Electrophotonic Experiments during Dr Joe Dispenza workshop July 11-13
Dr Joe Dispenza 5 days workshop with Electrophotonic GDVCAMERA measuring Human Energy Field and record the Energy of Space with a special sensor GDV Sputnik

During 5 days workshop a series of experiments were conducted with Electrophotonic “BioWell” Camera [1-3] (see description in the Appendix). BioWell camera allows measuring Human Energy Field and record time dynamics of the environmental energy with a special sensor “Sputnik”.
All measurements are done in automatic mode using Internet for data processing on server. Human measurements were done before the beginning of the workshop and by the end. A group of people were measured every day by night.
Sputnik sensor was positions at the back of the stage where Joe was presenting before the audience of about 100 people. Every session included collective meditation accompanied by music.
Measurements were done by Kimba Arem, data processing by Dr Konstantin Korotkov
Sputnik sensor data
Every 5 seconds Sensor measures time-line of several parameters and their Standard Deviation (fig.1). After recording is finished researcher puts benchmarks for the significant moments of the session (beginning of presentation, breaks, beginning and end of meditation, etc). Program calculates parameters for every marked interval and evaluates statistical difference between intervals. Data are presented as an Energy of light in Joules. Recording was done in automatic mode 07-11-13.
Example of data recording is presented at fig.1. In the process of recordings significant moments are marked with benchmarks. For statistical processing of data extra benchmarks may be added later. Results of statistical processing of day-by-day data are presented at fig.2-6.
As we see from the graphs below, in the process of meditation Energy in room decreases both on 07-11 and 07-12.
After reaching level of about 1-1.2 J 07-12 in the third session Energy was kept practically at the same level.
This may be interpreted as structurizatoin of space in the room in the process of collective meditations.
Dr Joe Dispenza workshop GDV registration by Dr. Korotkov on IUMAB Library
Human response to the workshop
81 people were measured before the workshop 07-10 in the afternoon and after: following the morning meditation of the blessing of the energy centers on 07-14 from the morning.
As we see from the graph fig.17. for all 81 people Stress level dropped down significally. For 75 participants (93%) energy significally increased (fig.2) and only for 5 people decreased. Energy balance for 100% participants improved (fig.3).
- In the process of collective mediations Energy in room decreased in every session increasing during the breaks.
- The overall increase of the energy from day-to-day of the workshop was noted.
- This may be interpreted as structurizatoin of space in the room in the process of collective meditations.
- 81 people were measured before the workshop 07-10 in the afternoon and on 07-14 by the end of the workshop. For all 81 people Stress level dropped down significally.
- For 75 participants (93%) energy significally increased and only for 5 people decreased.
- Energy balance for 100% participants improved.
- This clearly signifies positive effect of meditation by Dr. Joe Dispenza for Human Energy Field.