Bernie Rowen

For centuries man has understood that the human body consists of a complicated system of paths of electrical energy. Acupuncture and allied therapies have relied on identifying and using these paths to reduce pain, cure illness and disease and determine what type of medicinal or herbal cures should be prescribed. Westerners tend to deride this type of diagnosis and treatment and often label it as esoteric claptrap. Witches and Wizards were burnt at the stake in the Middle Ages for far less crazy theories! Modern science has far outstripped the ancient arts and sciences and after all, the sum of our knowledge doubles every five years at present. Now, by reading the auras round each finger we can determine the malfunction of any organ in the body, often long before physical symptoms become evident.

GDV Software
GDV Software

A far back as 1850 it was found that the electrical field surrounding every living entity could be measured. Cabbages, trees, dogs, leeks, human beings, in fact everything emits this mysterious force field. The first real breakthrough came in 1940 when a Russian foreman Semion Kirlian whose job was the repair of medical equipment accidentally found that this enigmatic glow could be not only measured but photographed. He was astonished to find that the electrical crown around the fingers changes colour and size depending on the psycho-emotional condition. Early photographs were time consuming and primitive.

Over the past twenty years much research has been done regarding the accuracy and fine tuning of the Aura glow analysis and recording. Professor Konstantin Korotkov, the world leader in bio- electrography research at St Petersburg University in Russia and his team have studied the Auras of thousands of subjects, and from the results of his findings and research developed the Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) machine.

No more hit and miss but a scientific process of recording and analysing that elusive field of energy that surrounds all living entities. Every physical organ, every function of the mind and body has its precise effect on the human aura, and this can now be recorded using bio – electrography.

A process of computerised analysis follows which produces a full body aura both in front view and profiles. Each finger reading and full body reading is analysed in detail and the results are remarkable. Bernie Rowen of Durbanville in the Cape is an experienced alternative health practitioner. She is qualified in Ayurvedic Primary Health Care, Iridology, Acupuncture, as well as Aromatherapy and Reflexology, and recently underwent a course of instruction in London with Elena Tchernychko who heads the Kirlian Research Institute in the United Kingdom and is a protégé of Professor Korotkof and now Bernie has the first of these machines in South Africa.

Scientists in many countries, including Russia, Brazil, and Germany, having analysed the results of many clinical trials, argue that bio- electrography is the most advanced medical diagnostic system on planet Earth. It has many other advantages, one being that it is possible to measure in very short time periods, the efficacy of any particular treatment given. As the aura changes so rapidly, the response to treatment, whether it be meditation, flower remedies, herbal treatment, homeopathic remedies, crystal healing, yoga, or more conventional methods of treatment will show a marked response in the aura. As Bernie says “ what other system can, in one operation provide comprehensive and reliable information about the entire mind and body system? We can now determine which area of the body according to the Chakra system is out of balance. If, for instance the throat Chakra shows under or over functioning, we can increase our Vitamin C intake to prevent a sore throat from developing. If we find the solar plexus Chakra is out of balance this may indicate problems in the digestive system which can then be treated accordingly. This treatment may include meditation on the colour yellow which is the colour of the solar plexus Chakra. Lack of self esteem may also be indicated by a lack of balance in this Chakra.

This is certainly the ultimate in preventative medicine as our biography becomes our biology – or what shows in the Aura will show in the Organs! “

Mrs Bernie Rowen
Centre for Mind Body Energetics



by Bernie Rowen

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