Peter Mandelis an outstanding scientist, a pioneer in the development of new technologies for healing and gifted naturopathic healer.
Peter Mandel
He is the founder of the Mandel Institute for Esogetic Medicine in Germany as well as the International Mandel Institute for Esogetic Medicine in Switzerland. He has developed a complete healing system which incorporates his original assessment system of kirlian photography called Energy Emission Analysis (EEA BioScan – Kirlian Camera), his system of acu-light therapy called Esogetic Colorpuncture and most recently his new brain wave therapies and holographic crystal therapies. He is also the author of many scientific articles and publications.
Over the last 40 years, Mandel’s expertise in naturopathy, homeopathy, acupuncture, chiropractic and massage have formed the basis of his research into new diagnostic systems and therapies.
The result is a system of holistic healing which combines traditional approaches with the newest scientific research in photo-biology and other technologies.
He works with many well-known scientists and institutions, like for instance the biophoton researcher Professor Fritz Albert Popp and doctors at Hangzhou University, China.
Through his clinic in Bruchsal, West Germany he maintains close contact with other clinics with the intention of fostering complimentary cooperation between new holistic healing methods and allopathic medicine. Peter has an honorary doctorate of “ Medicina Alternativa” in Alma-Ata. He is an honorary member of the Academy of Holistic Medicine of the Grieshaber Foundation and a founding member of the “Academy for Medicine and Reformed Healing Methods” in Worms.
Peter Mandel’s clinic in Bruchsal Germany is a destination for patients from all over the world, many of whom have been pronounced incurable by other healing practitioners. They line up at his door at the rate of 150 to 200 patients per day and many of them walk away healthy!
Since the middle of the sixties, Peter Mandel has been intensely occupied researching new holistic treatment modalities, which primarily work where troubling conditions most often originate:in the subconscious.
That includes diagnostic methods like the Energetic Emission Analysis (EEA) and many holistic therapeutic methods like colorpuncture, induction therapy, crystal therapy and audio therapy. All his methods are centered around a core intent: To comprehend and evaluate the human being in his uniqueness as well as possible, and to offer a corresponding individualized holistic solution, which impacts all levels (body/matter, emotion/energy, spirit/information).
Peter Mandel’s systems have become known through hundreds of lectures, seminars, books, newspapers, radio and television. But as we very well know, a master does not just ‘drop out of the sky’…..His professional experience as a naturopathic practitioner is remarkable, but not necessarily the reason for his worldwide success. What characterizes Peter Mandel and his methods started possibly during his first journey to eastern Asia, where he discovered for himself – quasi ‘at the scene’ – different holistic healing methods and philosophical views. He completed study programs in acupuncture in Hong Kong and India. Step-by-step, Peter Mandel thus compared, evaluated and developed a system of holistic healing, which combines traditional knowledge and successful empirical systems with the newest scientific insights and technological possibilities. The strength of this new system is very definitely the applicability of this complex knowledge. His teachings open up entirely new perspectives in the energy screening as well as the holistic realms. Terms like Colorpuncture, holistic pain therapy or ‘conflict resolution therapy’ are nowadays integral parts of Esogetic Holistic Medicine or Esogetic Colorpuncture. Many colleagues, among them acupuncturists, body therapists, chiropractors, physicians, nurses, naturopathic practitioners and physical therapists, practice these methods – also as a complement to allopathic and techno-medical measures. The close contact with clinics – especially in regards to new pain therapies – is an important step to a beneficial, mutually enriching cooperation between new holistic healing methods and allopathic medicine.
Today, Peter Mandel is recognized worldwide as a holistic therapist and a lecturer. He gives talks and seminars in all of Europe, the USA, India, Japan, China, Australia. He works with many well-known scientists and institutions, like for instance the biophoton researcher Professor Dr. F.-A. Popp and the Hangzhou-University, China. Peter Mandel has an honorary doctorate from “Medicina Alternativa” in Alma-Ata, is an honorary member of the Academy of Holistic Medicine of the Grieshaber Foundation and a founding member as well as second chair of the “Academy for Medicine and Reformed Healing Methods” in Worms, founded in 1997.
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