See also: GDV and HRV
Nevoit G.V.
Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Poltava, Ukraine
This research work is a fragment of the initiative research project “Development of algorithms and technology for introducing a healthy lifestyle in patients with non-communicable diseases based on the study of psycho-emotional status”
State registration No. 0116U007798, UDC 613:616-052:159.942:616-03)
The article presents the results of determining the clinical and diagnostic potential of using the electro-рhotonic emission analysis from human fingers during an objective structured clinical examination. The aim of the study is to assess the clinical and diagnostic capabilities of electro-рhotonic emission analysis in the reflection of systemic information energy processes of the human body to increase the effectiveness of measures to prevent and treat NCDs by improving their diagnosis and prevention through the introduction of modern science-intensive technologies and scientific magnetoelec-trochemical concept of metabolism. The results of the оpen, non-randomized, controlled study of 56 functional respondents who do not systematically engage in sports are presented. The electro-рhotonic emission analysis was performed
on a certified measuring device Bio-Well GDV Camera 2.0 (Bio-Well, Russia-USA). Different levels of functional status and different degrees of health were established as a result of the study. The method of electrophoton emission analysis allows us to calculate the parameters of the state of metabolism of substances at the tissue level and indirectly assess the general functional state of patients based on data processing regarding the intensity and nature of localization of
photon emission from the fingers of the respondent. The method for the electro-рhotonic emission analysis is recommended by the authors for possible use in clinical medicine in order to objectively assess the energy status of the patient.
Key words: non-сommunicable diseases, objective structured clinical examination, electro-рhotonic emission analysis.
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are a significant
world-class medical and social problem. NCDs cause
deaths of 41 million people each year. NCDs lead to dis-
ability and mortality of about 15 million people of working
age each year. NCDs is a background pathology for a
significant number of patients. NCDs worsen their quality
of life and the course of comorbid diseases. NCDs
worsen the course of COVID-19 coronavirus infection as
well. These facts determine the urgency of further search
for new approaches and ideas to solve the problem of
NCDs [1].
Scientific and technological progress of fundamental
scientific fields has deepened the understanding of the
structure and electromagnetic properties of matter of
animate and inanimate nature. It is established that all
matter has an electromagnetic structure. Modern ideas
about the structure of the atom are based on the stan-
dard model of fundamental interaction and quantum field
theory. The atom has both corpuscle and field properties
(corpuscular-wave dualism) and it consists at the sub-
atomic level of diametrically opposed supersymmetric
complementary field structures/fermions. Fermions are
connected by field connections/bosons according to
modern fundamental knowledge. The principles of the
structure of atoms are universal for all living and inani-
mate matter of the Universe. Thus, modern fundamental
knowledge about the electromagnetic organization of
matter determines the possibility of a fundamentally dif-
ferent interpretation of the human body.
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