GDV Diagnostics
with Dr. Alexander Dvoryanchikov
GDV = Western Medicine + Traditional Chinese Medicine + Ayurveda
For all models of GDVCAMERA users (Bio-Well, VivAlign, etc)
GDV Bioelectrography in Medicine on Human Light System Online course

Dr. Alexander Dvoryanchikov is a famous and recognized doctor in his profession as a reflexologist, a specialist in neurology, reflex therapy, regenerative medicine, herbal medicine, psychiatry and addiction medicine.
At the same time he specializes in the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which he mastered under the guidance of leading Chinese and Russian experts. He also studied Ayurvedic medicine at the St. Petersburg Medical Academy, he has been practicing Hatha yoga and Yoga therapy for 18 years.
Dr. Dvoryanchikov has more than 17 years of experience in working with the GDV technology by Dr. Korotkov.
His deep many-sided knowledge enables Dr. Dvoryanchikov to combine three different approaches to human health in his medical practice – the Western, the Traditional Chinese and the Ancient Indian approaches.
Interpretation of a patient’s GDV-graph (Korotkov’s images) from the standpoint of these three medical traditions provides a truly holistic view of the person’s health state.
TCM, Tradicional Chinese Medicine
GDV, Gas Discharge Visualisation technique
Ayurveda, Reflexology, Homeopathy and more topics
Three Approaches to the Analysis of Korotkov images video here
See more about Dr. Alexander Dvoryanchikov here
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You will see on this course:
Interpretation of GDV grams (Korotkov’s images)
Conception pf Chi and using this principal on GDV
The system of channels in TCM and GDV
Continuation of particular description of the Meridians and GDV Diagnostics
The heart: its functions from the perspective of the TCM on GDV

Continuation with Heart + Lungs in TCM and GDV
The liver: its functions from the perspective of TCM for the Bioelectrography
The spleen: its functions from the perspective of TCM for the Bioelectrography
Spleen / Kidney TCM and GDV
Spleen & Kidneys, part 2
The kidneys – 1st part
The kidneys – 2nd part
The Stomach, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Bioelectrography
The pericardium Meridian and Triple Burner on GDV Diagnostics
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Bonus from IUMAB Library:
The Energy of Health by Professor Konstantin Korotkov
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