Christos Drossinakis Seminar 17-28.08.2018

Christos Drossinakis Seminar 17-28.08.2018

23 people took part in the seminar in Halkida, Greece. They meditated every morning under the guidance of Christos Drossinakis and Bettina Heiler and had several sessions during the day.

All people were measured with Bio-Well instrument in the first and last day of seminar.

Most of people demonstrated improvement of their energy parameters.

Fig. 1-3 present averaged data on the group.

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See also movie about Christos Drossinakis: The Healer from HLS Series

At the last day of seminar people had a session of collective meditation. Sputnik sensor was recording for 13 min before the meditation, during and after meditation. As we see from fig. 6- 8, meditation affected Sputnik signal, that was recorded on several parameters: during meditation parameters decreased, which may be interpreted as harmonization of environment. After the end of meditation we see slight increase of parameters.


Christos Drossinakis seminar had positive effect on most of participants.
Collective meditation had statistically significant effect on Sputnik sensor readings.

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