Electro-diagnostic techniques

ELECTROPHOTONIC IMAGING (GDV) TECHNIQUE Konstantin Korotkov, PhD, Professor Electro-diagnostic techniques such as Electro-encephalogram and Electro-cardiogram are widely used in medical practices worldwide. A promising method already utilized in sixty-two countries to great success is bioelectrography, based on the Kirlian effect. This effect occurs when an object is placed on a glass plate and stimulated with … Read more


EPC/EPI/GDV by Lutz Rabe IHN – Infinite Human Nature AB EPC/EPI/GDV General Representative 1. The basic is the Kirlian phenomena The Kirlian principle is very well researched and the discharge phenomena are described by appropriate mathematical models [Korotkov K. Human Energy Field: study with EPC/GDV bioelectrography. Backbone publishing, NY. 2002. 360 p. ISBN 096443119X.]. The discharge … Read more

Kirlian Photography Publications

Bioelectrography publications Kirlian Photography Publications IUMAB Library – books, texts and videos about: Bioelectrography, Electrophotonic Imaging, Gas Discharge Visualisation, Kirliangraphy, Kirlian Photography, Electrophotography, GDV, EPC, EPI, etc 1) Boyers, D G & Tiller, W A (1973). Corona discharge photography. Journal of Applied Physics, 44, 3102-3112.  2) Dakin, H S (1975). High voltage photography. San Francisco: … Read more

GDV/EPI Basic (Rus)

ФИЗИЧЕСКИЕ МЕХАНИЗМЫ И ПРИНЦИПЫ ПОСТРОЕНИЯ СИСТЕМ ГРВ БИОЭЛЕКТРОГРАФИИ Рассмотрены основные физические процессы, протекающие при газоразрядной визуализации (ГРВ) объектов различной природы. Приведены основные параметры систем формирования изображений, комплекса вычисляемых параметров изображений, а также серийно выпускаемых ГРВ приборов. Введение Свечение объектов различной природы в электромагнитных полях высокой напряженности было обнаружено более 200 лет назад и с тех … Read more

International Journal of Unconventional Science

2014 6 International Journal of Unconventional Science International Journal of Unconventional Science (IJUS) is a peer-reviewed, electronic journal. IJUS publishes original and high-quality research papers, surveys, reviews and letters on topics broadly related to boundary phenomena of quantum physics, unconventional information effects, energy, biophysics, medicine, psychology and other disciplines. It supports exchange of ideas and popularization … Read more

Kirlian and Kirlian Photography

KIRLIAN AND KIRLIAN PHOTOGRAPHY HISTORY AND PRESENT BY IUMAB SEMYON AND VALENTINA KIRLIAN KIRLIAN PHOTOGRAPHY KIRLIAN CAMERA HISTORY KIRLIAN GALLERY HUB Kirlian Camera: BIOMED KIRLIAN CAMERA Kirlian Camera by BioMed company, Germany from Kirlian Camera History Dr. Michael König is quantum physicist and is considered a coryphaeus in the field of quantum healing. A Photon-Diagnosis: Vitality is … Read more

Three experiments

3. Three experiments (For the question of energy-information influences and interactions) Vadim Bondarev “Madmen don’t understand whole terrible danger, which they are exposed, when permit astral substances to penetrate in their aura!”  /Helena.I.Rerikh./ «Let’s be more daring. This theme puts many exciting and fundamental questions. If energy and information are connected between them, why we … Read more

Registration of energetic flows

2. Registration of energetic flows of fingers of man’s hand Vadim Bondarev «However if there is something in the world that is better, than to pass away in spirit of past centuries  and to conclude  from their works that we are very ahead?»  /Goethe, «Faust»/ Old oriental philosophy has conception about uni-bearing motive force of … Read more

Registration of ethereal formation

MONOPULSE PLASMAGRAPHY: NEW TRENDS IN BIOENERGETIC RESEARCH OF MAN.  Vadim Bondarev 1.      Registration of ethereal formation and anomalous emergences “Let’s begin from simple fact: man always realizes that he isn’t lonely. Stories about contacts with other form of life and higher sense outside of “real world” are thoroughly stored in legends of all nations of the Earth. … Read more

Digital Filter Visualization

Digital Filter Visualization by Dr. Eliya Kostova of Teslabio-Digital Bioelectrography Tesla Vital Energy The Nikola Tesla Institute, founded in 2012 in Brasília, Brasil is a non-profit scientific organization with a goal of popularization of new energy research. The Institute houses a functioning, fully automated laboratory, built to carry on research in Tesla technologies, with the … Read more