Dr. Pavel Bundzen, Professor
Dr. Pavel V. Bundzen studying the influence of the psycho-emotional state on the characteristics of the glow of the finger (Korotkov’s images) of the subject
Pavel Vladimirovich Bundzen (January 6, 1937 – January 23, 2004, St. Petersburg) is a well-known neurophysiologist. For the period of his scientific activity he published more than 300 scientific works in the domestic and foreign press. Under the leadership of P. V. Bundsen, many highly qualified researchers have grown up, working currently in different countries.
P.V. Bundzen took part in studies aimed at studying the influence of the psycho-emotional state on the characteristics of the glow of the finger of the subject in an alternating magnetic field of high tension. According to Pavel Bundzen, these studies were initiated by him a few years before his acquaintance with K. G. Korotkov and the transfer of his GDV camera to the Bundzen sector. At the same time, Pavel Bundzen expressed his regret that Korotkov’s camera “cuts off” that part of the spectrum that could be very informative. Most likely, these studies were of a methodological nature. Pavel Vladimirovich Bundzen with Kirill Korotkov established annual IUMAB digest IUMAB Review in 1998.
The fact is that Pavel Vladimirovich (the largest specialist in electroencephalography in our country) complained that we (the scientific community, medicine) still do not have a method by which to judge what is happening in a living, intact brain (in a personal conversation shortly before his death). It is clear in this regard, he was inclined to take everything new and try … Waste itself will fall away.
“Please note,” he told us, his colleagues in SPbNIIFK, over a cup of tea, “I never make diagnoses based on the results of the GDV, since I do not consider it possible.” What others do is on their conscience. , and about auras, etc. For Bundzen, the gas discharge was a purely physical phenomenon, which also can and should be studied …
Dr. Pavel V. Bundzen studying the influence of the psycho-emotional state on the characteristics of the glow of the finger (Korotkov’s images) of the subject. Dr. Bundzen author of term “Distant Emission” on Korotkov’s images.

Dr. Pavel Bundzen author and developer of Bioelectrography Sport Research project.
Psychological correlates of athletic success in athletes training
Sport GDV Bioelectrography Research
Psychophysiological Correlates of Athletic Success in Athletes Training for the Olympics
P. V. Bundzen†, K. G. Korotkov, A. K. Korotkova, V. A. Mukhin, and N. S. Priyatkin
Psycho-Dynamic and Bio-Energetic Results of Integrated Mental Training
- P. Bundzen, K. Korotkov and L.-E.Unestal
Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Orebro, Sweden
Prediction of the competitive readiness of Paralympic athletes on the basis of assessment of the circadian rhythm by Gas Discharge Visualization method
Banajan A A1,2, Grachev A A1, Korotkov K G1, Korotkova A K1
1 Petersburg Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sport of the Russian Ministry of Sport, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
2 Federal Research and Clinical Center of Sport Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Moscow, Russia.
Keywords: Paralympic sport, psychophysiological state, the energy state of a person, gas discharge visualization, GDV, Bio-Well, rapid assessment, competition, Athletes readiness.
Correlation between Psychophysiological and Genetic Factors for Top-level and Middle-level Athletes in Sports with Physical Endurance
- P. Bundzen1, K. Korotkov 2 and V. Muhin1
1Research Institute of Physical Culture, 2Technical University “ITMO”, St.Petersburg, Russia
Bundzen P., Kolodiy O., Korotkov K.
Research Institute of Physical Culture, Lesgaft State Academy of Physical Culture, Technical University “SPIFMO”, St.Petersburg, Russia
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