Experimental investigation of oils with gemstones
Vainshelboim A.1, Korotkov K.2, Prijatkin N. 2, Momoh K.S.1, and Hayes M.1
1The Aveda Corporation; Minneapolis, MN USA, 2The Saint-Petersburg State University of Informational Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
Subject of the research
7 different oils corresponding to different chakras were under investigation. GDV-grams of oils were measured in initial state and after submerging of specially selected gemstones.
Different gemstones of the same size were specially selected. For every stone homological characteristics and GDV-grams were measured.
Precisely measured drop of liquid was placed at the glass plate of measurement device from the GDV testing Kit. Dynamical method of GDV-grams’ registration was applied for the study. 5-6 independent measurements were done for every oil sample. Results were averaged after eliminating the artifacts. Several measurements were repeated in different days. No dependence on the moment of measurement was found.
Drops of 0.04 ml and 0.02 ml were tested. It was demonstrated that drops 0.04 ml has higher stability and reproducibility.
Combination of the particular gemstone and oil were presented by AVEDA Company.
Gemstones were placed in the oil for 12-15 hours. After this measurements of oils were repeated in accordance with above mentioned procedure. Gems were measured using standard device from the GDV Material testing Kit. Position of the stone was selected depending on its geometry to have the lowest deviation of the parameters. The following parameters were calculated from the GDV-grams.
Experimental investigation of oils with gemstones

As we see from the presented data, there are several statistically significant correlation between physical properties of the gemstones and their GDV parameters. This is the best poof that the data of GDV measurements of the gemstones are consistent with the accepted measurements. Thus, we can conclude that different GDV parameters reflect energetic properties of the gemstones and may be applied to evaluation of their influence to different physical and biological systems, like oils, creams, perfumes and human energy state.
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