O.A. Lubeeva, N.A. Philippova, M.J. Magidov, R.A. Alexandrova

St.-Petersburg State Medical University n.a. I.P.Pavlov, Russia

The object of the following work is to evaluate influence of some medicamentous means (berotec, becotid, dexametason) on some bioelectrical parameters of the organism. With this object in view Gas Discharge Visualisation method (GDV) based on Kirlian effect was used. The statistical analysis was carried out by means of “OMIS” software complex (“Intellectual systems” firm). GDV-graphy of 10 hand fingers was conducted twice – before the impact, 2 hours after becotid inhalation (25 people), 30 minutes after dexametason infusion (18 people), and 15 minutes after berotec inhalation (26 people). In parallel with GDV method the study of external breathing function (EBF) was conducted on the “Pneumascreen” apparatus. 69 bronchial asthma patients were checked (28 men and 41 woman), their age varied from 18 to 76 years old, duration of a disease varied from 1 to 37 years. The majority (0.67) patients had atopic variant of the disease. The patients with nonatopic bronchial asthma were observed approximately equal number of aspirine, infectious and hormone dependent cases.

While berotec and becotid influences were compared it was revealed that the positive dynamics of GDV-gram indicators were clearer after becotid inhalation. Glyco-corticoids inhalation mostly caused true (more then 10%) rise of the form coefficient (1L for 0.41, 5R for 0.48 patients). After berotec inhalation these changes were observed more seldom. (1L for 0.007, 5R for 0.19).

At the same time true failing of the GDV-gram indicators was observed more after berotec then becotid inhalation. Berotec inhalation caused decrease of the form coefficient 3R for 0.56, 1L for 0.36, noise 5L for 0.18 and noise 3L for 0.48 paients. In becotid inhalation respectively for 0.26, 0.19, 0.04 and 0.28 patients.

If GDV-changes after glyco-corticoids’ inhalation and their intravenous injection to be compared, the most common advance of GDV-gram parameters (increase of the noise level, the form coefficient for outline indention characterising, and fractal deflection) was observed after clyco-corticoids’ inhalation. Thus, 0.41 patient of the group were revealed true (more then 10%) noise level 1L increase, 0.41 – form coefficient 2R increase, 0.37- 3L, 0.48 – 3R. At the same time intravenous injection of glyco-corticoids increased noise 1L for 0.05 patients, and form coefficient respectively for 0.1, 0.1 and 0.2. Glyco-corticoids’ inhalation caused the increase of GDV-gram area considerably more often then their intravenous injection (2R for 0.39 patients, 2L for 0.37, 5R – for 0.44, and for intravenous injection respectively for 0.1, 0.1 and 0.15) At the same time true failing of GDV-gram indicators after clyco-corticoids’ intravenous injection was observed more often then after inhalation. Thus, noise 1L decreased respectively for 0.38 and 0.15 patients, area 1L – for 0.25 and 0.4. …osinophils’ number in sputum shows the level of inflammatory process in bronchus, and it, in its turn, can reflect on efficiency of berotec and becotid application. GDV-gram form coefficient 3R, 4R and 1R change was studied in two groups of patients taking beta-adrenamimetics – with small and moderate eosinophilia. Patients with small eosinophilia were observed true increase of the form coefficients, on average on 23%, 27% and 27% respectively. In the cases with moderate eosinophilia the true decrease of the form coefficients were observed. (34%, 28%, 21% respectively). In the groups of patients taking becotid the true noise incease 1R, 4R and 3L was also revealed (on average on 22%, 18% and 14%) in the cases with small eosinophilia, and the true decrease – in the cases with moderate eosinophilia (-15%, -4%, -9% respectively). Thus, with small eosinophilia, a single use of berotec and becotid brings to GDV-gram parameters’ improvement more often. That can be due to the fact that regulation disturbances in general (including electrophysiological processes with weak activity of eosinophilic inflammation) are more reversible. According to the average data, it was not revealed any convincing positive correlation between the dynamics of GDV parameters and EBF after berotec and becotid inhalation of the tested patients. This link might be nonlinear.

The received data let us make the following conclusions:

  1. It is revealed the essential difference in the influences of berotec and becotid inhallation and dexametazon infusion on electrophysiological processes for bronchial asthma patients.
  2. The most positive impact on GDV-gram’s parameters of tested patients was made by becotid inhalation.
  3. Glyco-corticoids’ intravenous injection often influences inhibitively on energetical homeokinesis.
  4. With small eosinophlia a single use of berotec and becotid brings to GDV-gram parameters’ improvement.

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