Kirlian Photography abstract
Interpretation Guide and record Book

PDF: Kirlian Photography
Kirlian Photography abstract
Interpretation Guide and record Book
By taking a picture of the aura of your hand, we can discover many things. Are you psychic? Intuitive? Is your energy balanced? Are you still connected to someone? Are you in control of your energy? Do you have any physical malfunctions? And more …..
Everything That Exists Is Energy
Your spirit is the underlying power that connects us all to the one source and by the Law of Attraction becomes a reflection in your life experiences.
When you are connected to the full potential of this energy your life will reflect vibrant health, abundance, growth and joy, with end- less creative and inspirational ideas. You will resonate 8 Hertz vi- brations, excellent for healing others through thought, touch, or medi- tations.
The fingers in your hand represent meridians of the mental, physical, emotional, and intuitive areas of the physical body. With the use of Kirlian photography we can now trace this energy as it moves along specific pathways and determine if the body is in har- mony and in balance in its alignment to receive the full potential of that vibration.
In a Kirlian photograph of a person’s fingers you will notice each finger has a thick, bright, luminous halo of energy on a light orange background indicating that the higher plane of vibration can be at- tracted, pass through the body in a ceaseless rhythm to the brain, heal, cleanse and attune internally and externally through alignment. It is used and then dispensed into the atmosphere. Negative energy will not flow through the body but it will interfere with the energy flow.
Disconnection from this energy begins by resisting the flow, when you entertain negative emotions, thoughts such as fear, an- ger, criticisms, judgements, out dated beliefs to name only a few. These all stem from not knowing yourself. Then your physical life expression begins to reflect the results in direct proportion to the thoughts you have been having
Kirlian photos of a person who is disconnected even partially from this energy will have halos that are distorted, thin, broken, odd shaped or may even disappear indicating poor energy flow, on the mental, physical, emotional, or intuitive areas.
We all come into this Universe, a world of perfect balance to experience co-creation at its best and Kirlian photography is an ex- cellent tool to discover our connection or disconnection to the source.
Agnnes Kraweck PhD – Aura For Health