GDV developments, research and innovations

Gas discharge visualization – historical developments, research dynamics and innovative applications

Denitsa Grozdeva1,2 , Tsanka Dikova3

1Department of Conservative Dental Treatment and Oral Pathology, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University of Varna

2University Centre of Eastern Medicine, Medical University of Varna

3Department of Dental Material Science and Propaedeutics of Prosthetic Dental Medicine, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University of Varna

GDV developments, research and innovations 1950-2018
GDV developments, research and innovations 1950-2018


INTRODUCTION: Gas discharge visualization (GDV) is a method for a complete diagnosis, which is based on natural physical phenomena in human body. Since the invention of GDV, till present, there has been an increasing interest in its application in different areas of life. The most important use of GVD is in medicine. GDV provides the possibility for quantitative measurement of human physical and psychological well-being. It is used in medicine, psychology and sports for diagnosis, prevention and treatment. AIM: The aim of this article is to summarize and present to the public health research community the his-torical developments and the dynamics of the scientific interest in GDV application in conventional and al-ternative medicine, psychology and sports and to introduce current concepts and innovative techniques of GDV-application in alternative medicine.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: We have applied a historical approach and conducted a literature review of the publish works on the application of GDV in medicine, psychology and sports during the last 70 years.

RESULTS: We observed an increase of scientific interest in GDV – application in medicine, alternative med-icine, psychology and sports with progression for each decade, from 1950s – till now. GDV is in the focus of a large number of clinical studies in the three dimensions of medicine – prevention, diagnosis and treatment, with culmination of publishing activity in all of the fields during the last year.

CONCLUSION: Although GDV is not well known in Bulgaria, the results of the presented survey are prov-ing the uniqueness of GDV as a device for diagnosis, prevention and monitoring of diseases. The application opportunities or the application itself of this method in conventional and alternative medicine, psychology and sports, are a chance for further developments of personalized healthcare.

Keywords: gas discharge visualization, medicine, alternative medicine, psychology, sports

GDV developments research and innovations


GDV developments research and innovations

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