Hydrogen Peroxide Treatment and GDV Bioelectrography
The patented method of treatment and prevention of the immunodeficiency (and therefore energy deficiency) organism’s state is the inhalation (aerosol) therapy of the aqueous solution of the 0.01-1.5% hydrogen peroxide. Patients received the inhalation therapy in weekly courses of 5-30 minutes during 1-6 months. At the beginning of the procedures the hydrogen peroxide concentration was set to the most comfortable level for the patient and was increased by 0.01% after each course up to the maximal endurable dose. GDV technique was used to monitor condition of almost 1500 patients [Volkov et al 2005]. The main discovered features after the course were the following:
- The image area visibly increased in the GDV-grams taken with filter, the integral area indices reached or exceeded their maximal values.
- The energy deficient local zones disappeared or decreased in the “without filter” mode.
- The area characteristics of the images were equalized in both registration modes.
- The asymmetry of the images that was present before the introduction of the hydrogen peroxide was reduced, mainly in the registration mode without filter.
- The diagram image was approaching a regular circle.
The GDV-grams were digitally processed and the following image characteristics were chosen as the GDV-parameters for investigation:
- Average (for all fingers) values of the following 10 parameters: glow area, form coefficient, average isoline radius, mean-square deviation (MSD) of the isoline radius from the finger average value, isolinelength, entropy along the isoline, average intensity, number of fragments, fractality along the isoline, MSD of the fractality from the finger average value;
- MSD of the values of these parameters for individual fingers from the averages on all the fingers.Statistical processing of data for different groups of patients are presented in Table and on the graph.Table 1. The GDV-parameters that demonstrated significant difference in the “before the procedure (v)” and “after the procedure (V)” dependent samplings measured in the endocrine-diseases and musculoskeletal diseases groups without filter.

Fig. The Average Glow Area parameter values in the musculoskeletal- diseases group before and after the treatment procedure. The intervals on the diagram columns show the limits of the mean-square deviation (on 10 fingers) from the average value.
Presented data demonstrate efficiency of the GDV technique for monitoring patients’ condition in the course of treatment.
Similar approach was applied in the work of Mercier Béatrice and Prost Josiane [2011] from Holiste Laboratory Le Port and Burgundy University Dijon. They evaluated the impact of Bol D’air Jacquier® Breathing Session on Human Energy Fields for 7 people. Authors carefully checked all GDV parameters and found significant effects both with and without filter. This is an example of case study, as they did not have neither control group, nor blind placebo testing. We are not sure to which level the effect of treatment was related to emotional responses.