Information Field in the Life World?

Is There an Information Field in the Life World?

Empirical Approach Using Electrophotonic Analysis

Erico Azevedo1 and José Pissolato Filho2

1. Ontopsychology Department, AMF, Estrada Recanto Maestro, 338, 97200-000, Restinga Seca-RS, Brazil 2. Energy Systems Department, FEEC/Unicamp, Rua Albert Einstein, 400, 13083-852, Campinas-SP, Brazil

Abstract: This paper presents a brief review of distant biological communication phenomena, information fields explained as a transduction of information without energy displacement, experimental requirements for testing this hypothesis with human beings using electrophotonic analysis, oxymetry and electromagnetic shielding. Finally, authors present preliminary results and future work on this new field of interdisciplinary research.

Key words: Semantic fields, eletrophotonic analysis, quantum biocommunication, information field hypothesis test.

1. Introduction

Energetic phenomena in the life world are an argument of interest in several applied and theoretical fields with roots in biology, medicine and biomedical engineering, but also, in a more humanistic approach, gave birth to an environment of theoretical reflections, such as Meneghetti’s semantic fields [1], Sheldrake’s morphic resonance [2], Backster’s primary perception [3], and more recently, research relating consciousness and quantum physics [4-6].

In biophotonics, researchers showed that communication between cells does not necessarily depend on chemical or electrical schemes, and this opened the way to study the role of electromagnetic waves [7-10]. However, what a few researchers started to ask is how such communication could be possible via electromagnetic waves considering significant distances and barriers. In other words: how is it possible that a very low intensity signal, subject to noise and decay, might enable such precise communications in the life world? For some scientists, there are already enough data to support the hypothesis that this kind of communication is based on quantum phenomena [11, 12].

From an entirely different perspective, physicists have debated and tested for the last decades the breaches in the locality principle [12-16], without considering, however, that “instant communication” might also work within the life world, specifically with human beings [17]. The radical novelty of this paper resides in its repeatable and reproducible experimental design with physiological measurements and electromagnetic shielding proposed to implement a test of such phenomenon with human beings. A series of difficulties has yet to be overcome, but it is clear the fact that many scientists have been trying to codify this category of phenomena generically definable as “information field hypothesis” and no matter how complex these phenomena might look like, it is fair enough to suppose that something analogous to the quantum entanglement might exist in the life world. In order to avoid any conceptual confusion, the information field hypothesis will be herein described merely as “an information transduction without displacement of energy”. Table 1 was reproduced from Han et al. [7] with additional articles reviewed by the authors to give a historical perspective of studies already conducted.

Full text: Information Field


Information Field in the Life World?

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