Bioelectrography Publications
GDV Bioelectrography Publications in English
Books, Articles, Patents, Proceedings
UPD 2019
Bioelectrography Publications 2008-2018
UPD 2018
Bioelectrography Publications 2016-2017
1. Konikiewicz L.W., Griff L.C. Bioelectrography – A new method for detecting cancer and body physiology. Harrisburg: Leonard Associates Press, 1982. 240 p.
2. Mandel P. Energy Emission Analysis; New Application of Kirlian Photography for Holistic Medicine. Synthesis Publishing Co., Germany. 1986.
3. Korotkov K. Light After Life. Backbone publishing, NY. 1998. 190 p.
4. ISBN 0-9644311-5-7.
5. Korotkov K. Aura and Consciousness – New Stage of Scientific Understanding. St.Petersburg, Russian Ministry of Culture. 1998. 270 p. ISBN 5-8334-0330-8.
6. Sanches Fernando. Aura y Ciencia. Mandala Ediciones. Madrid. 2000.
7. Kononenko I. Machine learning for medical diagnosis: history, state of the art and perspective. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 2001, 23, 89.
8. Measuring the Human Energy Field: State of the Science. Ed. R.A. Chez. National Institute of Health, Samueli Institute, Maryland, 2002.
9. Korotkov K. Human Energy Field: study with GDV bioelectrography. Backbone publishing, NY. 2002. 360 p. ISBN 096443119X.
10. Musiol M-J. Corps de Lumiere. Bodies of Light. Axe Neo-7 Art. 2003. ISBN 2-922794-03-2
11. Measuring Energy Fields: State of the Art. GDV Bioelectrography series. Vol. I. Korotkov K. (Ed.). Backbone Publishing Co. Fair Lawn, USA, 2004. 270 p. ISBN 097420191X
12. Korotkov K. Spiral Traverse. St. Petersburg, 2006.
13. Korotkov K. Champs D’Energie Humaine. Resurgence Collection. Belgique. 2005
14. Korotkov K., Carlos Mejia Osorio. La Bioelectrografia. Baranquilla. Colombia. 2005.
15. Korotkov. K. Geheimnisse des lebendigen Leuchtens. Herstellung Leipzig, Germany, 2006, 142 p.
16. Korotkov K.G. Les Principles De L’Analyse GDV. Marco Pietteur, Editeur, Belgue, 2009
18. The Energy of Consciousness, 2012
19. Science Confirms Reconnective Healing, 2012
more: IUMAB Bioelectrography Publications Forum
See also: IUMAB Library
1. Boyers D.G. Tiller W.A. Corona Discharge Photography. J of Applied Physics, 1973, 44, 3102-3112.
2. Pehek J.O., Kyler K.J., and Faust D.L. Image modulation in Corona Discharge Photography. Science 1976, 194, 263-270.
3. Opalinski J. Kirlian-type images and the transport of thin-film materials in high-voltage corona discharge. J. of Applied Physics 1979, 50, 498-504.
Tiller W. On the evolution of Electrodermal Diagnostic Instruments. The Journal of Advancement in Medicine 1:41-72, 1988.
4. Kolmakow S., Hanninen O., Korotkov K., Kuhmonen P. Gas discharge visualization system applied to the study of non-living biological objects // J. Pathophysiology. 1998. 5. 55.
Skarja M., Berden M., and Jerman I. Influence of ionic composition of water on the corona discharge around water drops. J. of Applied Physics. 1998, 84, 2436.
5. Howell Caroline J. The therapeutic effect of tai chi in the healing process of HIV.
International J of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Nov 1999, pp. 16-20.
6. Shaduri M.I., Chichinadze G.K. Application of bioenergography in Medicine. Georgian Engineering News. 1999, 2, 109-112.
7. Bundzen P., Zagrantsev V., Korotkov K., Leisner P., Unestahl L.-E. Comprehensive Bioelectrographic Analysis of Mechanisms of the Altered State of Consciousness. Human Physiology, 2000, 26, 5, 558-566.
8. Dobson Paul and O’Keffe Elena. Investigations into Stress and it’s Management using the Gas Discharge Visualisation Technique. International J of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. June 2000.
9. Korotkov K., Korotkin D. Concentration dependence of gas discharge around drops of inorganic electrolytes. J of Applied Physics, 2001, 89, 9, 4732-4737.
10. Russo M. Russo M, Choudhri AF, Whitworth G, Weinberg AD, Bickel W, and Oz MC. Quantitative analysis of reproducible changes in high-voltage electrophotography. J of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2001, 7, 6, 617-629.
11. Bundzen P., Korotkov K., Nazarov I., Rogozkin V. Psychophysical and Genetic Determination of Quantum-Field Level of the Organism Functioning. Frontier Perspectives, 2002, 11, 2, 8-14.
12. Bundzen P., Korotkov K., Unestahl L.-E. Altered States of Consciousness: Review of Experimental Data Obtained with a Multiple Techniques Approach. J of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2002, 8 (2), 153-167.
Korotkov K. Human Energy Field: study with GDV bioelectrography. Backbone publishing, NY. 2002. 360 p. ISBN 096443119X.
13. Bell I., Lewis D.A., Brooks A.J., Lewis S.E., Schwartz G.E. Gas Discharge Visualisation Evaluation of Ultramolecular Doses of Homeopathic Medicines Under Blinded, Controlled Conditions. J of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2003, 9, 1: 25-37
14. Korotkov K. Where Do We Go? Frontier Perspectives. 2003, 12, 3, 30-37.
15. Vepkhvadze R., Gagua R., Korotkov K. et. GDV in monitoring of lung cancer patient condition during surgical treatment//Georgian oncology. Tbilisi. 2003. № 1(4). p. 60.
16. Korotkov K., Krizhanovsky E., Borisova M., Hayes M., Matravers P., Momoh K.S., Peterson P., Shiozawa K., and Vainshelboim A. The Research of the Time Dynamics of the Gas Discharge Around Drops of Liquids. J of Applied Physics. 2004, v. 95, N 7, pp. 3334-3338.
17. Korotkov K., Williams B., Wisneski L. Biophysical Energy Transfer Mechanisms in Living Systems: The Basis of Life Processes. J of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2004, 10, 1, 49-57.
18. Krizhanovsky E, Lim Kwong Choong, Influence of Subtle Energetic Change in Water on the Human Energy State, Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine Journal, 2004, Vol. 15 (2)
19. Korotkov K. Experimental Study of Consciousness Mechanisms with the GDV Bioelectrography. In: Science of Whole Person Healing. Volume 2. Rustum Roy (Ed.). New York, Lincoln, Shanghai. 2004. pp. 152-184.
20. Owens J, Van De Castle R: Gas discharge visualization (GDV) technique; in Korotkov K (ed): Measuring Energy Fields State of the Science. Fair Lawn, NJ, Backbone, 2004, pp 11–22.
21. Rubik B: Scientific analysis of the human aura. In Korotkov K (ed): Measuring Energy Fields State of the Science. Fair Lawn, NJ, Backbone, 2004, pp 157–170.
22. Vainshelboim A.L., Hayes M.T., Momoh K.S. Aveda advertisement – Tourmaline Charged Radiance Fluid Jane Magazine. August 2004. pp. 24-25
23. Vainshelboim A.L., Hayes M.T., Momoh K.S. Aveda GDV Research Measures Raw Material Energies “The Rose Sheet” Toiletries, Fragrances, and Skin Care. Vol. 25, No. 16. April 19, 2004. pp. 4
24. Vainshelboim A.L., Hayes M.T., Momoh K.S. New Approaches to Testing Natural Fragrances and Flavors. Happi Magazine. January 2005.
25. Bundzen P. V., Korotkov K. G., Korotkova A. K., Mukhin V. A., and Priyatkin N. S. Psychophysiological Correlates of Athletic Success in Athletes Training for the Olympics Human Physiology, Vol. 31, No. 3, 2005, pp. 316–323. Translated from Fiziologiya Cheloveka, Vol. 31, No. 3, 2005, pp. 84–92.
26. Korotkov K., Bundzen P., Bronnikov V., Lognikova L. Bioelectrographic Correlates of the Direct Vision Phenomenon. J of Alternative and Complementary Medicine . V 11, N 5, 2005, pp. 885–893
27. Vainshelboim A.L., Hayes M.T., Momoh K.S. Bioelectrographic Testing of Mineral Samples: A Comparison of Techniques. J of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2005: Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 299-304.
28. Rubik B., Brooks A. Digital High-Voltage Electrophotographic Measures of the Fingertips of Subjects Pre and Post-Qigong. Evidence Based Integrative Medicine. 2 (4), 245-242, 2005.
29. Hacker GW, Pawlak E, Pauser G, Tichy G, Jell H, Posch G, Kraibacher G, Aigner A, Hutter J: Biomedical evidence of influence of geopathic zones on the human body: scientifically traceable effects and ways of harmonization. Forsch Komplementärmed Klass Naturheilkd 12: 315-327, 2005.
30. Cowan M. and Nunley B. The Effects of Crystal Bowl Toning on the Chakras as Measured by the Gas Discharge Visualization Technique (GDV) and Scores on the Profile of Mood States Scale. Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine. V.16, N 2, pp 37-40, 2005.
31. Gibson s., Williams B. The effect of music and focused meditation on the human energy field as measured by the gas discharge visualization (GDV) technique and profile of mood states. Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine. V.16, N 2, pp 57-60, 2005.
32. Haydon B, Nunley B. A GDV Comparison of Human Energy Fields Before and After Stimulation of Sheay’s Rings of Fire, Earth, Water, Air, Crystal. Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine. V.16, N 2, pp 69-72, 2005.
33. Dobson, P & O’Keeffe, E. The Efficacy of the Gas Discharge Visualization technique as a Measure of Physical and Mental Health. Proceedings of the Eighteenth IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, Dublin, Ireland, June.2005
34. Ciesielska I.L., Masajtis J. The influence of textiles on corona discharge created around a human fingertip. Fibers & Textiles in Eastern Europe. 2007, v. 15, N. 5 – 6, pp 64 – 65.
35. Ciesielska I.L., Masajtis J. The preliminary studies of influence of garments on human beings’ corona discharge. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology. 2008. 20. N 5. pp 299 – 316
36. Polushin J, Levshankov A, Shirokov D, Korotkov K. Monitoring Energy Levels during treatment with GDV Technique. J of Science of Healing Outcome.. 2:5. 5-15, 2009.
37. Korotkov K, Orlov D, Madappa K. New Approach for Remote Detection of Human Emotions. Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • V 19, N 3, pp 1- 15, 2009.
38. Bigler C , Levite D, van der Meer M, Kaufmann M und Weibe FP. Rotwein unter Hochspannung: Mehrjährige Qualitäts-Untersuchung mit Gas-Discharge-Visualisation (GDV). 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau. Beitrag archiviert unter
39. Rgeusskaja G.V., Listopadov U.I. Medical Technology of Electrophotonics – Gas Discharge Visualization – in Evaluation of Cognitive Functions. J of Science of Healing Outcome. V.2, N 5, pp.15-17, 2009.
40. Ciesielska I.L. Images of corona discharges as a source of information about the influence of textiles on humans. Autex research journal, 2009, vol. 9, no1, 36-41
41. Korotkov K.G., Matravers P, Orlov D.V., Williams B.O. Application of Electrophoton Capture (EPC) Analysis Based on Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) Technique in Medicine: A Systematic Review. The J of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. January 2010, 16(1): 13-25.
42. Kostyuk N, Meghanathan N, Isokpehi R.D., Bell T, Rajnarayanan R, Mahecha1 O, Cohly H.,
Biometric Evaluation of Anxiety in Learning English as a Second Language. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, V.10 No.1, pp 220-229, 2010
43. Korotkov K, Orlov D. Analysis of Stimulated Electrophotonic Glow of Liquids. V 2, 44. Szadkowska I. , Masajtis J., Gosh J.H. Images of corona discharges in patients with cardiovascular diseases as a preliminary analysis for research of the influence of textiles on images of corona discharges in textiles’ users. Autex research journal, 2010. v l. 10, n 1, pp 26-30.
45. Ciesielska I.L. The precursory analysis of the influence of garments on corona discharge created around a human fingertip. Textile research journal, 2010; v. 80: pp. 216 – 225.
46. Augner Chr., Hacker G.W., Schwarzenbacher S., Pauser G.: Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV): Eine auf physikalischen Methoden und Meridiananalysen basierende Technik zur Untersuchung von Stressreaktionen und energetischen Schwachstellen – Zwischenbericht laufender Forschung. (Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV): A Technique Based on Physical Methods and Meridian Analyses to Detect Stress Reactions and Energetic Weaknesses – Report of Ongoing Research.) Dt. Ztschr. f. Akup. (DZA) – German Journal of Acupuncture & Related Techniques 53, 14-20 (2010).
47. Korotkov K., Levichev A. The 3-fold Way and Consciousness Studies,
48. Korotkov K., De Vito D., Arem K., Madappa K., Williams B., Wisneski L. Healing Experiments Assessed with Electrophotonic Camera. Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • V 20, N 3, pp 1- 15, 2010
1. Korotkov Konstantin et al. Measurements with Sputnik during the sun eclipse in USA. 08-2017.
2. Kelmerson Henri Buck, et al. Use of Electrobiographic Photo on Comparison Among Breast Cancer, Healthy Sedentary, and Healthy Runners Women // Center for Advanced Research in Quality of Life (CPAQV), Vol. 8, No. 2, 2016
3. Shiva Kumar K. et al. Electro-Photonic Imaging for detecting an intervention (meditation) // International Journal of Current Medical And Pharmaceutical Research, Research Vol. 2, 2016, pp.214-218.
4. Korotkov Konstantin. Recent Advances in Electrophotonic Image Processing // Recent Patents and Topics on Imaging (Discontinued), 5(2): 119-123.
5. Korotkov K. Science of Measuring Energy Fields. A Revolutionary Technique to Visualize Energy Fields of Humans and Nature. In: Bioelectromagnetic and Subtle Energy Medicine. Paul Rosh (ed). CRC Press, London, New York, 2015, pp 111-121.
6. Aleksandrova EV., Kovelkova TN. , Strychkov P V., Yakovleva E G. , Korotkov K G.. Electrophotonic Analysis of Arterial Hypertension. J of Science of Healing Outcome. V.7, N 28, pp 4-12.
7. Yakovleva E. G., Buntseva O. A., Belonosov S.S., Fedorov E.D., Korotkov K., and Zarubina T. V.. Identifying Patients with Colon Neoplasias with Gas Discharge Visualization Technique. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2015, 21(11): 720-724. doi:10.1089/acm.2014.0168.
8. D. Muehsam; G. Chevalier; T. Barsotti; B.T. Gurfein. An overview of biofield devices. // Global Adv Health Med. 2015; 4(suppl):42-51. DOI: 10.7453/gahmj.2015.022.suppl
9. Patent US 9,075,093 B2 Date 07/07/2015 Device for measuring electromagnetic field intensity. Korotkov K.G.
10. The Energy of Space, second edition. The Biointernet Series. Book by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov.
11. The Energy of Health. Book by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov. The Biointernet Series.
12. The Emerging Science of Water. Vladimir Voeikov and Konstantin Korotkov
See also: IUMAB Library
GDV/EPI papers on medicine and psychophysiology published in 2008-2018
In 2010 we published review of papers on application of GDV/EPI technology in medicine and psychophysiology published before 2007 . Herewith we present list of papers published in 2008-2018.
Full text: GDV/EPI papers on medicine and psychophysiology published in 2008-2018
Patent US 7,595,868 B2 Date Sep. 29, 2009 Method for Determining Hair Conditions. Korotkov KG
Patent US 7,869,636 B2 Date Jan 11, 2011 Method for Determining the Anxiety level of a human being.
Dr. Korotkov patents, Biolectrography Patents
Proceedings (Archive)
Proceedings in English
Kolmakow S., Hanninen O., Korotkov K., Bundzen P. Gas Discharge Visu¬alisation and Spectrometry in Detection of Field Effect // Mechanism of Adaptive Behaviour : – Abstracts of Int. Sympos. St. Petersburg, 1999. 39-40.
Bevk M, Kononenko I, Zrimek T. Relation between energetic diagnoses and GDV images. In Proc New Science of Consciousness Conference,. Ljublana, October 2000, pp. 54-58.
Bundzen P., Korotkov K., Massanova F., Kornysheva A. Diagnostics of Skilled Athletes PsychoPhysical Fitness by the Method of Gaz Discharge Visualisation Proceedings 5th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. – Jyväskylä, Finland, 2000. – P. 186.
Bundzen, P.V. and Korotokov, K.G. Health evaluation based on GDV parameters. In Proc International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2000, pp 5-7.
Kolmakov S. and Hanninen O. Fingertip Gas Discharge pattern in electro-magnetic field reflect Mental Activity, Finish Psysiological Society, Joensuu, 27, 2000.
Sanches Fernando. Aura y Ciencia. Mandala Ediciones. Madrid. 2000.
Rein G., Giacomoni P., Cioca G., Gubernick J., Vainshelboim A., Matravers P., Korotkov K. Characterization Of The Energetic Properties Of Gems Using The Gas Discharge Visualization Technique. Proceedings of the International Congress “Science, Information, Spirit”, St. Petersburg, 2001. P.48.
Bundzen P., Korotkov K. New computer technology for evaluating the psycho-physical fitness of athletes. Physical Education and Sport. Warszawa, 2002, 46 (1), 392-393.
Gibson S. The effect of music and focused meditation on the human energy field as measured by the gas discharge visualisation (GDV) technique and profile of mood states. Thesis of a dissertation submitted to the faculty of HOLOS university graduate seminary. April 2002.
Roberts N-R. Parallel investigation of the meridian stress assessment (msa-21) and the gas discharge visualization devices: can they measure the effects of acupuncture treatment on the body’s energy state? Thesis of a dissertation submitted to the faculty of HOLOS University Graduate Seminary. March 2002.
Krizhanovsky E., Korotkov K., Borisova M., Matravers P., Vainshelboim A. Time dynamics of gas discharge around the drops of liquids// Proceedings of the International Congress “Science, Information, Spirit”, St. Petersburg, 2002. P.54-56.
E. Krizhanovsky, K. Korotkov. Dynamics of Gas Discharge around drops of liquids and human fingers // 3rd European Interdesciplinary School on Nonlinear Dynamics for System and Signal Analysis “Euroattractor 2002”: book of abstracts. Warsaw, Poland, 2002. P.68
Bascom R, Buyantseva L, Zhegmin Q, Dolina M, Korotkov K: Gas discharge visualization (GDV)-bioelectrography. Description of GDV performance under workshop conditions and principles for consideration of GDV as a possible health status measure; in Francomano CA, Jonas WB, Chez RA (eds): Proceedings: Measuring the Human Energy Field. State of the Science. Corona del Mar, CA, Samueli Institute, 2002, pp 55–66.
Giacomoni P., Hayes M., Korotkov K., Krizhanovsky E., Matravers P., Momoh K.S., Shaath N. and Vainselboim A. Investigation of Essential Oils and Synthetic Fragrances using the Dynamic Gas Discharge Visualization Technique//World Perfume Congress. Seoul. Korea. 2003, p18.
Giacomoni P., Hayes M., Korotkov K., Krizhanovsky E., Matravers P., Momoh K.S., Peterson P., Shaath N., Vainselboim A. Study of cultural aspects of cosmetology using the dynamic gas discharge visualization technique// Proceedings of the International Congress “Science, Information, Spirit”, St. Petersburg, 2003. P.95.
Vainshelboim A.L., Hayes M.T., Korotkov K., Momoh K.S. Investigation of Essential Oils and Synthetic Fragrances Using the Dynamic Gas Discharge Visualization Technique
IFSCC Conference 2003; Seoul, Korea. Proceeding Book Part 1. pp. 431-43.
Ahmetely G., Boldireva U. et. al. Allergy etiology diagnostics using Gas Discharge Visualization Technique. Proceedings of St. Petersburg Military Medical Academy. St. Petersburg, 2004.
Senkin V.V., Ushakov I.B., Bubeev U.A. Bioelectrographic criteria of overload tolerance of summer pilot team in centrifuge expert test // Proceedings of the conference «Neurobiotelekom» SPb, 2004, pp 69-70
Vainshelboim A.L., Hayes M.T., Korotkov K., Krizhanovsky E., Momoh K.S.
Investigation of natural and synthetic flavors and fragrances using the dynamic gas discharge visualization technique. Proceedings of PITTCON Conference. Chicago 2004. p. 14900-900.
Vainshelboim A.L., Hayes M.T., Korotkov K., Momoh K.S. Intrinsic Energy of Odorant and Olfactory Responses Using Gas Discharge Visualization International Congress of Systematic Medicine. Caracas, Venezuela. January 21-22, 2005. pp. 236-238.
Vainshelboim A.L., Hayes M.T., Korotkov K., Momoh K.S. Investigation of Natural and Synthetic Flavors and Fragrances Using the Dynamic Gas Discharge Visualization Technique. PITTCON Abstract 2004. CD-ROM. 14900-900.
Vainshelboim A.L., Hayes M.T., Korotkov K., Momoh K.S. Observing the Behavioral Response of Human Hair to a Specific External Stimulus Using Dynamic Gas Discharge Visualization TRI/Princeton Conference on Applied Hair Science. Princeton, New Jersey. June 9-10, 2004. Book of Abstracts.
Vainshelboim A.L., Hayes M.T., Korotkov K., Momoh K.S. Observing the Behavioral Response of Human Hair to a Specific External Stimulus Using Dynamic Gas Discharge Visualization Journal of Cosmetic Science. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Applied Hair Science. Full Manuscript. Princeton, New Jersey. June 9-10, 2004. pp. S91-S104.
Vainshelboim A.L., Hayes M.T., Korotkov K., Momoh K.S. Observing the Behavioral Response of Human Hair to a Specific External Stimulus using Dynamic Gas Discharge Visualization IFSCC 3rd Congress. Orlando, FL 2004. Abstract.
Vainshelboim A.L., Hayes M.T., Momoh K.S. Aveda advertisement – Tourmaline Charged Radiance Fluid Jane Magazine. August 2004. pp. 24-25
Vainshelboim A.L., Hayes M.T., Momoh K.S. Investigation of Energetical Properties of Holistic Cosmetic Materials and Products PCITX Personal Care Ingredients & Technology Exposition. April 14, 2004.
Vainshelboim A.L., Hayes M.T., Korotkov K., Momoh K.S. Electric and Magnetic Field and Electron Channeling in Human Hair. IFSCC 23rd Congress. Florence, Italy September 2005.
Vainshelboim A.L., Hayes M.T., Korotkov K., Momoh K.S. GDV Technology Applications for Cosmetic Sciences IEEE 18th Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2005). Dublin, Ireland. June 2005.
Vainshelboim A.L., Hayes M.T., Korotkov K., Momoh K.S. Investigation of Conscious and Subconscious Reactions to Essential Oil Blends ISOEN Olfaction and Electronic Nose 11th International Symposium. Barcelona, Spain. April 13-15, 2005. Poster presentation.
Vainshelboim A.L., Hayes M.T., Korotkov K., Momoh K.S. The New Investigation of Specific Aqueous Systems Using Dynamic GDV-Graphy PITTCON. Orlando, FL. March 3, 2005. Abstract presentation.
Vainshelboim A.L., Hayes M.T., Korotkov K., Momoh K.S. Utilization of Powdered Gemstones in Oil-Based Formulations. IFSCC 23rd Congress. Florence, Italy September.
Korotkov K. MONITORING ENERGY LEVELS DURING CAM TREATMENT WITH GDV TECHNIQUE. Proceedings of IX International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2005. Pp 7-15
Krizhanovsky E.V., Korotkina S.A., Korotkov K.G. ROLE OF THE HUMAN CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM IN THE FORMATION OF THE GLOW OF THE SKIN IN HIGH INTENSITY ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD. Proceedings of IX International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2005. 16-17
Korotkov K. EXPERIMENTS WITH “5TH ELEMENT” SENSOR IN VENEZUELA. Proceedings of IX International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2005. 33-36
Korotkov K. WORLD WITHOUT BLINDNESS. Proceedings of IX International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2005. 38-42
Vainshelboim A.L., Hayes M.T., Momoh K.S., Raatsi C. Price K. Korotkov. K. Investigation of essential oils and aroma ingredients using Dynamic GDV. 37th ISEO, Grasse, France, 2006, L-14.
Korotkov K.G., Petrova E.N., Malyugin V.I., Kizevetter D.V., Vainshelboim A., Matravers P. TIME DYNAMICS OF HUMAN HAIR REACTION TO LASER ILLUMINATION AND ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD. Proceedings of X International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2006. 73-74
Korotkov К., Korotkova A., Petrova E. Evaluation and analysis of the athletes inclined to using alcohol and drugs. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. Jyvaskyla, Finland, 2007.
Ciesielska I.L., Masajtis J. The influence of textiles on corona discharge created around a human fingertip. Fibers & Textiles in Eastern Europe. 2007, v. 15, N. 5 – 6, pp 64 – 65.
Bigler C., Weibel F.P. Testing agricultural commodities with Gas-Discharge-Visualisation (GDV). Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “MEASURING ENERGY FIELDS”, Kamnik, Tunjice, 2007, pp. 93-96.
Cowan M. The Effects of Crystal Bowl Toning on the Chakras as Measured by the Gas Discharge Visualization Technique (GDV). Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “MEASURING ENERGY FIELDS”, Kamnik, Tunjice, 2007, pp. 103-106.
Dobson P., O’Keeffe E. Investigation into the GDV Technique and Personality. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “MEASURING ENERGY FIELDS”, Kamnik, Tunjice, 2007, pp. 111-112.
Džamić I., Kunosić J., Mlađenović M. Sensitivity of human energetic field to geopathogenic radiation and the efficiency of magnetic protection. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “MEASURING ENERGY FIELDS”, Kamnik, Tunjice, 2007, pp. 97-98.
Korotkov K. Scientific Analysis of the Energy Fields with Electro-Photonic Capture/Gas Discharge Visualization (EPC/GDV). Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “MEASURING ENERGY FIELDS”, Kamnik, Tunjice, 2007, pp. 10-11.
Korotkov K. Water and liquids analysis with EPC. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “MEASURING ENERGY FIELDS”, Kamnik, Tunjice, 2007, pp. 35-37.
Korotkov K. General principles of electrophotonic analysis. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “MEASURING ENERGY FIELDS”, Kamnik, Tunjice, 2007, pp. 87-92.
Papuga P. Methodological difficulties in GDV evaluation in patients with hyperthyroidism. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “MEASURING ENERGY FIELDS”, Kamnik, Tunjice, 2007, pp. 113-116.
Saeidov W. Living water from Tunjice and its properties. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “MEASURING ENERGY FIELDS”, Kamnik, Tunjice, 2007, pp. 38-39.
Stošić A., Kononenko I., Porenta M. The influence of artificial beach on human coronas. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “MEASURING ENERGY FIELDS”, Kamnik, Tunjice, 2007, pp. 99-102.
Žulič A., Kononenko I., Šmarčan D. The influence of Situla A Detox on human coronas. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “MEASURING ENERGY FIELDS”, Kamnik, Tunjice, 2007, pp. 107-110.
Vrhovnik K., Jakovljević M., Tušak M. Effects of relaxation technique step-by-step on anxiety, depression, arterial blood pressure and heart rate on patients with cardiovascular disease. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “MEASURING ENERGY FIELDS”, Kamnik, Tunjice, 2007, pp. 131-134.
1. Chalko T. Earthquake energy rise on earth. Proceedings of XII International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2008
2. Dornbierer E., Stoyer T., Bigler Ch., Pirchl G. GDV study about the interference suppression of veins in the community of vorderstoder (Austria) Proceedings of XII International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2008
3. Dulnev G.N., Strazhmejster I.B., Chashchin A.V. Estimation of informational influences of spiritual practice on the person by using of the system “Eniothron” Proceedings of XII International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2008
4. Dulnev G.N., Krashenjuk A.I. Informational medicine Proceedings of XII International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2008
5. Gaupp-Berghausen R. The water is mirror of qualitative information Proceedings of XII International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2008
6. Korotkov K., Petrova E., Zhai H., Chan H., Wolfram L.J., Maibach H., Matraverse P. Electro photonic analysis of human hair and influence of humidity Proceedings of XII International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2008
7. Korotkov K., Matravers P., Petrova E., Korotkova A., Shapin A. Correlation between objective and subjective reactions to smelling essential oils Proceedings of XII International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2008
8. Korotkov K., Matravers P., Mommoh K., Petrova E., Korotkova A., Shapin A. Influence of massage with essential oils to human energy Proceedings of XII International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2008
9. Korotkov K.G., Orlov D.V., Petrova E.N. Standardization of measurement process on «GDV compact» Proceedings of XII International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2008
10. Korotkov K.G., Matravers P., Pharm.D., Orlov D.V., Williams B.O. Application of electrophoton capture (EPC) analysis based on gas discharge visualization (GDV) technique in medicine: a systematic review Proceedings of XII International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2008
11. Korotkov K .effects of shamanic ceremony in Peru on GDV-grams Proceedings of XII International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2008
12. Korotkov K., Korotkova A. Study of the condition of matadors during the corrida Proceedings of XII International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2008
13. Kozik S.V. Study of empirical GDV parameters and data of psychodiagnostics Proceedings of XII International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2008
14. Krashenyuk A., Danilov A., Korotkov K. The monitoring in real time and an estimation of adequacy leeching treatments Proceedings of XII International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2008
15. Levichev А. An example of a singular action of scale transformations within the linear-fractional action of the conformal group on the non-compact group U(1,1) Proceedings of XII International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2008
16. Maibach H., Zhai H., Chan H.P., Wolfram L.J., Matraverse P., Korotkov K., Petrova E. Electro photonic analysis of hair and non hair fibers and investigation of different hair treatments Proceedings of XII International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2008
17. Semichina L.P. Perspectives of Development of Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Products which do no disturb the Water Structure in Human Tissues Proceedings of XII International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2008
18. Smirnov I. MRET activated water and its successful application for prevention treatment and enhanced tumor resistance in animal oncology models Proceedings of XII International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2008
19. Steel R. The evolution of ideas over thirty years working with Kirlian photography Proceedings of XII International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2008
20. Taylor R. A preliminary study of the “life-energy” associated with orgonite, ormus and pyramids by means of a quantitative dowsing technique Proceedings of XII International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2008
21. Voeikov V.L. Water – the proto-organism Proceedings of XII International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2008
22. Yakovleva E.G., Struchkov P.V., Zarubina T.V., Kondratova E.U. Evaluation of GDV diagnostic potential for detection of patients with main arterial involvement on extracranial level and left ventricular hypertrophy Proceedings of XII International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2008
23. Kopyltsov A.V., Lukyanov G..N., Serov I.N. Semiconductor plate with the self-affin relief of surface in interaction with the electromagnetic radiation Proceedings of XII International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2008
24. Cohly H., Kostyuk N., Isokpehi R., Rajnarayanan R.Bio-electrographic method for preventive health care. Proceedings of XIV International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2009
25. Kostyuk N., Rajnarayanan R., Isokpehi R., Korotkov K., Howcroft S., Yeager M., Mann H., Cohly H.
Bio-electrographic method in detecting heterogeneity and unique features in autism Proceedings of XIV International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2009
26. Ewer T.QEEG in CFS and MCS – Rewiring Neural Pathways Proceedings of XIV International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2009
27. Korotkov K.Complex approach to study of noosphere-ecology parameters Proceedings of XIV International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2009
28. Korotkov K., Sorokin O.EPC/GDV measurements during sun eclips 01.08.2008 in Siberia Proceedings of XIV International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2009
29. Korotkov K.Baikal water ceremony by Dr. Masaru Emoto 03 August 2008 Proceedings of XIV International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2009
30. Korotkov K., Madappa K. EPC/GDV measurements during reconnection workshop in Los Angeles Proceedings of XIV International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2009
31. Orlov D.V., Korotkov K.G., Velichko E.N. Methodology of measuring natural environmental objects using EPC/GDV method Proceedings of XIV International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2009
32. Khannanov I., Korotkov K., Orlov D. Essay in Bioelectrography of Musical Effects nvironment Proceedings of XIV International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2009
33. Velichko E.N., Sochevanov V.N., Brunov V.V., Tulyakova K.A. The results of GDV/EPA measurements with air antenna in “places of power” of Vologodskaya area Proceedings of XIV International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2009
34. Velichko E.N., Sochevanov V.N., Brunov V.V. Influence of “places of power” of Vologodskaya area on human state Proceedings of XIV International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2009
35. Pearl E., DeVito D. The new frequencies of healing Proceedings of XIV International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2009
36. Rodina J.D., Ovcharenko S.V., Malojvan J.V. Psychological aspects of disabled sportsmen training and the usage of gas discharge visualization technique Proceedings of XIV International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2009
37. Rabe L. Evaluation of training sessions for the EMF balancing technique using the GDV/EPI measurement technology Proceedings of XIV International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2009
38. Levichev А. The simplest matrix realization of the oscillator group L and a possible mathematical model for Daniel Andreev’s “Multi-Planed Reality” Proceedings of XIV International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2009
39. Rey L. Life and the living beyond space and time Proceedings of XIV International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2009
40. Rey L. Glimpses on the transfer of information in homeopathic dilutions Proceedings of XIV International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2009
41. Shishkanov S.F., Domrachev G.A., Vorobiev A.V., Volovik M.I. Nanotechnologies for investigation of water decomposition by GDV- and thermal-vision methods: heat effect of radical recombination and its applications in medicine Proceedings of XIV International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2009
42. Voeikov V.L., Do Ming Ha, Mukhitova O.G., Vilenskaya N.D., Malishenko S.I., Proceedings of XIV International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2009
43. Bogachuk A.S. Intrinsic sustained activity of bicarbonate aqueous solutions Proceedings of XIV International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2009
44. Pollack G. Water, Energy and Surfaces: An Unexpectedly Profound Linkage Proceedings of XIV International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2009
45. Kolokolov V.A., Grigorovich V.K., Dzyba G.N., Grigorovich N.V. Evaluation of human organism reaction on nutrition and food product’s properties using the GDV method Proceedings of XIV International Scientific Congress on Bioelectrography “Science. Information. Spirit”, Saint-Petersburg, 2009
See also: IUMAB Library
BOOKS, PROCEEDINGS of congresses
The book by Dr. Korotkov “Human Energy Field. Study with GDV Bioelectrography” has been translated into French by Jean-Marie Danze.
Proceedings of the VIII International Congress “Science. Information. Spirit.”
2004. St. Petersburg. Russia.
The edition is devoted to the VIII International Congress on Bioelectrography which took place 3-5, July, 2004 in St.-Petersburg. In this book, articles reflecting the basic directions of researches in the field of medical, applied bioelectrography and water study are collected. The materials submitted in the book predetermine availability of the further researches on improvement of the method GDV and its subsequent introduction into the international medical, sports and research practice.
Measuring Energy Fields: State of the Science.
Author: K. Korotkov
Volume I in the GDV Bioelectrography series presents recent studies and applications of the Gas Discharge Visualisation (GDV) technique. Our previous books were created by a small group of associates. This volume presents a wide range of articles by authors from different countries. After seven years of development, the GDV techniques entered a new stage of “catalytic growth” with innovative methods emerging from various laboratory and clinical settings. Research by independent groups around the world demonstrates that the GDV technique provides methods for recording subtle dynamics in the energy fields of objects with various natures.
GDV assessment methods are demonstrated to have a wide range of important applications in medicine, sports performance, materials testing, as well as analytic studies of human consciousness and spiritual healing.
“Human Energy Field: study with GDV bioelectrography”
Author: K. Korotkov
This book is dedicated to the presentation of the scientific foundations and practical applications of the Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) technique. This technique represents a revolutionary new method for the study of biological subjects, namely biological energy fields. This research extends scientific tradition, developed in Russia in the twentieth century. The Human Energy Field carries information on physical, mental and spiritual states of a human being, and the GDV Bioelectrography technique is the first method in the world which gives an opportunity to study this information. Utilizing the latest advances in technology, such as microelectronics, computer imaging, and data mining, scientists have been able to create an entirely new class of scientific instruments that allow the practitioner to view, measure and analyze biological subjects in a manner that has never been possible before. The GDV technique has been found to have numerous highly important applications in medicine, sports, consciousness studies, material testing and other areas, discussed in this book…
Whether the reader is a physicist, poet or philosopher, this technique offers an entirely new understanding of the world in which we live. Each encounter simply confirms the wisdom contained in all the holy books of every religion. We are all one. We are all connected. We are the interrelation of Matter, Information and Spirit.
Table of Contents
Ch.1 Introduction on GDV technique.
Ch.2 BEO GDV Analysis (protocol, principles of recording and analyzing GDV-grams,
BEO-grams, separation of psychological and physical energy fields, estimates of
anxiety and stress, right-left correlations, measurements of the energetics of Chakras,
measuring the influence of mental processes on human energy field, influence of
individuals, effect of perspiration,, testing of medication and substances, GDV therapy.
Ch.3 Dependence of GDV parameters on age (entropy of biological organisms,
BEO-gram characteristics of ages, children and youths, adualts, and elderly, transition
to the end of physical life, posthumous state.
Ch.4 Examples of GDV analysis.
Ch.5 Medicine (results and prospects of GDV bioelectrography applications, bronchial asthma patients, health quality evaluations).
Ch.6 Consciousness study (bioelectrography correlation with direct vision phenomenon, influence of consciousness on the processes in the material world).
Ch.7 Sport (evaluation of the psycho-physical fitness of athletes based on GDV method).
Ch.8 Testing Liquids (distilled water characteristics, time dynamics of gas discharge around liquid drops).
Ch.9 Physical approach.
Ch.10 Biophysical approach.
Ch.11 Mind-body connections.
Ch.12 Oriental philosophy and medical approach.
Ch.13 Entropy-synrgetic approach.
Ch.14 Fields of biological subjects.
Ch.15 Essay on consciousness.
Ch.16 Studies of GDV parameters of various materials (water, homeopathic solutions information-coded medicines, blood, urine, other biological liquids, plants, foods, minerals and precious stones).
Ch.17 Stability and reproducibility of GDV-graphy data.
Ch.18 GDV camera design.
Ch.19 GDV software.
Ch.20 “Quantum-Health” system of health analysis.
“Aura and Consciousness: New stage of scientific understanding”
Author: K. Korotkov
What is Aura from modern point of view and how it may be studied and measured? How we can measure consciousness influence to the physical world? How GDV technique is related to Kirlian photography? All these topics and a lot of others are discussed in this book. Mainly it is dedicated to results of GDV technique basics and practical applications – the technique has drawn strength both from quantitative processing and the new scientific understandings of subtle dimensions. GDV technique benefits both from the beauty of colorful star-like pictures and from the accuracy of their statistical analysis.

Author: K. Korotkov.
Changes happenning to a person while the process of dying are of utmost interest. Evidence of people having suffered clinical death, religious experience – everything says that death is not the process of turning of alive intellectual substance to ashes, but the process of separation of mortal body and immortal soul.
Whether it is possible to fix the process of separation of two substances – immortal soul and mortal body objectively, without relying on evidence of witnesses. Does it happen immediately, or the soul parts the body gradually?
There are a set of questions which need demonstrative answers. Moreover, all these questions have fundamental, universal meaning, they determine, mainly, our attitude to the world and human’s place in it.
In this book, Dr. Korotkov gives answers to these questions.
Основы ГРВ биоэлектрографии
Author: K. Korotkov
Рассмотрены научные основы и практические приложения метода газоразрядной визуализации (ГРВ) биологических объектов. Проведенные в последние десятилетия изыскания позволили выявить физическую сущность процессов визуализации и создать принципиально новый класс аппаратуры., использующей последние достижения микроэлектроники, компьютерные методы обработки изображений и формирования заключений на базе анализа многопараметрических массивов данных. Метод ГРВ нашел применение в медицине для скрининга и мониторинга состояния здоровья, психофизиологии для количественного определения уровня стресса и психофункциональной готовности к выполнению сложной профессиональной деятельности, в исследовании Сознания, изучении свойств жидкостей и материалов.
Предназначена и физикам, и лирикам, стремящимся познать картину мира во взаимоотношении Материи, Информации и Духа.
Proceedings of the V International Congress “Science. Information. Spirit.”
2001. St. Petersburg. Russia.
Proceedings of the VII International Congress “Science. Information. Spirit.”
2003. St. Petersburg. Russia.
The edition is devoted to the VII International Congress on Bioelectrography which took place 6-8, July, 2003 in St.-Petersburg. In this book articles reflecting the basic directions of researches in the field of mental trainig, medical and applied bioelectrography are collected. The materials submitted in the book predetermine availability of the further researches on improvement of the method GDV and its subsequent introduction into the international medical, sports and research practice.
Journal “Consciousness and Physical Reality” (in English).
2000 “Folium” publishing company, Moscow.
CD-ROM with presentation of Dr. Korotkov at “Science and Consciousness” conference, Albuquerque, USA, April 2002 (in English).
CD-ROM with video film “Live Light” (overview of the GDV results and research programs. 1999. 20 min. English).
CD-ROM with video film “Late Late Show” (presentation by Dr. K.Korotkov at Irish Television. 1998.
20 min. English) and GDV information package.
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