Be governed by your knowledge, and proceed I’ the sway of your own will
William Shakespeare King Lear IV, 7
This book presents the state of the art, principles and ideas of Electrophotonic analysis based on Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) technique, known as well as Electrophotonic Imaging (EPI). This approach, celebrating now 20 years after developing the first GDV instrument, has a strong scientific foundation with thousands of researchers, doctors and practitioners using it in the world. Electrophotonic methods allow to study Energy Fields of humans, water, materials and environment. Conceptual background and practical approaches are presented in this book.
Second updated edition
Translated from Russian by the author Edoted by Berney Williams and Lutz Rabe

Highs and lows of modern medicine . . . 7
Principles of the systemic approach in biology. . . 10
The concept of a biological field . . . 15
What is Consciousness? . . . 17
(GDV) ANALYSIS . . . 27
Technology . . . 29
Advantages of the EPI/GDV Bioelectrography technique . . .30
Indications for the application of the EPI technique . . .31
Material and technical support . . . 32
Scientific Evaluation . . . 34
What does the EPI method measure in physical terms? . . .35
Can this emission take place without an electric field? . . . 36
What does the EPI method measure in biophysical terms? . . . 37
Where does the electronic current in the body come from? . . . 38
What is energy? . . . 41
What is biological energy? . . . 42
What does the EPI method measure in physiological terms? . . 43
What is the sensitivity of the EPI method based on? . . . 46
The influence of mental, emotional and spiritual processes on EPI/GDV images
EPIi mages with and without filter…………………..
EPI/GDV Diagram program . . .
Parameters of BIO-gramsused for the analysis . . .
EPI Software Design . . .
L-R symmetry . . .
AnalyzingHumanEnergyField ….
Stability of data . . .
Recommended procedures for recording BIO-grams. . .
Statistical distribution in EPI glow parameters of fingers . . .
Levels and Zones of Homeostasis . . . 95
Particular features of EPI data for different homeostasis levels 100 H (Health) homeostasis zone . . . 100
HS (Health + Stress) homeostasis zone . . . 103 P
(Pathology) homeostasis zone . . . 120
ASC (Altered States of Consciousness) homeostasis zone . . 138
Noise level . . . 142
Stress examples . . . 145
Sectorial analysis of BIO-grams. . . 147
Basic rules of EPI analysis . . . 159
Monitoring of the patient’s condition during treatment . . . 164
Dynamic EPI capture . . . 165
Analysis of psychological condition . . . 139
Using EPI parameters when analyzing data . . .168
Energy fields, meridians and chakras . . . 171
Non-local consciousness influence to physical sensors 179
Electrophotonic Analysis of Arterial Hypertension. . .189
Express-evaluation of the psycho-physiological condition
of the Paralympic athletes . . .198
Comparative assessment of the impact of drinking water quality on the athletes’ condition during exercise. . 206
Can a bird fly across the Atlantic? . . .214
References. . . 219
Acknowledgments . . .233
In this book we use the following abbreviations:
1L, 2L…..5L and 1R……5R
2L/3 ADP
D wF and D F
EPI wF and EPI F
fingers of the left and right hands, correspondingly, beginning from thumb to little finger
3rd sector of 2L finger
ADP is the product of ATP dephosphorylation by ATPases. ADP is converted back to ATP by ATP synthesis
Autonomic nervous system
Altered State of Consciousness zone of homeostasis
Adenosine triphosphate, the main energy storage and transfer molecule in the cell
Central Nervous System
Diagram without filter, and Diagram with filter, correspondingly
Energy Field
Electrophotonic Capture
Electrophotonic Imaging
EPI-grams taken without filter and with filter, correspondingly
Filter, without Filter
Gas Discharge Visualization
Health + Stress zone of homeostasis
Parameter “Integral Area” from the Diagram program Left hand
Right hand
Standard Deviation
Health zone of homeostasis
Pathology zone of homeostasis
6 Energy Fields Electrophotonic Analysis Introduction
The current manual is for those who are actively working with EPI/GDV technology. In recent years, continuing research has accumulated a large volume of experimental data, and doctors have created patient databases with detailed analysis. This data makes it possible to formulate a number of new approaches and ideas. The main purpose of this book is to help experts, doctors, psychologists and researchers to interpret EPI Bioelectrography data. Considering the diverse levels of training and qualifications among our readers, we have tried to present the information simply and directly, and without the use of specialized terms and mathematical expressions wherever possible. For this reason, we only touch briefly on the question of EPI parameters and their use when interpreting data. This book is written in the style of a study aid aimed at learning and consultation rather than for light reading. The material is reviewed with many examples. By reading the book and looking at the images, you will easily assimilate the principle of EPI data analysis.
This book summarizes the work of hundreds of people busy with development, research and practical work in EPI Bioelectrography. It is not possible to name all those involved in this work, and it is difficult to single out individual contributions, which is why we would like to thank all those who gave of their energy, knowledge and spirit to create and develop the method of EPI Bioelectrography. Each year the circle of professionals using the EPI method in their work widens, and new research opens undreamt of horizons. We are sure that these are but the first steps in the vast new continent which is opening itself up to us.
From 1996 every July in Saint-Petersburg Russia International Scientific Congress “Science, Information and Spirit” hosts hundreds of professionals and interested people from all over the world. Several workshops dedicated to GDV technology are being held every year in different countries. As Professor Albert Krashenjuk sad: “We can name quite a few new scientific lines which may host scientific congresses every year for 15 years”. We welcome everybody to Saint Petersburg every July in the time of White Nights and scientific celebration. We appreciate any comments and updates. Please contact us via and
Energy Fields Electrophotonic Analysis
7 Highs and Lows of Modern Medicine
The miserable have no other medicine But only hope
William Shakespeare Measure for Measure, III, 1
Medicine at the beginning of the XXI century
Western medicine has achieved tremendous breakthroughs by the beginning of the XXI century: major infectious diseases have been defeated, surgeons perform heart and kidney transplantations on a daily basis, modern computer technologies allow monitoring human organs in vivo. Glimmering displays, subtle biochemical and genetic analyses, a vast inventory of medicines and drugs. One would think that all diseases must retreat before this multibillion dollar onslaught. However, this is far from the truth.
At the beginning of the XXth century various infectious diseases, as well as other acute illnesses, prevailed; however, by the beginning of the 21st century the leadership went to chronic and systemic disturbances of health. And the fact that people in developed countries have a longer average lifespan now is not accountable for this – many diseases that previously were common only for elderly people have suddenly grown much ‘younger.’ In particular, childhood diabetes is becoming more and more common, whereas only 2 or 3 decades ago it used to be an extremely rare disease. Recent studies showed that almost 20% of American children and teenagers have their coronary arteries affected by atherosclerosis plaques. In Scotland, the incidence of autoimmune diseases among children and teenagers has grown twofold during the past 10 years. In Russia, not more than only 12% of primary school students and not more than only 5% of secondary school students are absolutely healthy. The majority of children suffer from chronic diseases. The number of children suffering from cardiovascular diseases, for example, has grown increased by more than a half during the period from 1989 to 1998. Many of such these children have been disabled since their childhood.
The number of people suffering from various allergic diseases is growing fast. The disease incidence has grown by 30-40% as compared to the previous
decade, and in some countries as much as a half of the whole population manifests classic symptoms of allergy. More and more people are suffering from chronic skin diseases with uncertain causes, such as eczemas and psoriasis, and from various smouldering inflammatory diseases of internal organs, joints and musculoskeletal system, to the and irritated bowel syndrome and other chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. 26% of the USA population and 41% of the population of Great Britain manifest symptoms of the digestive disorder (dyspepsia). In a significant number of patients, non-ulcerous dyspepsia later transforms into serious organic lesions, sometimes even cancer. For many patients, the chronic course of somatic diseases is complicated with a tendency towards neurosis and depressions. In many countries more and more patients are diagnosed as having such major systemic disturbances as the chronic fatigue syndrome, seasonal depression, and the syndrome of childhood hyper excitability hyperactivity with distracted attention deficit disorder.
Until recently, not all physicians regarded the overweight or obesity problems as clinically significant diseases. Now the correlation between being overweight and having serious chronic disorders is becoming obvious evident. 30% of the adult population and 50% of the elderly population of developed countries have body weight substantially above healthy standards, and the problem keeps getting worse. Medical statistics of the USA say that 45% of all patients suffering from hypertension, 85% of diabetics and 35% of all ischemic heart disease patients are obese. The mortality rate of obese cancer patients is 30- 50% higher than the average mortality rate of patients with normal weight, and for such cancer types as the rectal or prostate cancer in men and endometrial cancer in women the difference associated with obesity is fivefold.
Thus, a typical present-day patient is chronically ill, usually with diseases that afflict several physiological systems at the same time. Quite often, placing a disease within a certain class, for example the class of cardiovascular pathology or diabetes, reflects only a set of the most pronounced symptoms, whereas what happens in reality is the reciprocal influence of various pathologic manifestations, which significantly complicates the diagnostics. The systemic nature of chronic diseases and their polyetiology (or, most likely, uncertain etiologies) seriously encumber both prevention and treatment of such diseases.
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This situation is no coincidence. It results from the main concept of the Occidental Allopathic medicine – treating the disease, and not the person. Each field of medicine concerns itself only with particular organs or systems; each physician offers his or her own special set of medicines – extremely strong chemicals that influence certain regulatory processes of the organism. Simultaneous prescription of several drugs without clear understanding of the nature of their interaction is quite common. Official statistics tell us that in the USA 97,000 patients die every year due to errors in prescription of drugs.
“Living organisms are just incredibly complex machines”
R.Dawkins. The Selfish Gene. 1993

This point of view, expressed by one of the leading most widely read genetic theorists of modern time, became prevalent in medicine and biology as early as in the end of the XVIII century, and originated from the vigorous progress of technical sciences based on mechanist, reductionist and chemical approaches. Breakthroughs in chemistry in the XIX-XX centuries gave rise to an illusory idea that processes within the organism can be controlled just like reactions in a test tube.
The whole entire XX century passed by the motto with a goal of refining our knowledge of molecular processes in biological systems. New subtleties of chemical processes kept surfacing, new classes of substances roused enthusiasm of in the scientific community and the Nobel prize committee, and industry responded by creating more and more new classes of synthetic drugs. Each year promised the general public that all diseases would be cured, as soon as the clinical tests of yet another ‘Kremlin pill’ are completed. The epic project for mapping of human genes played a very important part in this industrial and financial race. Genetic drugs have already begun their assault on the purses of consumers, not to mention genetically modified foods.
The extent of the threat that these achievements pose for the health of humanity can be assessed merely by looking at the population of the most prosperous country in the world – the United States. The number of chronic childhood diseases is growing there every year, and in the USA a situation when a person can no longer fits into a standard chair, or requiring an extension of the automobile or aircraft seat belts by means of extra straps, is now considered quite normal. The USA population has already become genetically modified in many ways.
10 Energy Fields Electrophotonic Analysis
The number of synthetic medicines is ever increasing, the prices keep on growing, the production volume of pharmaceutical business has outdone the heavy engineering industry, and this business has no time for the individual person, with his/her particular problems and stresses. A human being is replaced by a diagnosis based on the set of symptoms. And then the diagnosis is treated, not the individual. This Any particular John Smith can only get in the way of the process with his emotions. The only exception to this rule is possibly the infantile paediatrics, since because paediatricians monitor the development of a child.
Thus, until you have strongly pronounced symptoms of some disease, turning to the classic Occidental Allopathic medicine is pointless. No one will even listen to you.
Principles of the systemic approach in biology
At the same time, in the beginning of the past century Russia became home to a new line of thought that regarded the condition of a human as a systemic issue, and the life in Universe as a structural process.
“Synthetic study of natural phenomena – its natural bodies and the nature itself as a ‘whole’ – inevitably reveals some structural properties that are left out when taking an analytic approach and gives new insights. This synthetic approach is now quite popular, both within scientific and philosophic pursuits. The most noticeable result of this approach is the fading of borders between sciences – we perform scientific study of problems with no regard for scientific limitations.”
Vernadski V.I. “Life is an uncontainable, structured, goal-oriented process.”
Gurvich A. In 1935 Bauer formulated the fundamental functioning principle of biological
systems and called it “the principle of the permanent inequilibrium.”
“All and only the living systems are never in equilibrium and are using their free energy for continuous work against the equilibrium that is required by the laws of physics and chemistry under current external conditions.”
Bauer E. According to Bauer, this principle arises from the three main postulates, to
which the living systems must conform.
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equilibrium that should take place within given environment for the given initial condition of the system.”
Third, “upon any kind of external influence and, therefore, upon any change of the environment, the system must perform work that would influence the alterations of state induced by said external influence, thus changing them.”
The described principles correlate with modern ideas on self-organizing systems, developed by the schools of I.Prigozhin and G.Haken. According to S.E.Shnol – a prominent Russian biophysicist – the following is directly related to the problems in question:
- 1) thermodynamics of irreversible processes;
- 2) information theory;
- 3) bioenergetics (ways and mechanisms of energy transformation in biological processes);
- 4) physics and physical chemistry of biologically important macromolecules.
This list should also include the concept of cyclic influences of cosmic processes in biology, especially by the Sun. The prominent Russian scientist A.L. Chizhevskiy was the first to draw attention towards these issues. He developed and validated the principle of ‘cosmic determinism’ – the dependence of terrestrial biological cycles on Earth on the cosmic activity.
“We are used to the crude and narrow-minded antiphilosophical idea of life being the outcome of a random interplay of solely terrestrial forces. This, of course, is wrong. We can see that life is more of a cosmic phenomenon than an earthly one. It has been created by the influence of creative dynamics of the Cosmos on the inert material of Earth. It lives by the dynamics of these forces, and every organic pulsation is harmonized with the beating of cosmic heart – the enormous congregation of nebulae, stars, the Sun and the planets”.
Chizhevskiy A.L.
12 Energy Fields Electrophotonic Analysis
Nowadays these issues have been extensively studied by hundreds of scientists all over the world and do not longer cause such controversy as in Chizhevskiy’s time. Ideas of the rhythmic of life in all its manifestations – from an individual person’s cycles of activity, such as neurohumoral and endocrine processes, to the macro scale rhythms of the society – have permeated all layers of society and received public recognition. All the more, we have increasing understanding that those rhythms are directly related to our everyday life and health.
Fundamental trends of medicine of the XXI century
It is becoming obvious that the XXI century calls for a new medical paradigm, a new approach towards health and treatment.
Many physicians and researchers have been developing the principles of this new approach; in particular, these principles are described in the book Logic of Health by the Moscow physician Anatoly Volkov, who based his book on years of medical practice and treatment of hundreds of patients saved from the most serious illnesses.
“Health is an optimal state of the organism that implies adequate reaction of the organism towards any kind of external stimuli
A human organism is a self-regulating system that may be corrected just a little, but must never be regulated from outside.
An organism that provides an adequate response to external stimuli does not need any drugs. Therefore, medicines and drugs should only be used for emergency medical treatments.
Any treatment should aim at restoring the natural level of the
organism’s adaptability to external stimuli, except when some functions of the organism have been irreversibly lost. “
We can see that these ideas have a lot in common with the views of great ancient physicians, from Hippocrates, Galen and Roger Bacon to the Eastern philosophers – Israeli, Chinese, Korean and Indian.
What is happening today in the modern European world is a gradual return to those ideas, to a wider understanding of the nature of human beings and our place in the Universe.
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In the Western industrial countries this process has led to the creation of new medical trends that still have not been properly structured and sometimes do not even have a universal name.
These titles can be seen in journal captions, in names of professional communities, in lectures at international conferences. Although there is still some confusion about the name of the trend, the trend itself has already grown mature, has manifested itself and proved its right to exist. This “novel” medicine employs an overwhelming variety of methods: from acupuncture, homeopathy, electric and magnetic therapy, to psychosocial and informational stimulations. All these different approaches are united by the one main principle – the idea of a human as a unified system, and the concept of influencing the whole hierarchy of processes uniting the material body, mind and soul.
A human being is neither a machine, nor a computer, nor a chemical laboratory – it is God’s creation, the summit of evolution of biological life on Earth.
This changes the whole goal setting of medicine as a practical discipline. The main purpose of contemporary Occidental Allopathic medicine is to cure diseases. At the same time, all physicians understand that terminating a malignant process at an early stage is much easier than doing so during acute manifestations of pathology. Many people could have been saved from heart attacks or strokes if underlying corresponding processes had been secured and understood prior to clinical manifestations. The majority of tumours discovered at early stages can be successfully treated with contemporary methods.
Therefore, one of the main tasks of the XXI century medicine is the creation of a system of early diagnostics and disease prevention, in other worlds – the transition to individual preventive medicine, a medicine of health. Preventing diseases rather than treating them – this is the goal of the ‘new’ medicine.
14 Energy Fields Electrophotonic Analysis
Everything new is old again, the saying goes. The concept of prevention has always been the foundation stone of the Eastern medicines. In ancient China, a family physician received payment only as long as all family members were healthy. Whenever someone fell ill, the payment stopped. No wonder that physicians went to great pains to preserve health of their patients. In contrast, in the Occidental Allopathic medicine we pay physicians when we are ill and consequently… (one does not wish to draw offending conclusions). Part of the Eastern health system consists of meditation techniques, relaxation exercises, massage and hydrotherapeutic procedures – our contemporary medicine has only started to approach this. A whole complex of procedures had been developed for ensuring a healthy life in old age, whereas we have only started assimilation of such methods. Another important thing is that the methods of systemic, integrative, alternative medicine employ only natural ingredients.
Modern synthetic drugs prove effective in the vast majority of cases, especially when saving the life of a patient or turning the tide of a health crisis. Not to mention such drugs as Viagra. Contemporary medicine is a battlefield, when one has to save a patient’s life, without giving much thought to possible secondary consequences.
Natural medicines operate in a much milder way. As a rule, they do not provide an immediate intense effect; they do their job over time, slowly but persistently and successfully. Plant-based medicines can cure chronic illnesses or prevent them from arising in the first place. Small doses of such medicines do not cause addiction or dependence, while functioning in an efficient manner over long- term periods. Apparently, natural substances have something that chemists just cannot synthesize. It might be the systemacity, the complexity of microcomposition that disappears after they isolate the apparently active element.
We have conducted a large series of experiments, comparing the glow of natural aromatic oils against their synthetic analogues with identical mass spectra, i.e. having virtually identical chemical composition. In the majority of cases the glow dynamics of natural oils and their synthetic analogues differed. Therefore, natural products do contain some elusive element that chemists cannot determine, that gives the natural apple its flavour and provides flagrance to the blossoming rose. Maybe it is a good thing chemists cannot find it. Or we would be eating paper smelling like steak. Having McDonald’s everywhere is already quite enough, thank you very much.
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So, the first stage of treatment in integrative medicine is the assessment of the health condition. It must include several elements:
Analysis of the biological energy emanations by means of the EPI method, with assessment of the psychological state and the level of stress.
Depending on the result of these analyses, the physician may then prescribe a systemic treatment or recommend detailed examination of particular organs or systems.
The concept of a biological field
The issue of instrumental analysis is even more urgent in the field of psychophysiology. The developed methods of instrumental methods to study of an individual’s psychophysiological state have a long ago started to appeal to researchers’ history. After the first experiments of Gustav Fechner, it became obvious that psychology is inextricably linked with physiology, that body and soul form a continuous and inseparable entity, a unified system that defines this particular human being as an individual in his/her social interactions, psychological and physical realities.
When we accept the idea of a multilevel structure of a human being that is discussed in great detail in our publications, we come to understand the inseparability of the psychological and the physical and the physiological parts. We may represent this connection by means of a simple diagram:
Soul => Brain => Nervous system => Physiology
or, in other words:
Spirit => Consciousness => Soma
Only when a person lives for his/her soul, enjoying the company of friends and relatives, enjoying his/her occupation, he or she can truly appreciate life, in all its fullness and perfection. That is why the concepts of spirituality and
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