Kirlian museum
Dinskaya, Russia
Elena Grigorievna Korobova, heads the Kirlian museum on Dinskaya museum of local lore. She devoted more than 30 years to collecting materials and studying the life and scientific activity of the Kirlian couple. Collecting bit by bit all that belonged to scientists, she had to travel not only the whole region, but also far beyond its borders. She created the only memorial exposition in the world devoted to the life and work of world-famous scientists S.D. and V.Kh. Kirlian, where visitors can see furniture, a library of scientists, instruments of scientific activity and much more.

It should be noted that the reflection in the museum’s exposition of the life and work of the Kirlian spouses has not only state, but also international significance.
The collection of materials not only about the Kuban inventors, but also about the continuation of the Kirlian affair in other countries continues.

“The memorial exposition of the Kirlian spouses in the walls of the local history museum of the village of Dinskaya appeared in 1987,” says Elena Grigoryevna. The collection of materials about the couple Elena Korobova began to study, knowing that Valentine Kirlian is from the Dinsky district.

In the exposition, the most valuable is their furniture and library, about 500 books, photographs, instruments of scientific activity. Only for the last couple of months visitors from Japan, Latin America, two groups from Germany have visited us.

Often the Swiss come, the Poles invite to travel with their exhibits to the cities of Poland, and recently there was a researcher, a psychologist from New Zealand, because today in the world more than 60 countries use Kirlian’s method in their studies. ”
Documentary “Simon and Valentine Kirlian”
The new television of the Kuban, 2002.
The author and presenter of the film: Natalia Brazhnikova.
Director: Svetlana Agapina.
Operators: Sergey Laktionov, Roman Nedelsky.
Sound producer: Sergey Telnyuk.
Installation: Andrey Maslov, Maxim Kondratyuk.
Computer graphics: Roman Ivashchenko, Eduard Kachanov.
Editor: Victor Malchevsky.
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