Biofield Imaging

Human Biofield Imaging

(oral presentation)


Human Energy Field (HEF) – conception about Energy Fields around Human Body. Esoteric name of HEF – Aura.

Energy Fields, Meridians and Chakras

Energy Fields, Meridians and Chakras

Science Measures the HEF

7 layers of HEF

The HEF consists of different levels of vibrations or frequencies, and something called chakras. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel of light. Chakras act like energy transformers, either stepping up the energy in frequency or stepping it down. Chakra System. Meridians and channels.

HEF Bioelectrography Research

Human Light System – information transfer using electromagnetic waves (Light) through liquid (Water)

HLS Online Course 

experimental 5 years online course

HLS Series – tv series by Kirill Korotkov

Major Biological system:

Circulatory system: pumping and channeling blood to and from the body and lungs with heart, blood, and blood vessels.

Digestive System: digestion and processing food with salivary glands, esophagus, stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, intestines, rectum, and anus.

Biofield Imaging

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