GDV/EPI papers on medicine and psychophysiology published in 2008-2018
In 2010 we published review of papers on application of GDV/EPI technology in medicine and psychophysiology published before 2007 . Herewith we present list of papers published in 2008-2018.
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IUMAB Library – books, texts, videos and images about:
Bioelectrography, Electrophotonic Imaging, Gas Discharge Visualisation, Kirliangraphy, Kirlian Photography, Electrophotography, GDV, EPC, EPI, etc
1 Korotkov K.G., Matravers P, Orlov D.V., Williams B.O. Application of Electrophoton Capture (EPC) Analysis Based on Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) Technique in Medicine: A Systematic Review. The J of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. January 2010, 16(1): 13-25.
2 Aleksandrova EV., Kovelkova TN. , Strychkov P V., Yakovleva E G. , Korotkov K G.. Electrophotonic Analysis of Arterial Hypertension. J of Science of Healing Outcome. V.7, N 28, pp 4-12. 2015.
3 Augner Chr., Hacker G.W., Schwarzenbacher S., Pauser G.: Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV): Eine auf physikalischen Methoden und Meridiananalysen basierende Technik zur Untersuchung von Stressreaktionen und energetischen Schwachstellen – Zwischenbericht laufender Forschung. (Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV): A Technique Based on Physical Methods and Meridian Analyses to Detect Stress Reactions and Energetic Weaknesses – Report of Ongoing Research.) Dt. Ztschr. f. Akup. (DZA) – German Journal of Acupuncture & Related Techniques 53, 14-20 (2010).
4 Banupriya D. A Randomised, Blinded, Placebo-Controlled, Three Armed Parallel Study On Electrophotonic Image Changes During Homoeopathic Pathogenetic Trial Using Molecular And Ultra-Molecular Doses. PhD thesis, National Institute of Homoeopathy, India, 2018.
5 Berne S. Electrophotonic Imaging: Measuring Human Consciousness. J of Optometric Phototherapy. 3, 9-15, 2010.
6 Bhargav H, Srinivasan TM, Varambally S, Gangadhar BN, Koka P. Effect of mobile phone induced electromagnetic field on brain haemo-dynamics and human stem cell functioning.. possible mechanism link to cancer risk and early diagnostic values of electrophotonic imaging. J Stem cells, 2015; 10(4) 287.94.
7 Bhargav P, SureshV, Hankey A, Bharga H. Application of Gas Discharge Visualization Technique for Assessing Effects of Mobile Phone-induced Electromagnetic Field on Subtle Energy Levels of Teenagers and Protective Value of Yoga Intervention. on Wednesday, November 1, 2017,
8 Bhat RK, Guru Deo, Mavathur R, and Srinivasan TM. Correlation of Electrophotonic Imaging Parameters With Fasting Blood Sugar in Normal, Prediabetic, and Diabetic Study Participants. Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine 1-8, 2016.
9 Boulter C. The Affect Of The Great Pyramid On The Human Aura And The Chakra System. In: Proceedings of XVI International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography. St Petersburg 2012: 2-8
10 Buck KH, Novelli C, Costa FT, Martins GC, Oliveira HFR, Camargo LB, Casagrande RM, Dias dos Reis RR, Moraes VR, Vieira FSF, Passos RP, de Barros Vilela Junior G. O uso da bioeletrografia na comparação entre mulheres com câncer de mama, mulheres saudáveis sedentárias e mulheres praticantes de corrida. Centro de Pesquisas Avançadas em Qualidade de Vida | Vol. 8| No. 2 | Ano 2016 | p. 9
11 Bulatova TE. Dynamics of GDV indexes for school children. . In: Proceedings of XII International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography. St Petersburg 2011: 42-45.
12 Ciesielska I.L., Masajtis J. The preliminary studies of influence of garments on human beings’ corona discharge.International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology. 2008. 20. 5. 299 – 316
13 Ciesielska I.L. Images of corona discharges as a source of information about the influence of textiles on humans. Autex research journal, 2009,.9, 1, 36-41.
14 Ciesielska I.L. The precursory analysis of the influence of garments on corona discharge created around a human fingertip. Textile research journal, 2010; v. 80: pp. 216 – 225.
15 Ciesielska LL, Masajtis J. The Influence of Textiles on Corona Discharge Created Around a Human Fingertip. FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2007, 15, 5 – 6: 64 – 65.
16 Cohly H.H., Kostyuk N, Rajnarayanan R, Isokpehi D. Bio-Electrographic Method For Preventive Health Care. In: Proceedings of XIV International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography., St. Petersburg, 2009, 113-116
17 Deo G., Kumar S. K., Srinivasan TM, Kushwah KK. Cumulative effect of short-term and long-term meditation practice in men and women on psychophysiological parameters of electrophotonic imaging: a cross-sectional study. J Complement Integr Med. 2016; 13(1): 73–82.
18 Deo G., Kumar S. K., Srinivasan TM, Kushwah KK. Changes in electrophotonic imaging parameters associated with long term meditators and naive meditators in older adults practicing meditation. European Journal of Integrative Medicine. 7. 663-668. 2015.
19 Deshpande P. B., Korotkov K., and Kowall J. P., Bioenergy Measurements for Predictive Medical Diagnosis, Journal of Consciousness Exploration and Research, 7, 2, 2016. pp. 126-136.
20 Dobson P, O’Keeffe E. Cognition as a moderator of GDV emission: past research, a current explanation and some ideas for the future. In: Korotkov K.G. Energy fields Electrophotonic analysis in humans and nature. 2012. 240 p. e- book:
21 Dobson P., O’Keefe E. Measuring Human Personality by Machine: Could it be true? In: Proceedings of International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography. St Petersburg 2010: 14-17.
22 Drozdovski A, Gromova I, Korotkov K, Shelkov O, Akinnagbe F. Express-evaluation of the psycho-physiological condition of Paralympic athletes. Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine. Journal of Sports Medicine, No 3, 2012, p. 215-222.
23 Erdentuja C., Battulga.M, Umsuran I., Navchaa C. The GDV Analysis of the Environment Impact on the Psychophysiological Condition of People In Mongolia. In: Proceedings of International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography. St Petersburg 2016: 81-83.
24 Gagua R, Osmanova V, Gedevanishvili E.G, Kapanadze A.G., Giorgobiani L.E. New Radiobiological Concept Of Urine Droplet Gas Discharge Visualization (Gdv) In Cancer Patients. In: Proceedings of International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography. St Petersburg 2010: 66
25 Garinov G., Korotkov K. Prostate Cancer Groups Statistics Pilot Study. In: Proceedings of XVI International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography. St Petersburg 2012:56-57.
26 Gedevanishvili E.G, Kapanadze A.G., Giorgobiani L.E., Rusov I.P. Application of the GDV method in oncology. In: Proceedings of International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography. St Petersburg 2015: 36-45.
27 Gedevanishvili E.G, Gagua I., Kapanadze A.G., Giorgobiani L.E., Rusov I.P. GDV estimation of homeostasis of ontological patients during singlet oxygen therapy rehabilitation after radical methods of therapy. In: Proceedings of International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography. St Petersburg 2017: 32-33.
28 Gimbut VS, Chernositov AV, Kostrikina EV. GDV parameters of woman in phase dynamics of menstrual cycle. In: Proceedings of International Scientific Congresses on Bioelectrography. St Petersburg 2000: 16-19 and 2004:80-82.
29 Hassan M. Measuring The Influence of the Sacred Sites’ Electromagnetic Energy on the Human Biofield Using GDV Technology. An Observational Study in Egypt. In: Proceedings of International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography. St Petersburg 2017: 34-35.
30 Kolosova O.S. Psychophysiological correlates of life values of students. . In: Proceedings of International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography. St Petersburg 2010: 59-61.
31 Korobka I.E., Yakovleva T.G., Korotkov K.G. , Belonosov S.S. , Kolesnichenko T.V. Electrophotonic Imaging technology in the diagnosis of autonomic nervous system in patients with arterial hypertension. J Appl Biotechnology and Bioengineering 2018, 5(1): 00112
32 Korobka I.E., Yakovleva T.G., Belonosov S.S. , Korotkov K.G. , Zarubina T.V. Gender Differences in the Activity of the Autonomic Nervous Systems of Healthy and Hypertensive Patients in Russia. J of Appl Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 3 (6): 84-87. 2017
33 Korotkov K (Ed). Science Confirms Reconnective Healing. Amazon Publishing, 2011.
34 Korotkov K., Korotkova A. Influence of Massage with Essential Oils t Human Energy. Open Access Journal of Biomedical Engineering and its Applications. 2/2, 2018.
35 Korotkov K., De Vito D., Arem K., Madappa K., Williams B., Wisneski L. Healing Experiments Assessed with Electrophotonic Camera. Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • V 20, N 3, pp 1- 15, 2010
36 Korotkov K G.. Electrophotonic Analysis of Complex Parameters of the Environment and Psycho-Emotional State of a Person, WISE Journal. V 4, N 3, 2015, pp 49-56.
37 Korotkov K.G. Recent Advances in Electrophotonic Image Processing. Recent Patents and Topics on Imaging, 5, 1- 5, 2015
38 Korotkov K, Shelkov O, Shevtsov A, Mohov D, Paoletti S, Mirosnichenko D, Labkovskaya E, Robertson L. Stress Reduction with Osteopathy assessed with GDV Electro-Photonic Imaging: Effects of Osteopathy Treatment. J Alt Compl Med 18, 3: 251-257, 2012.
39 Kostyuk N, Ayensu WK, Isokpehi RD and Cohly HP. Therapeutic Evaluation Of Soqi (Solar Energy) Utilizing GDV. In: Proceedings of International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography. St Petersburg 2010: 8-9.
40 Kostyuk N, Rajnarayanan R, Isokpehi D. and Cohly H.H., Autism from a Biometric Perspective. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 7, 1984-1995, 2010
41 Kostyuk N, Meghanathan N, Isokpehi R.D., Hacker Hacker T, Rajnarayanan R, Mahecha1 O, Cohly H., Biometric Evaluation of Anxiety in Learning English as a Second Language. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, V.10 No.1, pp 220-229, 2010
42 Krashenyuk A.I., Korotkov K.G ., Kuryleva N.A. Study of the Influence of Diagnostic Ultrasound on the Human Aqua-
System with Bio-Well Device. J of Science of Healing Outcome. 2017, 9 (36) 5-15.
43 Kumar S.K., Srinivasan TM., Nagendra HR., Marimuthu P. Electrophotonic Imaging Based Analysis of Diabetes. Int J of Altern and Complement Medicine. 2016. 4 (5): 134-137
44 Kumar S. K., Srinivasan TM., Guru Deo, Venkata G. P., Nagendra HR. Electro-photonic imaging for detecting intervention (meditation). Intern J of Current Medical and Pharmaceutical Research. 2, 2016
45 Kumar S.K., Srinivasan TM., Nagendra HR. Neural Network Based Analysis of Electro Photonic Data for Disease Diagnosis and Intervention Recognition. PhD thesis. University Bengaluru, India 2017.
46 Kushwah K K, Nagendra H R, Srinivasan TM. Effect of Integrated Yoga Program on Energy Outcomes as a Measure of Preventive Health Care in Healthy People. Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine. 12 (4): 61– 71, 2015
47 Kushwah KK, Srinivasan TM, Nagendra HR, Ilavarasu JV. Effect of yoga based techniques on stress and health indices using electro photonic imaging technique in managers. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine 7, 119- 123, 2016
48 Kushwah KK. Efficacy Of Integrated Yoga Practices On Healthy People Using Electro Photonic Imaging Technique. PhD Thesis. Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana (SVYASA). 2016.
49 Kushwah KK, Srinivasan TM, Nagendra HR, Ilavarasu JV. Development of normative data of electro photonic imaging technique for healthy population in India: A normative study. Int J Yoga. Jan-Jun; 9(1): 49–56. 2016,
50 Narajanan R. Understanding Diabetes from the Perspective of Electro-Photonic Imaging (Bio-Well) and Proposing Yoga Therapy for Reversing Type-2 Diabetes. In: Proceedings of International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography. St Petersburg 2017: 36.
51 Naranjan R. EPI readings of type II diabetes. In: Proceedings of International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography. St Petersburg 2018: 16-23.
52 Naranjan R. EPI readings of pain and other conditions. In: Proceedings of International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography. St Petersburg 2018: 24-27.
53 Narayanan RC, Korotkov K, Srinivasan TM. Bioenergy and its Implication For Yoga Therapy. International Journal of Yoga 2018, 11, (2) 157-165
54 Osmanagich S. Bosnian Pyramid Healing Energy. In: Proceedings of International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography. St Petersburg 2017: 37-40.
55 Pesotskaya LA, Goncharenko VI. Application of the GDV technique for the evaluation of children treatment. In: Proceedings of XIV International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography. 2010: 16-18.
56 Pesotskaya L.A., Kulikovich J.N. , Braga E.F., Danilova O.V. Application Kirlianografii In The Diagnosis Of Urological Disorders. In: Proceedings of International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography. St Petersburg 2011: 16.-21.
57 Polushin J, Levshankov A, Shirokov D, Korotkov K. Monitoring Energy Levels during treatment with GDV Technique. J of Science of Healing Outcome. 2:5. 5-15, 2009.
58 Rabe L. Evaluation of Training Sessions for the EMF Balancing Technique using THE GDV/EPI Measurement Technology. In: Proceedings of XIV International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography.,St. Petersburg, 2009, 140- 144.
59 Rao T.I. & Nagendra H.R.. The Effect of Active and Silent Music Interventions on Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Measured with Electron Photonic Imaging Technique. International Journal HumanitiesAnd Social Sciences (Ijhss)Issn(P): 2319-393x; Issn(E): 2319-3948. 3, (5):7-14, 2014
60 Rao T.I. Kushwah K.K., Srinivasan T.M. Effect of Indian Devotional Music on Students and Performers Measured with Electron Photonic Imaging. Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, {Bi-Monthly}, IV, (IV), 2014.
61 Rao T.J., Kumar I.R. Kushwah K.K., Srinivasan T.M. Effect of anapanasati meditation technique through electrophotonic imaging parameters: A pilot study. International J of Yoga. 12. 117-121. 2015.
62 Rgeusskaja G.V., Listopadov U.I. Medical Technology of Electrophotonics – Gas Discharge Visualization – in Evaluation of Cognitive Functions. J of Science of Healing Outcome. V.2, N 5, pp.15-17, 2009.
63 Semenichin EE., Geltjakove IN, Geltjakova UA. Correlations between GDV indexes and data of psychological testing. In: Proceedings of International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography. St Petersburg 2011: 56-59.
64 Semenikhin E.E., Zeltyakova I.N., Kozlov A.V., Kozlova N.V. Assessment Of Individual Influence Of The Music Therapy By Means Of GDV-Technic. In: Proceedings of International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography. St Petersburg 2010: 5-58.
65 Sharma B., Hankey A, Nagendra H R. Gas Discharge Visualization Characteristics of an Indian Diabetes Population. Voice of Research 2 (4):28-33, 2014
66 Sorokin O.V. V. S. Druzhinin, V. G. Efimenko, M. E. Golubkov, K. V. Popov, A. D. Kuimov, K. G. Korotkov, V. Y. Kulikov. The Nature Of The Relationship Between Photoelectron Emission And Autonomic Regulation Of Cardiac Rhythm In Patients With Ischemic Heart Disease. Medicine and Education in Siberia. 4. 23-27. 2009.
67 Sorokin O.V., Godunov A.I. , Korotkov K.G., Kulikov V.Y. Photoelectron (GDV) Emission as a Reflection of Microvascular Fluctuations. Medicine and Education in Siberia. 4. 28-32. 2009.
68 Strukov EU. Tuzhikova N.V. Monitoring of GDV Parameters To Predict The Development of Postoperative Delirium. . In: Proceedings of XIV International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography. St Petersburg 2010: 24-26.
69 Sushrutha S, Hegde M, Nagendra HR, Srinivasan TM. Comparative study of Influence of Yajña and Yogāsana onstress level as Measured by Electron Photonic Imaging (EPI) Technique. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064. 3 (8):1402-1406, 2014
70 Sushrutha S , Madappa K, Nagendra HR. Effect of Bhaishajya Maha Yajna on Human Energy Field and Environment. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science & Engineering. ISSN (Online) 2347-3207. 2015
71 Tumanova A.L. Information risk factors in early diagnosis and prognosis of thalassemia with GDV. In: Proceedings of International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography. St Petersburg 2015: 46-49.
72 Usubov R, Sherbakov DB, Fesenko MU. GDV Application in Pediatrics. In: Proceedings of International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography. St Petersburg 2009: 26-28.
73 Vasilenko SV, Kozik SV, Karnatovskaya NI. Evaluation of Psychological State by Gas Discharge Visualization. Proceedings of the International Conference “Ecology and Health” Kaliningrad, 2012:69-71.
74 Yakovleva E G., Buntseva OA, Belonosov SS, Feorov ED, Korotkov KG, and Zarubina TV. Identifying Patients with Colon Neoplasias with Gas Discharge Visualization Technique. J of Alternative Complementary Medicine. 2015;21(11):720–724
75 Yakovleva E.G., Korotkov K.G., Fedorov E.D., Ivanova E.V., Plahov R.V., Belonosov S.S. Engineering Approach To Identifying Patients With Colon Tumors On The Basis Of Electrophotonic Imaging Technique Data. The Open Biomedical Engineering J. 2016, 2, 72-80.