1. Registration of ethereal formation and anomalous emergences
“Let’s begin from simple fact: man always realizes that he isn’t lonely. Stories about contacts with other form of life and higher sense outside of “real world” are thoroughly stored in legends of all nations of the Earth. It’s especially remarkable the statement that we are surrounded with ethereal formations, which can prove in material world by ways unknown to us”. / Jacques Vallee. Parallel world/
“Madmen don’t understand whole terrible danger, which they are exposed, when permit astral substances to penetrate in their aura!” /Helena.I.Rerikh./
“The pupil: Perhaps it’s possible to take a photograph of elementals, as it’s possible to take a photograph of hot air over the stove?
The sage: Anyway I don’t know such cases. But I don’t contend that it’s impossible”. / Helena P. Blavatskaya/
Now kirlian-photography finds an application in bio-energetic research of man. Majority of researchers traditionally use high-frequency generator and regime of multi-impulse excitation. As a result the derivable imprint is a sum of pictures, as it were, put one on other, which, in it’s turn, appearances from influence of each impulse individually. That summary picture, as a whole, reflects state of bio-energetic system of human organism fully satisfactorily. However the picture of true initial state of bioenergetics of researched man, presence and dynamics of behavior of thin energetic emergences is destroyed and masked by plenty of exciting impulses, all that is drop out of researcher’s sight.
Here it’s important at once to pay attention to one circumstance. Not only researched object is exposed by high-intensity field, but so and everything that is present here, in zone of active action of that field. And accordingly all that reacts to influence of electric field too. Therefore it is reasonable that after the first influencing impulse, energy-information situation of researched space is exchanged, and each following impulse makes additional changes. It follows that for reflection of bio-energetic situations with the least distortions, that is in state, which is maximum approached to initial state, it’s possible to consider application of regime of single impulse excitation as optimal regime. Moreover it’s necessary to emphasize that mono-impulse regime of kirlian-photography is sparest, and it is doubtless advantage of this regime. And we use the term “plasmagraphy”, because it represents essence of method fully and exactly.
Long-term bio-energetic research of men with different psychic and parapsychic states (every possible healers, sensitives, channelers), which are realized in Kazakh State university and in different medicinal and sanitary institutions of Alma-Ata, have discovered a number of phenomenal energetic emergences. Its are enough different (1), but here we represent only brief review of just several from its.
1. Plasma structures. Name, of course, is conventional, because nature of its formation isn’t known for us. Actually we deal only with traces, which are reflected on photographic film and remained for us as a fact of its (plasma structures) past presence.
Sometimes a flight of single plasmoid is registered on the film (photo 1), in other cases we observe well-ordered groups (photo 2);