EPI Reading of Before and After Yoga Session

EPI Reading of Before and After Yoga Session

C. Rajan Narayanan, PhD

Introduction to EPI Readings

• Electro-photonic Imaging reads the photon emission from finger tips.

• The theory for using this is based on the concept of organ energy flows along the fingers in meridian points of acupuncture.

• The EPI technology has been developed over some 25 years or so funded by the Russian Health Department with Dr. Konstantin Korotkov leading the development, and is apparently used as part of the Russian Health System

• EPI readings are organ energy or instantaneous information status of the body’s regulatory system and may not reflect physiological measurements. In the understanding of Chinese medicine and Indian Ayurvedic/Yoga system, information changes happen in the Naadis prior to manifestation in the physiological system. Changes would show up in the physiological system only if the pattern of information is consistent and long term. Yoga therapy uses the same paradigm – neuroplasticity – to reverse any abnormal condition.

• EPI readings in the organ system range from 0 to 10 and follows the work of Dr. Reinhard Voll from 1940s to 80s. 5 in the organ systems is considered absolute normal with 4 to 6 considered as normal zone and color coded as green. 2 to 4 and 0 to 2 are respectively color coded orange and pink and are below normal levels indicating weakening organ system. 6 to 8 and over 8 are respectively coded white and yellow and indicate hyperactivity in a system because of some abnormality that the body is trying to fix. Hyperactivity is not bad news, unless the body is unable to fix the system and system goes into weakness and slow degeneration. Measurement of stress and balance are on a different scale and should not be confused with this color coding.

EPI Reading of Before and After Yoga Session
EPI Reading of Before and After Yoga Session


• 10 Individuals in two yoga classes of 5 participants each tested. 2 of them
were tested again in the next yoga class resulting in a total of 12 instances
of measurements from 10 subjects.

• Weakness of organ systems in general have improved everywhere, if
improvement was possible, after a yoga session. This is in line with
findings of up-regulation and down-regulation in gene transcription.

• Most of the auras appear improved – smoother without gaps and with
fewer spikes
– 8 out of 12 instances improved, while 1 appears worse, with 3 no changes

• Stress level has reduced as measured numerically
– 9 out of 12 instances show reduction, with 2 unchanged and 1 looking worse

• Balance has improved in general numerically
– 7 out of 12 instances increased; 1 unchanged and 4 slightly worse

• Energy changes were difficult to understand when increases occurred in
the ‘high’ zone (as opposed to ‘normal’ or ‘low’ zone). This needs further
investigation considering the known phenomenon of increase in
norepinephrine after 10 minutes into meditation for experienced
meditators after initial drop of all catecholomines.

Full text: EPI Reading of Before and After Yoga Session

See also Aura photography Department

EPI Reading of Before and After Yoga Session

C. Rajan Narayanan, PhD

Introduction to EPI Readings

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