International Journal of Unconventional Science

2014 6 International Journal of Unconventional Science

International Journal of Unconventional Science (IJUS) is a peer-reviewed, electronic journal.

Impact of Translighters on the Stability of Experiments
Impact of Translighters on the Stability of Experiments

IJUS publishes original and high-quality research papers, surveys, reviews and letters on topics broadly related to boundary phenomena of quantum physics, unconventional information effects, energy, biophysics, medicine, psychology and other disciplines.

It supports exchange of ideas and popularization of new interdisciplinary and boundary areas of modern science.


See more about IJUS and Low and Superlow Research on Low and Superlow!

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic

Arthur C Clarke

Low and Superlow – project about Low and Superlow Fields and Radiation in Biology and Medicine. Theories and Equipment. Participants and Inventions. Interdisciplinary Science and Technologies.

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