Bioenergy Measurements for Predictive Medical Diagnosis

Bioenergy Measurements for Predictive Medical Diagnosis

Pradeep B. Deshpande*1, Konstantin Korotkov2, and James P. Kowall3

1Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering, University of Louisville; President, Six Sigma & Advanced Controls, Inc., Louisville, KY 40222 USA

2Professor of Biophysics and Computers, St. Petersburg Federal University of Informational Technologies, Optics, and Mechanics, St. Petersburg, Russia

3James Kowall, MD (Neurology, Internal Medicine), PhD (Theoretical Physics), Eugene, Oregon, USA


Bioenergy is a form of energy that makes life possible. Ailments disrupt our bioenergy field but fortunately, these disruptions can occur well before the symptoms of diseases appear in the body. Therefore, a measurement device for the bioenergy field offers the predictive possibility to avoid diseases and to possibly extend the lifespan. These developments couldn’t have come at a more opportune time as rising healthcare costs have become a cause for major concern to Governments throughout the world.

Keywords: bioenergy, GDV, sickness, meditation, six sigma.


Human beings have trillion of cells. Every cell has a nucleus which contains forty-six chromosomes that come as 23 pairs (23X,X pairs for females and 23X,Y pairs for males). Between the nucleus and the cell-wall is cytoplasm which contains a gel-like substance called cytosol. The cellular matter includes nucleic acids; DNA and RNA, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, water, salts, etc. If we break down the cells further, they are made up of atoms which are made of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Atoms are not solid objects and so a question arises, what characteristics of an atom give the specific character to matter. For example, why is iron, iron and why is gold, gold? The answer is, atomic configuration (number of protons, neutrons, electrons). Change the atomic configuration and the specific character of matter will change. Thus, it is perfectly reasonable to think of ourselves as having made of vibrations, frequency and light, not necessarily visible light. This light-energy controls the subatomic particles which in turn controls the atomic particles, and finally the atomic configuration. From the atomic configuration is born the cellular structure. Change the cellular structure and a diseased cell can become a healthy cell. Furthermore, we are born with light-energy which disappears at or soon after death. For all these reasons, the measurement and enhancements of light-energy may hold the key to a healthier life and a longer lifespan.

Human bioenergy comes in two forms, one that comes from food (calorific, physical energy) and the other is the light-energy. Attributes of physical energy do influence the characteristics of one’s light energy and so proper diet and physical exercise are important to health as we already know. The characteristics of the light-energy vary from individual to individual because of what we inherit from our ancestors and how we have led our lives till present (diet, exercise, emotional traits).

Measurement of Bioenergy

In the mid-nineties a scientific device to measure the bioenergy of humans was developed in Russia. That device and its current counterpart called Bio-Well are inspired by the ancient Chinese system of energy meridians and utilize the gas discharge visualization (GDV) principle. The device provides a non-invasive, painless and almost immediate evaluation. GDV Bio-Well utilizes a weak, completely painless electrical current applied to each fingertip for less than a millisecond. The body’s response to this stimulus is an emission of electrons and light energy photons. The glow of this discharge is captured by an optical Charge Coupled Device (CCD) camera system and then translated into a digital computer file. The data from each test is compared to the database of tens of thousands of subjects to estimate the physiological and psychoemotional state of the subject at a high confidence level. Unlike a traditional medical diagnostic device such as a CT-scan or an MRI which provides information on the subject, Bio-Well provides a statistical response to the question, compared to the database of tens of thousands of subjects, what is the physiological and psychoemotional state of the subject at a high confidence level.

Bio-Well produces several interrelated outcomes: (1) Overall energy, measured in Joules, (2) Stress level and balance between physiological & psychoemotional states, (3) Parameters and relative positions of Chakras, (4) Yin Yang meridians energy distribution, (5) Health Status, and (6) Energy reserve. Figure 1 depicts this information for the first author. The Health Status Bio- gram reflects the current health status of the various subsystems of the subject in comparison to a large number of apparently healthy subjects in the database while the Energy Reserve Bio-gram reflects the potential for future health problems if not corrected. The predictive diagnosis feature arises from the Energy reserve Bio-gram.

The output from the Bio-Well reflects both components of our bioenergy; physical energy and light-energy. This can be verified by measuring the bioenergy of a subject at the start, after rigorous physical exercise, and after meditation. After rigorous physical exercise, the measured bioenergy is seen to decrease which means physical exercises reduce the physical energy component of bioenergy as expected as calories are burned while meditation increases the measured bioenergy which means the light-energy component of bioenergy increases pursuant to meditation.

Measurement of Bioenergy
Measurement of Bioenergy
Measurement of Bioenergy
Measurement of Bioenergy
Measurement of Bioenergy
Measurement of Bioenergy

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