Psycho-Dynamic and Bio-Energetic Results of Integrated Mental Training
P. Bundzen, K. Korotkov and L.-E.Unestal
Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Orebro, Sweden
The bio-energetic paradigm in West-European psychosomatic medicine was figured in the mid-1930s based on works by Freud and Jung. Further, this concept was expressed directly in W. Reich’s and A. Lowen’s research. A. Lowen considered the idea of individual internal harmony and beauty, mind and body reuniting the main purpose of “bio-energetic therapy”[A.Lowen, 1990. p. 20].
This very approach serves as a basis for both psychotherapeutic and creative mental training modifications development. In the last decade these modifications have achieved worldwide use and note, especially in Europe, USA and Canada [Unestahl 1986, 1997, Rushall 1991, Straub 1992, Orlick 1997 & etc]. A series of surveys, conducted within “Mental Training for Sport and Life-Style”* a Russian-Swedish R&D project, highlighted that the stress-eliminating effect of Swedish systematic mental training is in an inextricable connection with both the raise of functional potential of a person and bio-energetic homeostasis reconstruction.
After the initial positive results further research into the integrated mental training psycho-energetic influence was launched. A complex psychophysical approach was applied with involvement of the latest electrographic developments and technologies.
Main research techniques used:
- Mental Training Audio-Programmes Complex. These programmes fall into two main groups. The first group performs basic course syllabuses for muscular and mental relaxation. The second group of programmes has a creative and sanative set: “Anti-stress”, “Mental Power”, “Problem-solving”, “Beauty and Harmony”.
The entire course lasts seven weeks at five sessions a week. The Russian training version programs were identical to the programmes developed by Scandinavian International University [Unestahl 1997]. The basic course lasts three weeks, every creative or sanative program mentioned above takes one week. The “Active Imagining” test was conducted under so-called “mental room” conditions (when a testee self-induces an “Alternative State of Consciousness ” [hereinafter named “ASC”]) and was used as functional load of psycho-energetic nature. The test was held upon completion of the training course with the use of an electrographic device scheduled to control testee “penetration” into ASC via quasi-constant potential registration.
- Bilateral Digital Registration of Quasi-Constant Potential [Russian patent № 20113775, 1994], or of Omega-Potential (OP). OP registration at the current study was aimed at controlling the process of “penetration” into ASC. To conduct OP registration, bipolar leads were used: the middling-frontal electrode position – thenar of appropriate right and left hands. OP bilateral dissymmetry disappearing [with values reducing up to 20±5 mV] was considered the differential and diagnostic symptom of complete penetration of a participator into ASC.
3. Profile of Mood States” (POMS) – diagnostic test on psycho-emotional state and psycho-energetic potential [McNair 1992]. Russian adapted and verified version of POMS, developed by SPb PE R&D Institute [Bundzen & Schluter, 1995], was applied in research. The calculation of parameter, characterizing relative scale of psycho-energetic readiness, was the only
* “Mental Training for Sport and Life-Style” International R&D project has been developed since 1996 by Scandinavian University International and Baltic Teachers Academy [St-Petersburg, Russia].