Efficacy of NES Health therapy as determined by three comparative Bio-field assessment devices
Date of Study: May-Sept 2009
- Participants: 240
- Aim: To assess the efficacy of NES Health therapy as determined by the use of 3 comparative biofield assessment devices and an interstitial fluid monitor
- Researcher: Centre for Biofield Sciences, India
Design: Randomly Assigned, Placebo and No Treatment Controlled, Cross Comparison and Efficacy Study of NES Infoceuticals

Analysis: Energy bulge near lower back has reduced. Energy leaks from neck, Solar plexus, Navel chakra and lower legs have reduced. Bio field looks much more continuous after therapeutic interventions. Energy has appeared at level of crown in second follow-up. NES Source Driver priority decreased. Subject reports feeling more energetic.
Efficacy of NES Health therapy as determined by three comparative Bio-field assessment devices
Methodology: 240 subjects:
200 subjects in active group
40 subjects in control (20 = placebo control group and 20 = no treatment group)
- Data collected over three monthly time points
- Each participant filled a consultation/consent form and MYMOP2 clinically recognised self assessmentform
- The following measures were used:
1. PIP (Poly contrast Interference Photography)
2. GDV (Gas Discharge Visualization)
3. EIS (Electro Interstitial Scanner)
4. ESM (Electro Scanning Method)
5. NES (NES Health)