GDVCAMERA by Dr. Korotkov – Gas Discharge Visualization technique
Stress/Energy level measurement and more
GDVCAMERA has been developed by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, Alexander Laptev, Dr. Alexander Kuznetsov, Boris Krylov and Olga Belobaba in 1995 and brings the powerful technology known as Gas Discharge Visualization technique to market in a more accessible way than ever before.
The product consists of a desktop camera and accompanying software, which allows a user to quickly and easily conduct energy scans.
Accessory attachments for GDVCAMERA are also available for purchase to conduct environment and object scans.

GDV Technique is the computer registration and analysis of electro-photonic emissions of biological objects (specifically the human fingers) resulting from placing the object in the high-intensity electromagnetic field on the device lens.
When a scan is conducted, a weak electrical current is applied to the fingertips for less than a millisecond. The object’s response to this stimulus is the formation of a variation of an “electron cloud” composed of light energy photons. The electronic “glow” of this discharge, which is invisible to the human eye, is captured by the camera system and then translated and transmitted back in graphical representations to show energy, stress and vitality evaluations.
See also:
ABOUT Dr. Konstantin Korotkov
Dr. Konstantin Korotkov is a Professor of Physics at St. Petersburg State Technical University in Russia. He is a leading scientist internationally renowned for his pioneering research on the human energy field. Professor Korotkov developed the Gas Discharge Visualization technique, based on the Kirlian effect. GDV, EPI, etc – please see more Different names of Bioelectrography.
Bio-Well – model of GDVCAMERA by Dr. Korotkov
GDVCAMERA BIO-WELL – Instrument to reveal Energy Fields of Human and Nature
The image (GDV Image, EPI Image, Korotkov’s Image, Bio-Well Image), which we create in GDVCAMERA, is based on ideas of Traditional Chinese Medicine and verified by 20 years of clinical experience by hundreds of practitioners with many thousands of patients. The scanning process is quick, easy and non-intrusive.
Get real time feedback on what factors – positive and negative – affect your stress state. With the GDV Sputnik measure environment and object energies too.
GDVCAMERA is not a medical instrument. It provides an impression of your energy and stress levels and allows users to see their day-to-day transformation and the influence of different situations and stimuli. Friendly software makes data processing simple and convenient for non-experienced users.

More about the latest generation of GDVCAMERA:
Bio-Well 1.0*
Bio-Well 2.0*
Bio-Well Reviews
Bio-Well Reviews (main page)
bio-well practitioner near me, bio well software download, bio well chakra, bio well assessment, bio well training, biowell app, biowell research, gdv camera amazon, bio well assessment, Bio-Well Accessories
Gas Discharge Visualisation Camera
The fascinating world of science continues to evolve as new instruments are created, resulting in a better understanding of life itself. Without tools such as microscopes, telescopes, x-ray machines, lasers, cameras, and of course, the ever essential computer, modern science would be powerless and in a sense, nonexistent.
Today, a brand new instrument known as a Computerised Gas Discharge Visualisation Camera has made its exciting debut. Gas discharge visualisation or GDV is a scientific breakthrough in photography that allows us to view, in real time, the field of energy surrounding human life, also known as the aura, giving us a look at the mental and spiritual energy emanating from all things, both living and non-living.
Gas Discharge Visualisation (GDV) Camera – Kirlian Photography
An accidental discovery back in 1939 by a Russian inventor named Semyon Kirlian gives us the modern term Kirlian Photography, which is used to refer to a type of photogram that is created with extreme amounts of electricity. Working along with his wife, Kirlian discovered that objects on photographic plates connected to sources of high voltage produced small coronas which were essentially created by the electric field at the object’s boundaries.
From then on, Kirlian’s work revolved around a new aspect of discovery of an already known phenomenon, electricity, integrating his techniques and coining the new terms electrography, electrophotography, and corona discharge photography. His controversial, at the time, claims that the images produced by his work of inanimate objects could be similarly compared to that of the human aura.
Gas Discharge Visualisation GDV Camera Development
Ongoing research continues today in several universities, including in St. Petersburg State Technical University of Informational Technologies led by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, publisher of numerous books on related subjects. Using the Kirlian effect along with GDV, Dr. Korotkov studies have led to the GDV camera, which allows us to capture an object’s energy field and display it in “real time” on a computer monitor without the need for the traditional development of photographs.
Because of the instantaneous results, this method is widely becoming popular in the field of bio-energy and the study of how our aura is changed or affected by circumstances around us, both environmental and emotional.
Gas Discharge Visualisation GDV Camera Operation
A rather intense field of electricity is created around an object by a GDV camera (10 kV, 1024 Hz in 0.5 seconds). This field of electricity produces a gassy discharge of light around the object, also called a Kirlian picture, which is then transferred to a computer with built-in video capabilities and the necessary accompanying software. Because there is no photo-paper involved in the process, there’s also no need for a darkroom as images are saved via the computer’s hard drive.
Equipment must be properly calibrated along with the proper environmental surroundings, making it possible to conduct future experiments with accurate results. Subtle changes in the gas discharge surrounding an object are discerned, a feat that hasn’t been accomplished by another other tool or technique as of yet. Today, Korotkov’s images (GDV images) are even used in sports for training purposes and in the every changing world of health and medicine.
Gas Discharge Visualisation GDV Camera Benefits
GDV camera benefits are many as is evident by the fact they are being successfully used in numerous laboratories and clinical settings around the globe. Even without special training, a user friendly interface and Windows compatible software make things like digital image processing and complex medical diagnostics both possible.
Other noted benefits include safety and reliability along with real time visualisation and video recording of the aura, which is visible up to five centimetres in diameter encompassing any object.
Gas Discharge Visualisation GDV Camera Applications
The sheer range of uses of the Gas Discharge Visualisation (GDV) Camera is truly astonishing and includes, among others:
- Delving into the study of consciousness, including altered states, and along with forensic applications, even death.
- Discovering the bio-energy characteristics of plant life.
- Predicting future health conditions using the aura of blood samples or other bio-liquids.
- Studying humans’ bio-energy and its response to various stimuli such as food or exercise.
- The study of various states of water’s energy.
- Using computers to investigate the bio-energy fields of objects.
Gas Discharge Visualization
Gas discharge visualization (GDV, electrophotography, electrophotonic imaging) technique enables us to record and quantitatively evaluate the glow forming near the surface of the object (seed) placed in high voltage electromagnetic field. The principle of the technique is as follows
Between the flat glass electrode where the object under study is placed and the flat ground electrode where the metal test object is placed high-voltage impulses are applied with duration 10 µSEC from the high-voltage generator that generates electromagnetic field.
High voltage field in the gaseous medium where the object contacts the flat glass electrode produces the corona discharge whose parameters are determined by the properties of the object and the environment.
The optical system converts the discharge glow into video signals that are stored as single frames (image files) each of which representing a space-distributed group of glow sectors of different brightness in the computer memory.
The following characteristics of Korotkov’s images (digital gas-discharge images) are analyzed:
- Area (pixels),
- Averaged intenstity (brightness units),
- Form coefficient (relative units),
- Average isoline radius (pixels),
- Normalized standard deviation of isoline radius (pixels),
- Length of isoline (pixels), Entropy by isoline (relative units),
- Fractality by isoline (relative units),
- Total intensity (relative units).
The technique makes it possible to distinguish viable and non-viable forest tree seeds, to detect empty seeds, as well as structural and functional characteristics of seeds due to their cultivar affiliation, damage of fungal and bacterial etiology disease agents, as well as damage of sucking insects. With the electrophotography technique, it is also possible to classify the best seeds before sowing. Data are available on the association of gas discharge characteristics of wheat seeds with plant biological productivity.
First GDVCAMERA by DrK from 5 Generation
more info will be available soon