Bioelectrography publications
Kirlian Photography Publications
IUMAB Library – books, texts and videos about: Bioelectrography, Electrophotonic Imaging, Gas Discharge Visualisation, Kirliangraphy, Kirlian Photography, Electrophotography, GDV, EPC, EPI, etc
1) Boyers, D G & Tiller, W A (1973). Corona discharge photography. Journal of Applied Physics, 44, 3102-3112.
2) Dakin, H S (1975). High voltage photography. San Francisco: Dakin & Co.
3) Dumitrescu, I & Kenyon, J N (1983). Electrographic imaging in medicine and biology. Sudbury: Spearman.
4) Ebrahim, H & Williams, R. (1982). Kirlian photography – an appraisal. Journal of Audiovisual Media in Medicine, 5, 84-91.
5) Ellison, A J (1962). Some recent experiments in psychic perceptivity. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 41, 355-364.
6) Ellison A J (1967). Review of the book “The human aura” by W J Kilner. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 44, 27-34.
7) Ellison, A J (1981). The Unexplained, 630-634 and 650-653.
8) Kilner, W J (1920/1965). The human aura (2nd edition, reprint). New ork: University Books.
9) Konikiewics, L W (1977). Kirlian photography in theory and clinical application. Journal of the Biological Photographic Association, 45, 115-134.
10) Leadbeater, C W (1902/1969). Man visible and invisible. Wheaton, IL: Quest.
11) Neher, A (1980). The psychology of transcendence (pp. 186-191). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Spectrum.
12) Omni, June 1981, p48.
13) Pehek, J O and others (1976). Science, 194, 63-270.
14) Tart, C T (1972). Concerning the scientific study of the human aura. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 46, 1-21.
15) Tiller, W A (1974). New Scientist, 25 April, 160-163.

Kirlian Bioelectrography publications
Kirlian Photography Publications

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