with Krishna Madappa and Boris Petrovic
International Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography
Pyramid effects on humans The Affect of the Great Pyramid on the Human Aura and the Chakra System Carmen Boulter, PhD Abstract Mystics have speculated that the Great Pyramid in Egypt was used to influence consciousness in ancient initiates. Scientific research on how the Great Pyramid influences human consciousness has been limited due to a … Read more
Is There an Information Field in the Life World? Empirical Approach Using Electrophotonic Analysis Erico Azevedo1 and José Pissolato Filho2 1. Ontopsychology Department, AMF, Estrada Recanto Maestro, 338, 97200-000, Restinga Seca-RS, Brazil 2. Energy Systems Department, FEEC/Unicamp, Rua Albert Einstein, 400, 13083-852, Campinas-SP, Brazil Abstract: This paper presents a brief review of distant biological communication … Read more
On November 3rd 1975, David Bowie – in the final stages of recording his legendary album Station to Station – took possession of a strange Kirlian device. Bowie was at this time heavily into the occult; the artwork of Station to Station would feature an image of him sketching the Kabbalistic Tree of Life on the floor (I discussed Bowie’s esoteric interests in “Occult Rock: The Influence of Magick on Modern Music“), so this was no doubt a welcome gift.
Research Report
Institute for Frontier Science
Oakland, California www.frontiersciences.org www.brubik.com brubik@earthlink.net
Effects of Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields from Computer Monitors on the Corona Discharge from Skin Gheorghe Cioca1, K. Korotkov2, Paolo U. Giacomoni1 and Glen Rein1 A. Korotkova2 1-New Venture Technologies, Estee Lauder Companies, Melville, NY, USA. 2-Department of Computer Science, St. Petersburg Technical University ITMO, St. Petersburg, Russia. ABSTRACT Experimentation in humans indicates that electromagnetic … Read more
International Journal of Yoga
Dr. Pavel Bundzen, Professor Dr. Pavel V. Bundzen studying the influence of the psycho-emotional state on the characteristics of the glow of the finger (Korotkov’s images) of the subject Pavel Vladimirovich Bundzen (January 6, 1937 – January 23, 2004, St. Petersburg) is a well-known neurophysiologist. For the period of his scientific activity he published more … Read more