Board
- Party-Theater mode
- Dream mode
- Time Travel Management
- Time Trace
- Leader Follow
- Terminator’s Art
- Materialization
- Teleportation
Sunshine Yoga Lessons
Teaching Yoga for beginners. Professional Meditations
Hourglass Figure Workout
Home Workout with Marten Sport. What we can do now at Home for Beauty and Health. Everyday
Reading the Biointernet book
The Biointernet. Manual. First Edition. Reading and Conversation. Intuitive Information Sight Technologies by Dr. Zolotov Development
Bzipsi Water Experiment
BZI Aqua Psi Online Global Meditation
Group Interactive Platform Exploring Experiments Involving the Measurement of Consciousness and Space
Exploring Consciousness Using Water Based Sensors GDVCAMERA by DrK and GDV Sputnik
Is it possible to measure the effect of a large group of people concentrating on the same object?
Breath synchronization among all participants. All participants will listen to the same audio broadcast. Send Love to all participants as well as all of humanity, and wish them stronger health and immune system. Let’s meditate and see how water reacts to the power of our collective consciousness!
- The experiment will start on a “Start Date” and will last about 30 minutes. You can also see a countdown showing the time left before the session begins.
- When the countdown is finished, the session begins. Refresh the page if you think the displayed countdown time is incorrect.
- During the session, you can influence the water sample through its photo. To do so, click on “Start Session” (this button will be available only during the session). The photo is considered to be an entanglement key to the real object which during the session is placed into the measuring device, i.e. Electrochemical Impedance Spectrometer (EIS).
- Concentrate your attention on the displayed photo (i.e. container of water) and apply your intention to make the water in the container more conductive.
- Breath according to the instructions provided during the session.
- During the session, click on the “play” icon to connect to the audio channel that all participants will listen to.
- Concentrate for as long as you wish and when finished click “Finish Session”.
- When the session is complete, you will see the results on this page under the “Results” tab.
Bio-Net Community online meditation
Music live sessions
Classic, Sound Design, Jazz, Industrial, Noise and more
Parties and Friends Meetings
Birth Days!!! Celebrations and other Fun using Party-Theater Biointernet mode
Kid’s Time
Kids at Home without smartphone and more. Table games, Songs, Playing the Common Games and watching Results
Online Art Auctions
Teaching Movies and Series about Bio-Net technologies. Common watching and talking. See also: The Biointernet educational documentaries
Bio-Net Game
Short Training. Everyday. Super Prize!
Korotkov.TV online – On Time online timetable
Looking for Lecturers and Participants. Everyday. Online. Free and Interesting. Mail to online@korotkov.tv
Thank you very much for participating!
Korotkov.TV Live – First Healing Bio TV Online
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