Different names of Bioelectrography
Different terms are used to describe the effect of the discharge of objects at high voltage high-frequency fields:

-elektrografiya, electrography (1879 Lachinov DA)
-energografiya, energogramma (1899 Pogorelsky MV)
-elektrofotografiya, electrophotography (1939-Prat S.),
-Images obtained by means of high-frequency currents (1939 Kirlian SD)
-Kirlian-effect, Kirlian effect, Kirlian image, Kirlian photography, Kirlianograms, Kirlian Photography
-electric high-frequency discharge, hugh frequency electrical discharge, EVR (1968-Antonov)
-elektrobiolyuminestsentsiya, Eble, Eble-study (1970 Oxen VN)
– coronene discharge in the high-frequency field, Corona Discharge Photography, CDP (1973-Tiller W.)
– fotopsihografiya, Photopsychography (1974-Parker H.),
– Contact electrophotography (1975-Lane),
-Kirlian Cinematography (1976-Dugger Clark).
-bioelektrografiya, bioelectrography (1978-Konikievicz LW),
-elektrobiofotografiya, elctrobiophotography (1978-Andre Laugt),
-elektrotopografichesky effect (1981 Kravtsov AE)
-elektronografiya, electronography (1983 Dumitrescu I.)
-selective high-frequency discharge, selective high frequency discharge, MID (1985-Antonov A)
– Gas Discharge Visualization, GDV, GDV-grams, GDV-graphy, GDV spectrography (1996 Korotkov KG)
-Energy Emission Analysis, EEA (1986 Peter Mandel)
-vysokochastotnaya Photo, RF photograph (1998-Antonov V.),
-plazmografiya (1994 Bondarev VM)
-BEO-Grams, BEO-graphy (2000 Korotkov KG)
-bioplazmogramma (2000 Inyushin VM)
-gazorazryadnaya Photo (2001 Shustov MA)
-bioenergografiya, biogolografiya, BEO-tomography biogolograficheskaya tomography (BHT) (2001
Shadura MI)
- biofotonografiya (2007 Spielmann AA)
- gazorazryadnoe image GRI (2009 Boychenko)
- elektrofotonika, electrophotonic imaging, EPI (2010-Wisneski LA),
- elektrorazryadnoe image
- bioelektrogramma, bioelectrogram
- Electrophotonic Imaging, Electro Photon Imaging, EPI
- Bio-Well technology
- electrophotonic analysis,
- stimulated elektrofotonnaya emission
- svechenie in high-frequency electric discharge,
- high-frequency high-voltage photography.
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